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Video Shows Salinas Police Hitting Man on Ground

by Monterey County Police News
A video was posted to Youtube that shows a group of five officers with the Salinas Police Department violently hitting a man they have pinned to the ground during an arrest on North Main Street on June 5. Even though the man is on the ground and not moving, officers can still be seen hitting him with clubs. A Youtube user by the name of Richard Boxing uploaded the video with the title, "Salinas Police Wrong." The video was originally uploaded to:
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In a press release dated June 6, the Salinas Police Department released the name of the man who was arrested as being Jose Velasco, age 28. The press release also states that Velasco was tased by the officers.

Police say they were dispatched to North Main Street for a male who was, "screaming, running into traffic and jumping on cars," and that he was "reported" to be, "trying to throw a woman (who turned out to be his mother) into traffic in front of cars," according to the press release. The police give conflicting information in the press release, and also say that, "the victim had also called in about her son running in traffic."

The press release can be viewed at:
by Monterey County Police News
by Monterey County Police News
by Monterey County Police News
§Still from video
by Salinas Police Wrong
§Sister's comments
by Youtube
In the comments section of the Youtube video, Antoinette Ramirez, who says she is Velasco's sister writes:

"The cop who came in running just to hit him in the head. Had to do that. He was already on the floor. And yes he is sick. And why was he in the streets my mom had him their. So don't talk before you know the story you might have seen it. But you don't know the hole story. You don't known mom or my brother.
In danger to the cops come on they have guns. They k ow how to use them sticks. As you can see.
I didn't see my brother reaching for any of them cops. But okay.
Good job salinas PD
Ya okay."

"My Poor Brother. He is mentally ill and the cops had no right to keep hitting him he was already on the floor. The cops have done this to many times. I se the cops in the ER walking around like they got hurt. Bull shit. He didn't hurt any of them cops. And to do that in front of my mom is so harsh. Praying for everyone in salinas. The cops are out of control. And they can be who's going to stop them :("

"He didn't try to kill my mom. You guys don't know shit. You dum ass fuck heads. She walked away just fine. You all talk but don't know nothing. The day it's someone close to you. I'm sure you'll be crying to. But till then good job cops right. It's always good job to the cops. Even when they kill this young men. Stupid ass ppl you don't know shit."

"No he did not try to hurt or kill my mom. Everyone can say what they want but only God knows the truth."
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by njuyBH1HB
by John Cohen-Colby
...just like Santa Cruz Police Chief Kevin Vogel should be canned. Also federalize the Salinas Police Department.
by G
Apparently Obama said he can't federalize every police force, hinting at the widespread need to do so, which set off the wingnuts and LEO apologists, freaked out by the possibility. Meanwhile, LEO gangs are still maiming and killing unchecked. Clearly that hate filled bald club wielder needs to be removed from polite society ASAP, the other badge wielding thugs too. But the feds are unlikely to act, they are part of the same legally immune gangs. Federal, state, and local governments are unwilling and unable to stop the violence.

Perhaps this is 'chickens coming home to roost'? After all those 'wars', where thugs were given toys and ego strokes and allowed to kill indiscriminately (see also: collateral murder video, leaked by Manning), the 'jobs program' of militarized police forces are a continuation of deadly habits. False patriots, like false Christians, wallowing in obvious evil.
Another Public Torture Session Caught On Tape — This Time It's Sadistic Cops in Salinas, California (Video)

Mentally ill 28-year-old Jose Velasco is the victim this time. He was tortured with batons and tasers by one group of cops, and when more cops showed up they join in the attack.
El jefe de policía de Salinas, California, ha solicitado al fiscal general que inicie una investigación tras la publicación de un video filmado por un testigo en el que se muestra a oficiales de policía golpear a un hombre con sus cachiporras mientras yace en el piso. La madre de José Velasco sostiene que su hijo padece problemas mentales y que estaba teniendo un episodio cuando ella llamó al 911. La policía afirma que Velasco había consumido metanfetamina y que atacó a su madre.
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