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Campos and Chiu are NOT the same, but the outcome now depends on who votes

by KPFA Weekend News/Ann Garrison
Tim Redmond, Editor of the website "48 Hills, the Secrets of San Francisco" says that 17th District California State Assembly candidates David Campos and David Chiu are quite different candidates, especially on hard core economic issues. However, the race between them is now so close that it's all about who most effectively gets their voters to the mail with their absentee ballots or to the polls between now and November 4th, election day.
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David Campos, left, David Chiu, right

The 17th District California State Assembly race is so close that who wins will be determined by who gets their voters to the mailbox or the voting booth.  San Francisco City Hall is now open for voting, between now and November 4th.

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by Abolish the Military
David Campos and David Chiu are both Democrats, members of the twin party of war and fascism, the Democratic Party, to the Republican Party. Both capitalist parties, paid for by the same capitalist corporations, proudly state they have no difference in foreign policy, including supporting Zionist Israel, an American military base, and thus they have no difference in domestic policy as we cannot have guns and butter. The result of promoting war and fascism may be found at:

"The United States is No. 1 — But in What? Military Expenditure, Weapons Export and International Violence" by Prof. Lawrence S. Wittner, 10/13/14, Global Research at

The United States is No. 1 at military spending and arms exports. It is 17th in reading and 21st in math among students, and slightly worse for adults, with the US being 20th in "educational attainment." American healthcare is the worst in the industrialized world, and the US healthcare system ranks 30th in the world. The US has the 7th highest cancer rates, ranks 26th in nations in life expectancy and that life expectancy is declining. The United States has a high poverty rate, with 50% of Americans living in poverty, meaning they cannot provide $2,000 within 30 days to pay for an emergency. Some 70-80% of Americans live paycheck to paycheck, including the 50% who live in poverty.

On point is Proposition G, the real estate transfer tax to stop Ellis Act evictions, the most important proposition on the San Francisco ballot. The only reason Proposition G is on the ballot is because the supermajority Democratic state legislature, both houses, refused to amend or repeal the Ellis Act, and Democratic Governor Jerry Brown did nothing to promote amending or repealing the Ellis Act. Thus, having some representative in the state legislature who appears to give lip service to changing or repealing the Ellis Act did not work, and the San Francisco representatives did just that. The time when anyone can tell us that voting for any Democrat or Republican is good is LONG OVER. Because of the Top Two primary, only Democrat-Republicans appear on the San Francisco ballot, so you can just skip all the people and then please do VOTE ON ALL THE PROPOSITIONS.

For those who do not receive the San Francisco voter handbook which has these propositions in summary and text, and all the ballot arguments, pro and con, see

Another important proposition is Proposition E, the SLUSH FUND REGRESSIVE SALES TAX proudly supported by both David Campos and David Chiu. This is unconscionable and shameful, and is a good reminder to never vote for any Democrat or Republican. ALWAYS VOTE NO ON ALL SALES TAXES.

Proposition I, the poison pill put on the ballot by the San Francisco Democratic Party to defeat Proposition H, a good proposition that will stop the installation of artificial grass and stadium lights late at night in Golden Gate Park, is another reminder of the horror that is the Democratic Party. Any organization that engages in this kind of hate politicking must be avoided. The contempt of the San Francisco Democratic Party for people in general, the election process in particular, and the environment are all in the poison pill called Proposition I, which must be defeated.

Proposition L, a policy statement on parking fees, REGRESSIVE TAXES BY DEFINITION, is in direct response to the Democratic Party’s promotion of a non-elected board, the San Francisco Municipal Transportation Board, filled with political appointees of the mayor, always a Democratic Party mouthpiece of the capitalist class in San Francisco, which promotes ever –rising parking fees at their scarce parking lots, ever-increasing number of parking meters and cost of parking tickets and towing fines. The only funding for public transportation should come from the progressive income tax of the US government, known as tax the rich. Currently, about 50% comes from federal taxes. Despite all the SFMTA's claim to promote public transit, the reality is almost 80% of San Franciscans own cars, because outside the City, there is not much public transit, and inside the City, the bus is certainly not good for moving lots of packages. Proposition L deserves our support.

Proposition A is a bond, always a disaster for tenants as landlords can demand tenants pay for bonds, and the Democratic Party knows that, yet all 11 supervisors, including Campos and Chiu, put this debt program on the ballot supposedly to pay for our bus service, and the San Francisco Democratic Party signed a ballot argument in favor of it. ALWAYS VOTE NO ON ALL BONDS.

IT IS CRUCIAL THAT EVERYONE WHO SUPPORTS AFFORDABLE HOUSING VOTE AND VOTE FOR PROPOSITION G. Right now, there is no affordable housing for the workingclass, the 80% of us who sell our labor for less than $80,000 a year, in San Francisco. We should not have to pay more than 25% of our net income for rent. Tenants are 50% of the voters in a high voter turnout election, otherwise homeowners are the majority. The homeowners are being deluged with lies by the real estate industry, proudly promoted by Democratic San Francisco Supervisors Scott Wiener, Mark Farrell and Katy Tang.

