From the Open-Publishing Calendar
From the Open-Publishing Newswire
Indybay Feature

Striking Back at the Stay-Away

by Robert Norse
In a preview of protests scheduled for the next Council meeting and thereafter, "Push-Back" Pat Colby and fellow HUFF activists set up a table with coffee, brownies, petitions, and fliers on Pacific Avenue on Martin Luther King Day. This was the first in a series of demonstrations raising awareness of poor people being turned into criminals at night for sleeping, smoking, being in parks, sitting down near a building, recycling, playing a guitar for donation outside the bracketed performance pens on Pacific Ave, gathering in a group along the levee, etc.
Three flyers on the issue
§Moving Beyond Tokenism
by Robert Norse
In other cities, activists continued "Black Lives Matter' demonstrations blocking freeways and demanding an end to police business as usual. See
§Bringing It Home to Santa Cruz
by Robert Norse
The obscene abuse of those without shelter outside continues in the dead of winter. Neither Lane nor Posner have anything on the agenda to address this for next Tuesday. Nor has he agreed to direct the staff to confirm the stats that Raven Davis presented, he declined to do that as well showing no public safety concerns of any substance in the parks and the focus of the attack being against homeless survival behavior.
by Robert Norse
The "Tanks, No Thanks" flier was designed by Abbi Samuels and Keith McHenry.

The "What Would MLK Do?" and "Did You Know...?" fliers were designed by Pat Colby.

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