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Alarming: Some Jews and Zionists Are Using Exaggerated Hysteria to Destroy Free Speech on

by Grady Grip
There is something very disturbing going on with the University of California school systems that is more serious than over-inflated allegations of anti-Semitism and hate crimes on college campuses in California, and that is special interest bully pulpit attempt by some Jews to get regulations passed that outlaw any kind of speech that that basically rejects the Zionist project in Israel as a Jewish State. This is a very serious attack on free speech in one of America’s college systems. Trying to broaden the definition of anti-Semitism as “denying the Jewish people their right to self-determination and denying Israel the right to exist” is clearly political blackmail. For several years now various Jewish right-wing organizations and individuals have been waging a political battle against criticism of Israel and Zionism and now it is focusing more and more on American campuses. See video: BDS Grows Across College Campuses.
Alarming: Some Jews and Zionists Are Using Exaggerated Hysteria to Destroy Free Speech on UC Campuses

By Grady Grip

[Note: There is a legitimate reason why this essay is written under a pseudonym—it is because of the controversial nature of this complaint. In this world people who speak truth to power can find themselves and their reputations destroyed such as some professors who get to critical of Israeli politics. If it was safe to put real name to this message I would do it—but the truth is that many people are afraid to criticize Israel, Zionists and Jews because they know they will be attacked in many ways. Steven Salaita was fired from the UI at Urbana-Champaign for posting tweets critical to Israel’s role in Gaza. Zionist fanatic Alan Dershowitz succeeds in destroying the teaching career of Norman Fickelstein, etc., with other examples as a real war on free speech. So the arguments herein must stand on their own merits. Also if broader definitions of anti-Semitism are enacted you would not be allowed to learn of this letter or the article attached below. Contentious speech especially needs to be protected.]

[Note 2: The Regents of the Regents of University of California System need to take their time and not rush into anything rash just because some vociferous people are trying to use emotional blackmail and supposed morality to get their way. These campuses need a new Free Speech Movement like back in the 1970s when upper class kids were finally getting riled up about America’s involvement in slaughtering millions of Asians in Indonesia. It doesn’t need a ball and chain status in a world in which even much of the mainstream media has been corrupted.]

[Note 3: If you feel this message is important, then by all means, email, fax, print, manually mail, propagate, tweet, twitter, and publish to all that might care. It is very important other people help spread worthy ideas and arguments. There is a very serious battle going on in America and we cannot allow psychological blackmail to win out.]

There is something very disturbing going on with the University of California school systems that is more serious than over-inflated allegations of anti-Semitism and hate crimes on college campuses in California, and that is special interest bully pulpit attempt by some Jews to get regulations passed that outlaw any kind of speech that that basically rejects the Zionist project in Israel as a Jewish State. See: University Of California May Give Students Right To Not Be Offended by Blake Neff at:

This is a very serious attack on free speech in one of America’s college systems. Trying to broaden the definition of anti-Semitism as “denying the Jewish people their right to self-determination and denying Israel the right to exist” is clearly political blackmail—and frankly there has been far too much political blackmail by Zionists around the world—especially regarding censoring unpopular ideas they do not want circulated (and too often ideas showing how the history of modern Zionism has really operated). Take for example some history journals refusing to allow advertisements of the following well documented book: Against Our Better Judgment: The Hidden History of How the U.S. Was Used to Create Israel by Alison Weir, see: http:/http://www.IfAmericansKnew.Org or

For several years now various Jewish right-wing organizations and individuals have been waging a political battle against criticism of Israel and Zionism and now it is focusing more and more on American campuses. See video: BDS Grows Across College Campuses at:;_ylt=A2KIo9cFQv5VoCkAFbssnIlQ;_ylu=X3oDMTByN2RnbHFoBHNlYwNzcgRzbGsDdmlkBHZ0aWQDBGdwb3MDMw--?p=Adelson+sheldon+Bias+On+College+Campus&vid=711cf2e890d1cc2683c7f7dc3567dca3&

To give an idea how prevalent this is here is a small sampling of articles one can read on the internet—there are many more:

Silencing Dissent: How Biased Civil Rights Policies Stifle Dialogue on Israel at:

Right-Wing Thought Police: Assault Free Speech on Campus at:

Israel’s War on American Universities | Common Dreams - See more at:

It’s happening in Israel too. See: The full story behind the war against free speech in Israel’s Universitiesat:

Conservative activist admits responsibility for #JewHaters posters at UCLAat:

Israel's War on American Universities by Chris Hedges at:

Right-wing groups creating climate of fear at Israeli Universities at:

The Jewish War On Free Speech by Br Nathanael Kapnerat:

Obviously some people are waking up to some Jews yelling and screaming about feelings of intimidation and fear by supposedly anti-Semites. And not surprisingly too often it is a tactic of reverse psychological intimidation. People have been so beaten by the constant guilt-trip Christians and Nazi’s destroying Jews. The anti-Semite card is used all the time to cow people in giving in to more Israeli and Zionist demands. Few people dare directly challenge this emotional game of intimidation.

