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May Day #ShutItDown Communique and Banner Drop Photos!
In preparation for May Day protests, a determined unionist dropped a banner early this morning reading "May Day #SHUTITDOWN!" at 17th and Broadway. This Banner was intentionally dropped near Latham Square, the site of the 1946 Oakland General Strike, in hopes to revive the tactic. We think it is the most effective tool for working class people to achieve their demands for a living wage, against police violence, and against austerity and gentrification. We hope to shut down the city this May Day to show the world that the workers are the ones that run the system and it is time to stop it's exploitation and stop the destruction of the working class, poor, and the planet we inhabit.
In preparation for May Day protests, a determined unionist dropped a banner early this morning reading "May Day #SHUTITDOWN!" at 17th and Broadway. This Banner was intentionally dropped near Latham Square, the site of the 1946 Oakland General Strike, in hopes to revive the tactic. We think it is the most effective tool for working class people to achieve their demands for a living wage, against police violence, and against austerity and gentrification. We hope to shut down the city this May Day to show the world that the workers are the ones that run the system and it is time to stop it's exploitation and stop the destruction of the working class, poor, and the planet we inhabit.
May Day #SHUTITDOWN Full Schedule and Posters!
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All around the world May Day has been a day for direct action, reclaiming the streets, speaking out against injustice. Systematic racism, police violence, environmental catastrophes, and economic inequality are some of the many oppressions that are destroying our lives and the planet we live on. May Day should always be the day to take it to the next level and #shutitdown. We cannot continue to live this way and May Day we say ENOUGH IS ENOUGH.
Pre-May Day:
May Day #SHUTITDOWN – Banner and Picket Sign Art Party! Come make May Day banners and Picket Signs with us at the Omni to the May Day #SHUTITDOWN activities in Oakland! Thursday April 30th – 10 AM to 5 PM – Omni Commons – 4799 Shattuck Ave. – Oakland CA . Can’t paint? You can support us by bringing paint, brushes, fabric, flag poles, ect.You will also be able to pick up May Day flyers for last minute distribution!
Pre-May Day for Freddie Gray – Thursday April 30th – 7 PM – Latham Square – Broadway and Telegraph Ave. – Oakland The Night before the May Day #shutitdown activities we will march in solidarity with Baltimore and will recruit people for the following day’s protests. There will be May Day flyers available to distribute during the protest.
– 5:30 AM – Converge for a Flying Picket against Clorox –
We will rise early in the morning on May Day, gathering 5:30 AM at Broadway and Telegraph, to picket the Clorox company. We demand that Clorox uses union labor and respects its workers, that they pull out of the Oakland Zoo’s “California Trail” Development, that they financially support grassroots projects led by black and brown people from Oakland, and stop all animal testing in their facilities.
After the picket we will join other May Day #shutitdown activities!
– 7:30 – Blockade the Commute at Macarthur BART –
– 9:00 AM – #LaborAgainstPoliceTerror Rally at the ALREADY SHUTDOWN Port Of Oakland (Berth 62) 11182259_10153251114808571_4008297220841606344_n
– 10:00 AM – #LaborAgainstPoliceTerror March from the Port to Oakland City Hall
– 12:00 PM #LaborAgainstPoliceTerror Rally at Oscar Grant Plaza (14th and Broadway)
Facebook event for Port Shutdown!
International Workers Day Regional Festival and March in San Francisco
– 1:30-3:30 PM – Festival @ Civic Center Plaza – SF
– 3:30 – Regional March to 24th and Mission
– 5:00-5:30 – Closing program 24th and Mission
– 7:00 PM – May Day for Freddie Gray/Anti-capitalist Rally @ Latham Square – Broadway and Telegraph Ave. - Oakland
– 8:00 PM May Day for Freddie Gray March @ Oscar Grant Plaza – 14th and Broaday – Oakland –
We call on different social and climate justice movements to shut down oppressive infrastructure by uniting and organizing direct actions and flying pickets on the morning of May Day.
The site of the 1946 Oakland General Strike. Latham Square, be our central meeting location.
#blacklivesmatter #shutitdown
May Day #Shutitdown Assembly fliers to print and hand out!…
so·cial strike [soh-shuh strahyk]
A mass strike with socio-political demands such as a living wage, clean water, or a city-wide rent freeze.
fly·ing pick·et [flahy-ing pik-it]
A picket traveling from place to place to support local pickets, where needed, during any strike; the purpose is to combat all forms of class betrayal or collaboration by preventing scabs from crossing picket lines.
