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From the Open-Publishing Calendar
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Indybay Feature

Save Oakland public park! Protect democracy & wildlife

Tuesday, November 18, 2014
5:00 PM - 10:00 PM
Event Type:
Mara Schechter
Location Details:
Oakland City Hall, 1 Frank Ogawa Plaza, Oakland CA

Rally from 4:30-5:30, City Council meeting starts at 5:30 and will go until late. Whenever you can come, and however long you can come, is great!

The Oakland Zoo plans to displace threatened wildlife and the public in a beautiful and wild park, for an interpretive center on how development has destroyed wildlife habitat in Oakland. This is beyond ironic, and we won't stand for it.

This city council meeting (TUES, 11/18) is the last chance to protect this park, and we need YOU to come.

For years, this political process has been behind closed doors, away from the public eye. But this is PUBLIC parkland, and we should have a say. The zoo will be busing in its employees, so it is absolutely critical that we turn out a BIG crowd, and show the city council that we're paying attention.

RSVP and learn more at, or contact info [at]
Added to the calendar on Thu, Nov 13, 2014 5:40PM
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