And it also turns out that some so called swastika vandalism events were actually carried out by Jewish person pretending to be non-Jewish anti-Semites in order to create false panic and hysterical alarm about in trying to project a climate of how supposedly terrible the environment is for Jewish students. This pattern has been found out several times around the country.

It is easy to alleged one is victim to some hate crime when no one really knows who really carried it out, such as etching “Hitler did nothing wrong” or a message found in a campus saying “Zionists should be sent to a gas chamber”. Too often no one knows who really carries out these things and no doubt some are really acts of anti-Zionism or anti-Semitism.

If you read about the concept “swastika vandalism” at:
The article, that delineates specific instances of Jews carrying out this sort of thing, starts out:

Swastika Vandalism is vandalism aimed at garnering sympathy for victims of faith-hatred (or other minorities) for some kind of political or (sometimes) personal reason/gain. It is sometimes referred to as a "false-flag" because it has at times been carried out by members of the "persecuted minority" themselves.

Of course no one really knows how often alleged acts of anti-Semitism are true—surely some are. But when we look at the ADL website we can read some statements from their annual audit at:

The total number of anti-Semitic incidents in the United States increased by 21 percent in 2014 in a year marked by a violent anti-Semitic shooting attack targeting Jewish community buildings in Kansas and anti-Jewish expressions linked to the war in Gaza.

The Anti-Defamation League’s (ADL) annual Audit of Anti-Semitic Incidents counted a total of 912 anti-Semitic incidents across the U.S. during the 2014 calendar year. This represents a 21 percent increase from the 751 incidents reported during the same period in 2013, and is the first time in nearly a decade of declines where the overall number of incidents has substantially risen.

Despite the increase in incidents, the total number of anti-Semitic acts still represents one of the lowest totals of anti-Semitic acts reported by ADL since it started keeping records in 1979. Still, the Audit has also identified new trends in anti-Semitic incidents, including the phenomenon of hacking attacks on community and synagogue websites by overseas hackers, which multiplied in 2014.

The ADL Audit cited a marked increase in anti-Semitic incidents during the 50 days of conflict between Hamas and Israel beginning with air raids on July 7 and into the subsequent ground invasion in Gaza to root out Hamas rockets and tunnels. Anti-Semitism manifested on the fringe of anti-Israel movements during and after Israel’s Operation Protective Edge as Jewish individuals and institutions became the targets of anti-Semitic rhetoric and acts of vandalism…

Whereas if we realize there are supposedly about 20.6 million college students in the United States, and if we were to assume 1000 incidents of alleged anti-Semitism happened that would be about 1 for every 20,000 students. But not all reports are from colleges but rather from a much larger statistic—the population of the United States that is over 300,000,000.

An ADL audit for two years earlier 2012 is at:

It starts out: “ADL Audit: U.S. Anti-Semitic Incidents Declined 14 Percent in 2012: Continuing Two-Year Downward Trend” and later in that report we get the act number of incidents reported on colleges across the country: “The ADL Audit reported a significant increase in anti-Semitic incidents on campus during 2012. A total of 61 incidents were reported on college campuses, compared with 22 incidents reported in 2011.”

Within this report it also expresses how ‘opinions’ (not acts of intimidation) are anti-Semitic:

Some of those incidents included the use of anti-Semitic imagery under the guise of anti-Israel activism, with conspiracy theories about Jewish political and economic control being voiced on campus. For example, at a May “Palestine Liberation Week” program at the University of California, Irvine, Amir Abdul Malik Ali, a Northern California-based imam, claimed that “Zionists” were responsible for the financial crisis in the U.S. He also argued that Zionism is a corrupting force for “Jews who believe in it.” At Northeastern Illinois University in March, Gilad Atzmon, a self-described Israeli “ex-Jew” who has described Judaism as “extremist, chauvinist [and] racist,” used Holocaust-related language to demonize the State of Israel and reiterated conspiracy theories.

Personally I’ve read several of Gilad Atzmon’s criticisms of Israel and he far from being some blatant anti-Semite. Rather he contributes important and critical insights to those who are not deterred from reading his stuff. His right to be heard is exactly what America should be all about. It is time for young people everywhere to read famous quotations on free speech such as those many by John Stuart Mills. It’s contentious and radical free speech that deserves defending—not the stuff that has no power to offend. Read Zionists Latest Anti-Semitic Inducing Provocation: Trying to Destroy a Highly Worthy and Sane Nuclear Deal with Iranby Sea Shelly (found on the Internet). This type of intelligent discussion is exactly what Zionists are trying to suppress and make it illegal to discuss. Such an article would not be allowed and yet it should have the right to be heard.