Our Diversity of Tactics/Time or Space Agreement:
1. Our solidarity will be based on respect for a diversity of tactics and the plans of other affinity groups.
2. The actions and tactics used will be organized to maintain a separation of time or space.
3. Any debates or criticisms will stay internal to the movement, avoiding any public or media denunciations of fellow activists and events.
4. We oppose any state repression of dissent, including surveillance, infiltration, disruption and violence. We agree not to assist law enforcement actions against activists and others
May Day #SHUTITDOWN Full Schedule and Posters!
Share and invite your friends!
All around the world May Day has been a day for direct action, reclaiming the streets, speaking out against injustice. Systematic racism, police violence, environmental catastrophes, and economic inequality are some of the many oppressions that are destroying our lives and the planet we live on. May Day should always be the day to take it to the next level and #shutitdown. We cannot continue to live this way and May Day we say ENOUGH IS ENOUGH.
Pre-May Day:
May Day #SHUTITDOWN – Banner and Picket Sign Art Party! Come make May Day banners and Picket Signs with us at the Omni to the May Day #SHUTITDOWN activities in Oakland! Thursday April 30th – 10 AM to 5 PM – Omni Commons – 4799 Shattuck Ave. – Oakland CA . Can’t paint? You can support us by bringing paint, brushes, fabric, flag poles, ect.You will also be able to pick up May Day flyers for last minute distribution!
Pre-May Day for Freddie Gray – Thursday April 30th – 7 PM – Latham Square – Broadway and Telegraph Ave. – Oakland The Night before the May Day #shutitdown activities we will march in solidarity with Baltimore and will recruit people for the following day’s protests. There will be May Day flyers available to distribute during the protest.
– 5:30 AM – Converge for a Flying Picket against Clorox –
We will rise early in the morning on May Day, gathering 5:30 AM at Broadway and Telegraph, to picket the Clorox company. We demand that Clorox uses union labor and respects its workers, that they pull out of the Oakland Zoo’s “California Trail” Development, that they financially support grassroots projects led by black and brown people from Oakland, and stop all animal testing in their facilities.
After the picket we will join other May Day #shutitdown activities!
– 7:30 – Blockade the Commute at Macarthur BART –
– 9:00 AM – #LaborAgainstPoliceTerror Rally at the ALREADY SHUTDOWN Port Of Oakland (Berth 62) 11182259_10153251114808571_4008297220841606344_n
– 10:00 AM – #LaborAgainstPoliceTerror March from the Port to Oakland City Hall
– 12:00 PM #LaborAgainstPoliceTerror Rally at Oscar Grant Plaza (14th and Broadway)
Facebook event for Port Shutdown!
International Workers Day Regional Festival and March in San Francisco
– 1:30-3:30 PM – Festival @ Civic Center Plaza – SF
– 3:30 – Regional March to 24th and Mission
– 5:00-5:30 – Closing program 24th and Mission
– 7:00 PM – May Day for Freddie Gray/Anti-capitalist Rally @ Latham Square – Broadway and Telegraph Ave. - Oakland
– 8:00 PM May Day for Freddie Gray March @ Oscar Grant Plaza – 14th and Broaday – Oakland –
We call on different social and climate justice movements to shut down oppressive infrastructure by uniting and organizing direct actions and flying pickets on the morning of May Day.
The site of the 1946 Oakland General Strike. Latham Square, be our central meeting location.
#blacklivesmatter #shutitdown
May Day #Shutitdown Assembly fliers to print and hand out!…
so·cial strike [soh-shuh strahyk]
A mass strike with socio-political demands such as a living wage, clean water, or a city-wide rent freeze.
fly·ing pick·et [flahy-ing pik-it]
A picket traveling from place to place to support local pickets, where needed, during any strike; the purpose is to combat all forms of class betrayal or collaboration by preventing scabs from crossing picket lines.
Our Diversity of Tactics/Time or Space Agreement:
1. Our solidarity will be based on respect for a diversity of tactics and the plans of other affinity groups.
2. The actions and tactics used will be organized to maintain a separation of time or space.
3. Any debates or criticisms will stay internal to the movement, avoiding any public or media denunciations of fellow activists and events.
4. We oppose any state repression of dissent, including surveillance, infiltration, disruption and violence. We agree not to assist law enforcement actions against activists and others
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