VOTER REGISTRATION FOR THIS ELECTION ENDS OCTOBER 20, 2014. If you moved, you must re-register. The fastest way to register is to simply go to the County Register, City Hall basement on the Van Ness Side, Monday through Friday, 8 a.m. to 5 p.m., register, sign up to be a permanent absentee voter, then immediately vote absentee.

A reference guide is here:
CALIFORNIA: No on 1, 2, 48; Yes on all the rest.
SAN FRANCISCO: No on A, E and I; Yes on all the rest.

Propositions-SAN FRANCISCO
No on A-a bond. Tenants can be forced to pay for bonds.
Yes on B for public transportation.
Yes on C for education and youth programs
Yes on D for labor.
No on E-San Francisco-effectively a sales tax, regressive and anti-workingclass by definition, and a SLUSH FUND supported by most of the Board of Stupidvisors of San Francisco, all Democrats, demonstrating TOTAL CONTEMPT for the people of San Francisco. This city and its Democratic Party machine views the people of San Francisco and visitors as suckers to be milked dry.
Yes on F
Yes on G-stop the evictions. There have been 10,000 evictions under the Ellis Act since 1997.
Yes on H-No artificial grass and late night stadium lights in Golden Gate Park
No on I No artificial grass and late night stadium lights in Golden Gate Park
Yes on J-Minimum Wage Increase,_Proposition_J_(November_2014)
Yes on K-suggestion of affordable housing-where have they been?,_Proposition_K_(November_2014)
Yes on L. There is no adequate public transportation outside San Francisco, so almost 80% of San Franciscans have cars. If you want to change that fact, you have to transfer the entire military budget to all social services, including public transportation. Parking meters are by definition a REGRESSIVE TAX, and should never be used for funding a city, as they are now. Parking and towing tickets are also outrageous and REGRESSIVE TAXES. Paying $74 in downtown SF and $64 elsewhere AND UP for a parking ticket, making San Francisco the worst in the nation when it comes to parking tickets is outrageous. Paying the high cab fare and $557 for the towing fine to retrieve your car is GRAND LARCENY, and sends EVERYONE WHO CAN AWAY FROM SAN FRANCISCO. Another person on the website below paid $533 for the tow truck, which sit around like predators in the Financial District, plus $110 for a parking ticket IS DESPICABLE. THEY EVEN TOW SCOOTERS for $430. AVOIDING SAN FRANCISCO IS WHAT MOST PEOPLE IN THE BAY AREA DO. The rest of the Bay Area has excellent restaurants, stores; and entertainment. If you do not work, go to school or live in San Francisco, there is very little reason to be in San Francisco. See: (Please read ALL the complaints on this site.)
The Anti-Fourth Amendment Red Light Running Cameras can result in an outrageous $490 fine statewide, and most people who run the red light do so accidentally, if at all, since the equipment can be wrong. Basing an economy on tickets and meters is REACTIONARY since this is a REGRESSIVE TAX. Taxing the rich, those who make over $200,000 a year, with the progressive income tax, is how this city, state and country should function.

No on Prop 1-a bond,_Water_Bond_(2014)#Opponents
No on Prop 2-theft of funds for schools
From the No on 2 website:
This is a perfect example of why children always come last in Sacramento (lest we forget, we are 50th by a LARGE margin in student-teacher, student-counselor AND student-librarian ratios, not to mention at or near the bottom in the nation in per pupil funding - yes even AFTER Proposition 30). Children have no lobby, and no money. And they cannot vote. They need us to be our voice. Do you want to give children a voice? Vote NO on Prop 2, for starters.
Proposition 2 breeches the minimum guarantee Californians made to our schoolchildren – a guarantee that the Governor and the Legislature assured schools would protect them. Remember, the state diverts BILLIONS of local school property taxes that are allocated to public education each year -- $8.4 billion this year alone -- to pay its debts.
Now the State is saying it won’t necessarily replace those funds. That’s unfair. As if that were not already devastating to schools, the Legislature decided to require local school districts to spend all but three weeks of their savings the minute the state saves a nickel. It did this without public comment or LAO analysis. We see this as unfair to schools and schoolchildren and extraordinarily fiscally irresponsible.
Yes on 45 for healthcare
Yes on 46 for healthcare
Yes on 47
No on 48-another gambling initiative. Gambling is ALWAYS taking from the needy and giving to the greedy.,_Referendum_on_Indian_Gaming_Compacts_(2014)
by poli-nerd
A relatively unpublicized provision in State Proposition 46 makes it mandatory for doctors to use a patient prescription drug history database that has major privacy concerns. (Currently only 8 percent of doctors now use it, but Prop. 46 would require all of them to use it -- which then creates yet another "big brother" database!). There are also questions as to the reliability of the drug testing provision of Prop. 46. For more info, see the Alameda County Green Party's voter guide:
by Ann Garrison
Is that it? It's hard to believe that the difference between Campos and Chiu won't make a difference on votes about clean energy, prison reform, and a host of other issues.
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