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From the Open-Publishing Calendar
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Indybay Feature

Defend OSHA Whistleblowers-Rehire Federal Attorney Darrell Whitman Who Is Defending Worker

Friday, February 27, 2015
4:00 PM - 5:00 PM
Event Type:
Injured Workers National Network
Location Details:
7th And Mission St.
San Francisco, California

Defend OSHA Whistleblowers-Rehire Federal Attorney Darrell Whitman
Who Is Defending Workers Fighting For Our Health And Safety

EVENT: 2/27 SF Press Conference And Rally
Friday February 27, 2015 4:00 PM
7th And Mission St.
San Francisco, California

OSHA Federal Attorney Darrell Whitman is one of only 3 attorneys in the 9th Region of
OSHA protecting health and safety for whistleblowers. This region covers nearly 40 million
workers. Whitman has been fighting the systemic violation of the rights of OSHA
whistleblowers. He has challenged the systemic corruption in at OSHA and the DOL top
management which not only refuses to enforce the law but has allowed some managers to
falsify federal documents and illegally suppress the rights of whistleblowers.

This is not only a worker issue but the right of the public and communities to be protected
on the highways with trucks, on the railways, airlines, at oil refineries, nuclear plants and
even our health and safety in buildings and other work and industrial sites.

As a result of fighting for whistleblowers, Whitman himself has come under attack
being bullied and threatened for following the law. This press conference will report on this
case and also the connection to the workers and communities in the bay area and the

For More Information

Sponsored by
Injured Workers National Network
United Public Workers For Action
Added to the calendar on Wed, Feb 18, 2015 4:24AM
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