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Indybay Feature

San Francisco: Solidarity Action At Spanish Consulate

by anarchists
Against repression, against authority
On December, 22nd, 2014, a group of anarchists stormed the Spanish consulate in San Francisco. After throwing leaflets into the consulate, tipping over the Spanish flag, and yelling curses, the group left without incident.

On December, 15, 2014, the Spanish state passed the "ley de mordaza", a gag law that makes it a crime to insult a cop, film a cop, or assemble in large groups. On December 16th, 2014, the Spanish state raided several houses and apartments in Barcelona. After seizing electronics, documents, and clothing, the state imprisoned 7 anarchist on vague charges relating to terrorism. These anarchists are meant to be an example of what happens when you lift your head against fascism.

If the Spanish state wants to imprison and criminalize anarchists, we are more than willing to fight back. Never again will the dictatorship rise! Freedom to the prisoners! Down with the state!

Long live anarchy!

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by Friend of Puig Antich
Actually the 'dictatorship' already has arisen -- its called parliamentary democracy.

This is a fine first step.

However, more is needed: the Spanish state is about to criminalize all forms of public protest and dissent. These will be the most draconian repressive measures in Europe:

Democracy means doing what the rich tell us to do.

The question now iis, will their be more actions to draw public attention to the crimes of the Spanish state? Or will this be a one-time-only bonding ritual, like the forgetable Dolores Park event of April 2012?
by Thank you!
Thank you for your action!

Soy de Barcelona donde participo de col·lectivos anarquistas i vivo en una comunidad en el campo.

Me gustaria ponerme en contacto con las personas que hicieron esta acción.

Voy a viajar a san francisco por temas familiares del 17 al 20 de enero i me gustaria aprovechar el viaje para compartir experiencias de lo que se està haciendo en la zona de san francisco i lo que estamos haciendo por Barcelona.

Me he hecho un mail para que me podais contactar vosotras: anarxolasvegas [at]

Espero respuestas! Creo que es muy interesante que tejamos lazos por el mundo i compartamos ideeas i aprovechar el trayecto hasta amèrica para hacer estos encuentros es lo que vale la pena. Os escribo por aquí porquè ninguno de mis contactos-amigos tiene conocidos en san francisco.... espero que lo entendais i que me escribais si os apetece que nos encontremos algun dia del 17 al 20 de enero de 2015.

Un abrazo i fuerza con la lucha!
by anarxo

I'm from Barcelona where I'm in anarchists collectives and in a community rural project.

I would like to get in touch with the people who did this action.

I'm writing to you because I'm comming to san francisco from 17 to 20 of January 2015 ond I want to take to learn what is happening in alternative movements there and to share ours expiriences in san francisco and barcelona.

I've done a mail so you can contact me: anarxolasvegas [at]

I hope answers!
It is really interesting for me to profit the travell to do something that could be useful to make network in diferent parts of the world. I write in this comment biecause is difficult for me to find persons living in san francisco because my friends doesn't know any person from there. I hope you understand and I hope you write me to have a meeting some day from 17 to 20 January 2015.

A hug and force with fight!

PD: excuse me for my english
by lulz
hey yall this is funny but what would happen if yall would wear all white instead ??? what would be the crowd control psychology ??

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