Salomon Rushdie would be imprisoned under this kind of wolf in sheep skin repression.

So it seems rather obvious this censoring attack at the University of California is sinister as it conflates ugly opinions (which all people have a right to hold since we live in a world where very ugly things happen) with the concept of anti-Semitism equals anything that criticizes Jews or Zionists or Israelis in any way that seems of feels hostile. This is really an insidious game being underhandedly played (and of course this very essay too will be called anti-Semitic because it frustrates the Zionist agenda).

We are not talking about people being beaten up or physically attacked (by far in most incidents). 61 incidents in 2012 over a 20 million population of college students is not a super huge phenomenon. 20 million divided by 100 equals 1 alleged victim for every 200,000 students. Granted it would be ideal if humankind lived in some utopia and this counterargument is not meant to not take serious what truly is serious even it actual occurrences are statistically small.

But more to the point the screaming of anti-Semitism has little to nothing to do with the truth value of an opinion such as someone who argues “Zionists are responsible for the financial crisis” or “Israel was behind 9/11” or “Hitler did not do anything wrong”, etc. but rather trying to destroy the right to share an ugly or critical opinion by creating laws that criticize something about Israel regardless of whether the so-called anti-Semitic statements is true or not. This is really the notion of extremist totalitarianism.

Just maybe Hitler was far less the monster than many of us have been lead to believe? Some historian opinions who argue such have been outlawed as anti-Semitic in Europe. Maybe Israel was in fact involved in 9/11—doesn’t that idea deserve proper examination—rather than rejecting the notion as not fit to think about. Granted a lot of people do not want to think about it.

Some people want to live in a mental bubble in which they can believe that Jewish peoples and Zionists never do anything wrong and are always history’s victims. Yet there are some theories out there that paint a very different picture (they are labeled conspiracy theories to denigrate them so people will be less prone to explore them).

The question is not trying to create the impossible—a world of make believe in which Zionist can do whatever they want and no one will be allowed to question their behavior. The question is more the need for people to get out of their conceited bubbles and dare looking at alternative explanations that sometimes seen more real and true than what they currently think. See this important article: Campus is seen as next battleground against Iran Deal — by ‘rightwing fanatics’ Annie Robbins at: And it is important to realize after reading some of these references that campus Hillel are directly involved and they cannot claim some kind of neutrality.

Alternative explanations on the history of World War 2 that are different than the Zionist-dominated explanations we have been inundated with for decades do not automatically make them evil even if they paint Zionism with a brush that suggest unethical behavior by some Zionists. These alternative explanations are often called Holocaust Denial or World War 2 Revisionism and are being outlawed in various countries in Europe and elsewhere. This kind of double standard is desperately insane. See:
“Laws against Holocaust denial” at:
Also see: “Israel Campaigns Against Global Free Speech” at:
and “Hate-Speech Hypocrites: How can we ban hate speech against Jews while defending mockery of Muslims?” at:
and “Criminalizing Criticism: A Zionist Project – An Analysis” by Lawrence Davidson at:

But more alarming is the likelihood that college and university politics of allegations of anti-Semitism is the possibility people learn of some disturbing but possibly important truths that require they see their relationship with Israel in new ways.

There has been too much hysteria acted out to manipulate freedom of speech rules not just on campuses but around the world and including our country. In fact many organizations and people get their very ideas about prejudice from Zionist organizations such as ADL and Southern Poverty Law Center, themselves biased as even some ADL groups have been involved in promoting anti-Muslimism. See another eye-opening article: Anti-Muslim bigotry is being funded by the Israel-right-or-wrong crowd by EllyBulkin and Donna Nevel at: (in this article we see ADL sometimes gets involved in promoting such prejudice (as they do far too little to combat anti-Muslimism even though for example the Palestinians are far more related to the ancient Israelis than modern Caucasian Jews who mostly have no DNA connection what-so-ever)).

So this political battle is about far more than allegations of anti-Semitism on college campuses. This is a continuation of trying to quell curiosity and true free speech. Americans, including many Jewish-Americans are far more naïve about things than reality seems to be. People have a right and duty to learn ugly truths.

Another current example of this is how this whole ISIS/ ISIL phenomenon as explained by the mainstream media is very different than what Americans are being told. It seems as reported from multiple sources it is a secret plan to fight another of Israel’s enemies—namely the Bashar Assad regime of Syria (but Israel of course isn’t taking any refugees). See a smattering of alternative explanations that suggest the world is being deeply lied to by mainstream media:

If people start waking up to what has really been going on then there will be some anger and some finger pointing. Most Jews and Zionists don’t know either. Instead they want to maintain a status that what they believe in isinvariably true and any expression that implicates their people is obviously a lie and a hate crime. Furthermore they want everyone else in the world to continue to believe what seems their fantasy world.

