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DARK Act To Be Voted On In The House Next Week!! Say No to GMO!

by via Pamm Larry, LabelGMOs
Let’s not let Monsanto, Syngenta and the Grocery Manufacturers bypass the will of 90% of the population. Vote NO on HR 1509, YES on the DeFazio bill HR 913. We want real labeling, not a greenwashing program.
DARK Act To Be Voted On In The House Next Week!!

It’s scramble time again!!

“The Safe And Affordable Food Act” is also called the “Monsanto Protection Act of All Times” or the “Deny Americans The Right To Know” (DARK) Act. Whatever you want to call it, it’s moved out of the Ag House Committee and will be voted on next week on the House floor.

We have to do our best to get as many NO votes as we can.

What does DARK do?

1- Takes away States' right by pre-empting any state GMO labeling laws

2- Allows for GMOs to be labeled as natural

3- Basically prohibits the FDA from doing its testing and labeling job and puts in place a voluntary labeling scheme that folks will have to pay for. NonGMO Project would be outlawed in favor of this USDA program. Will they test?

4- Takes away States' rights to control their agricultural practices and seeds. This would pre-empt any local moratoriums and bans on growing GMOs

5- Does not require labeling, only allows for voluntary labeling which has been in place since 2001 with NO ONE ever labeling.

If this goes to the Senate…the good news is that there is no concurrent bill there so far. We have got to make sure we have a ton of NO votes to make a statement to the Senate that we want this bill to die NOW.

Will you be part of a team to visit your rep? If so, please contact Pamm Larry by replying to this email [plarry [at]] and I’ll see how many folks we can gather.

If you cannot visit, please make multiple calls. Find your rep at then call his DC office. If you’d like some talking points, these are the best I’ve seen for DARK [see below].

Please add your voice! We need all of us to make calls and/or visit our reps to make sure that they hear us loudly and clearly. We’ve done a great job and have had many victories. Let’s not let Monsanto, Syngenta and the Grocery Manufacturers bypass the will of 90% of the population. Vote NO on HR 1509, YES on the DeFazio bill HR 913. We want real labeling, not a greenwashing program.

Thanks and see you on the streets!

Pamm Larry, LabelGMOs

LabelGMOs California's Grassroots · United States
H.R. 1599 would improperly pre-empt state and local control over genetically engineered foods, often referred to as genetically modified organisms or GMOs. In place of state laws, H.R. 1599 would establish a federal policy of voluntary labeling for GMOs that is doomed to failure. The bill also creates a federal government bureaucracy for non-GMO labeling, even though there is already a private system that’s working well, and prevents state and local governments from implementing any sort of oversight of GMO crops, even when the federal government has declined to regulate them.


Contact: Judith McGeary, Farm and Ranch Freedom Alliance, 254-697-2661, Judith [at]
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