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Indybay Feature

United We Stand, Divided We Fall

Sunday, December 07, 2014
6:00 PM - 8:00 PM
Event Type:
Radio Broadcast
steve lerman
Location Details:
Stream or download at Broadcast at Access Sacramento, Sundays 6-8pm PDT at KUBU 96.5 FM and at

Species Extinction

Elizabeth Kolbert explores with Steve Curwood the many ways humans are helping to cause the largest extinction event since an asteroid wiped out the dinosaurs.
Source: living on earth: The Sixth Extinction

Why Good People are Divided by Politics and Religion

“When it comes to moral judgments," Jonathan Haidt says, "we think we are scientists discovering the truth, but actually we are lawyers arguing for positions we arrived at by other means.” Jonathan explains “liberal” and “conservative” not as political affiliations, but as personality types. His own self-described views as “conservative-hating, religion-hating, secular liberal instincts” have been challenged by his own studies. Jonathan talks with Krista Tippett.

Jonathan Haidt
Jonathan Haidt is the author of "The Righteous Mind: Why Good People are Divided by Politics and Religion." Jonathan is Professor of Ethical Leadership at The Stern School of Business at New York University.
Source: On Being with Krista Tippett: Jonathan Haidt — The Psychology Behind Morality

Download or Play A Huge Extinction
Download or Play Divided We Fall Part 1
Download or Play Divided We Fall Part 2
Download or Play Divided We Fall Part 3

Music includes The Overstatists - Hello NSA, David Rovics - Waiting For The Fall, Roy Zimmerman - Cliven Bundy's Cattle, Capitol Steps - Monster Cash, David Rovics - Terror In The Skies, Tom Lehrer - Who's Next, George H.W. Bush - Commencement of Iraq Bombing, Big Bill Broonzy - Black Brown And White, U2 - Peace On Earth (Tribute to Heros), Young Nash - War Song, Capitol Steps - Look Away, Lars Larson - I Blame Everyone, Hair - Where Do I Go, Annette Hanshaw - Happy Days Are Here Again, Hair - Good Morning Starshine, Mason Williams - Classical Gas
Added to the calendar on Thu, Dec 4, 2014 10:27AM
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