Some choose to use the phrase “anti-Israel activist” rather than “anti-Zionist” because one apparent goal of this exaggerated fear-mongering to conflate the terms anti-Zionism to anti-Semitism as if the two meanings were the same—all neatly under the same rubric (as somehow always a moral crime whereas criticizing other nationals is seldom deserving of such a notorious conceptual symbol packed with so much obvious evil). As Sea Shelly writes: “No one complains about calling Muslims terrorists and accusing them of perpetrating 9/11”. That is to say no one is trying to outlaw that kind of free speech.

This way they can scream with so much histrionics ANTISEMITISM IS ON THE RISE on campuses, and yet they know it largely involves Israel. But there is a big war planned to kill free speech on American colleges due to the BDS movement. Sheldon Adelson is ready to spend millions of dollars to kill this intellectual movement on college campuses. These forms of anti-Semitism politics is not going away any time soon. And could some complainers actually be paid for this kind of thing? See: Adelson to Host Event on Anti-Semitism Within U.S. College Campuses by Suzanne Vega at:

I do not believe the extent of these claims made are as real as how the imagination works for rhetorical effect. Surely there are legitimate cases of anti-Semitism at play especially in a statistical field as large as the United States. And granted I’m not part of any campus system and I do not have firsthand experience—but I am well aware that one Zionist strategy in killing the message is ad hominem attack on the messenger. Exaggerating anti-Semitism, as crying wolf, is typical strategy rather than dealing with the actual realities that build anti-Zionist attitudes such as Israel’s horrific and war crime attacks on Palestinians last summer. Now Israel’s and AIPAC’s push to kill the Iran deal which is a better than a good deal.

People have a right to oppose the idea of a Jewish homeland in Palestine or old Canaan. This is not some Absolute-in-Stone concept all peoples simply should accept. There are good reasons to oppose any theocratic government or ethnocentric movement—no matter how some feel ordained. Such an opinion or argument should not be barred from discussion. Granted Israel doesn’t overtly call for the Palestine’s destruction—rather it practices it year after year with war crimes. Meanwhile Israel cries out about threats of being pushed into the sea—but it engages pushing Palestinians off the map.

What some people are calling for is the U.S. State Department’s definition of anti-Semitism. See U.S. State Department Official Definition of 'Anti-Semitism’ - (Wow.) by Martin Hill at:
It is important that you read this citation because you can see how very broad and implicating such a political move is (and note many of the key positions held at the Department of State are people who are Jewish). It’s not a definition rather it is a jail cell composed of many iron bars.

Yet compare these supposed thought crimes to the actual crimes committed in Gaza last summer. See: Israeli Atrocities: NY activist students highlight Israeli crimes…Netanyahu Leverages Terror Threat To Further Colonial Expansion And More at: and also see: Israel’s War Crimes in Gaza by Marjorie Cohn at:

What Israel has been doing for years is not simply making people feel bad or merely hurling insults or allegations or posting hostile symbols but rather a whole litany of brutal and ferocious war crimes. The real question is why there have not been more loud and uproarious protests on college campuses and around the country? The reaction here in America has been tame. You could call it a charade and would still be less hyperbolic than the whiners and complainers who feel because they are Jewish they have some inevitable right to get their way here in America because Americans are naïve pushovers.

No doubt likely there are instances of anti-Semitism such as messages painted on doors. And surely not everyone protesting anti-Semitism is doing it under false premises. I do not discount the concern as real and yet I refuse to allow this type of easy exaggeration, especially in an implied statistical sense, to become red- herring because some Americans don’t want to know how much others are waking up to the atrocities in Israel and their overly zealous control they have practiced over our Government (especially Congress).

The goal expressed by some is to silence Jewish voices. This is “their”opinion (and it is a subjective opinion), which they certainly have a right, as few have heard of silenced Jewish voices in modern America.

But nor should any campus allow Jewish or Zionist voices to silence others who harbor righteous anger over the politics of the Israeli government. There are a lot of people who feel silenced by this typical Zionist self-righteousness. This is their style of intimidation and it has worked around the world rather well.

So it doesn’t matter if some Jewish Americans get angry and cry like babies because they can’t always get their way! It is time they grow up and realize other people have right too.

[Note: If you feel this message is important, then by all means, email, fax, print, manually mail, propagate, tweet, twitter, and publish to all that might care. It is very important other people help spread worthy ideas and arguments. There is a very serious battle going on in America and we cannot allow psychological blackmail to win out.]

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