Protest - Tell The Sierra Club: "No Clearcuts, No Pesticides!"
Join the Protest: August 25, 4 PM
San Francisco Bay Chapter, Sierra Club, 2530 San Pablo Ave, Berkeley
Why protest the Sierra Club? Because the SF Bay Chapter:
*promotes the widespread use of herbicides, including Roundup (glyphosate);
*promotes clearcutting of East Bay forests by public agencies, using taxpayer dollars;
*has filed suit vs. FEMA to force implementation of this destruction
What sort of environmentalist advocates destruction of forests and use of herbicides?!
Here are some facts:
* 2,059 acres of public lands are targeted, from Point Richmond to Castro Valley
* Over 450,000 trees are slated for destruction
* Thousands of gallons of herbicides will be applied over a 10-year period, including Roundup
* Roundup was recently reclassified as a “probable human carcinogen”. It can cause cancer in dogs & other animals.
Sierra Club bases its position on 3 pillars of faith: stigmatizing the “non-native”, extermination of “invasive species,” and fire prevention. Climate change and current evolutionary science challenge the distinction between native and non-native; modern biologists have shown that eucalyptus invasiveness is a myth, rooted in prejudice & dogma; and the Mayor’s Task Force on the ‘91 Oakland fire warned against removal of specific tree species. In fact, the clearcut will INCREASE FIRE RISK:
● by eliminating living trees, shade & fog drip which retain significant moisture, a natural fire retardant;
● by destroying the windbreak that provides a barrier to wind-driven fires typical of CA wildfires;
● by encouraging growth of highly flammable grass on unshaded bare ground. Most CA wildfires start in grass.
One of the primary drivers of climate change is deforestation. The clearcut will release massive amounts of carbon, worsening climate change. Entire ecosystems will be destroyed, along with precious habitat for millions of creatures, including endangered bees, Monarch Butterflies, Bald Eagles, and countless other species.
The SF Bay Sierra Club position is out of sync with local grassroots environmentalists, who generally oppose this plan. We refuse to support the club with our membership fees or our votes. JOIN US! Burn (or recycle) your SC membership card with us! Do your own research, look at the evidence, and DEFEND THE FOREST!
Sign the online petition to the Sierra Club:
Look at the evidence:;;;;
Join an online action/discussion group (Coalition to Defend East Bay Forests): email
Visit the Hills Conservation Network booth at the Solano Stroll, Sept. 13th
Organized by the Forest Action Brigade (FAB!) Contact:
Peaceful protest - wheelchair accessible - no scented products please
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