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KPFA Pacifica Flashpoints Slashed By Management With Collusion of CWA 9415 Union Officials

by repost
KPFA programmers Brian Edwards-Tiekert in collusion with management of KPFA and Pacifica ED Margy Wilkinson is seeking to destroy the activist news program Flashpoints by illegally laying off people without regard to seniority. They are doing this collusion with CWA 9415 union official Christine Huggins and pro-managment stewards at KPFA.
KPFA Pacifica Flashpoints Slashed By Management With Collusion of CWA 9415 Union Officials
Reply-To: pacificainexile [at]
October 7, 2014
For Immediate Release
Flashpoints Budget Slashed By Management
Berkeley- The following was sent out by long-time KPFA producer, host and investigative reporter Dennis Bernstein.
From the desk of Dennis Bernstein:
According to several Local Station Board members, and a half dozen current and former national board-members, CWA union member and Pacifica Finance Committee boss, Brian Edwards-Tiekert is pushing major cuts against his union brothers at Flashpoints, and using KPFA management and CWA as a human shield.
CWA Executive Vice President, Christina Huggins, and CWA KPFA shop-stewards are trying to guide the cuts through, by talking the Flashers into going on unemployment. The final budget decision will be held until the last possible moment, to give Edwards-Tiekert maximum power and least resistance.
Fight back!!
These union traitors need to be stopped and sent packing. Stop Edwards-Tiekert and crew from destroying this network.
The Flashpoints team needs to be supported so they can keep doing the work they are doing for Palestine and migrant rights and climate change and war and peace.
Support radical community radio on the cutting edge!!!
Speak out for Flashpoints.
Dennis Bernstein
Brian Edwards-Tiekert
brian [at]
Quincy McCoy manager
q [at]
Maria Negret Biz Manager
mariabiz [at]

Started in 1946 by conscientious objector Lew Hill, Pacifica's storied history includes impounded program tapes for a 1954 on-air discussion of marijuana, broadcasting the Seymour Hersh revelations of the My Lai massacre, bombings by the Ku Klux Klan, going to jail rather than turning over the Patty Hearst tapes to the FBI, and Supreme Court cases including the 1984 decision that noncommercial broadcasters have the constitutional right to editorialize, and the Seven Dirty Words ruling following George Carlin's incendiary performances on WBAI. Pacifica Foundation Radio operates noncommercial radio stations in New York, Washington, Houston, Los Angeles, and the San Francisco Bay Area, and syndicates content to over 180 affiliates. It invented listener-supported radio.
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by Malcolm Burnstein
This press release is full of misinformation, if not outright lies. Neither Brian Edwards-Tiekert nor Margie Wilkinson had anything to do with the cuts. Management did that in it's job of running the station. It is just internal politics gone bad to wildly strike out at those with whom you don't agree at any upset, and the lack of any even vague proof of misconduct makes that clear.
by Chris Stehlik
This article is wildly overstating the case and not doing Dennis Bernstein and Flashpoints any favors at all. You don't help the truth by making things up.

Management, faced with a budget deficit, had to make some decisions on what to cut. That's management's job. Plenty of other shows have had hours cut, Flashpoints had not for a couple years. Even this time around, Flashpoint hours were not the only ones cut. Two other part time people outside of Flashpoints were laid off and new General Manager Quincy McCoy took a cut in pay himself.

CWA and the union stewards held two meetings to discuss the cuts and come up with alternative saving measures and are still researching those and whether they would be enough to restore hours and whether those alternatives are ok with the entire union.

By ignoring and distorting that, the poster is only hurting KPFA and especially hurting Dennis and Flashpoints.
by Anonymous
Bunch of crap from the above two comments.

KPFA's draft budget adds $25,000 to acquire corporate news copy wire from Reuters-Thomson - in addition to the station's existing Associated Press subscription and redirects $62,000 to a non-unionized corporate telephone call center service. There's no need to cut staffing hours at all.

The controversial corporate telephone answering service, a necessity in NY due to lack of phone equipment, but recently introduced at both California stations, has been unpopular with the listening community. The calls begin with a notification that the call is to be recorded, which is not a hit with privacy advocates, since the calls contain names, addresses and credit card info. The call center is sending on comments by donors, but the comments are being edited as there have already been reports of programmers being told of comments left by listeners with the call center which were not forwarded on. The deleted comments appear to have been critical of the call center service.

The call center process is also wreaking havoc with keeping track of fund drive receipts, as all of the programs that are simulcast in Berkeley and Los Angeles are having their statewide pledges routed through KPFA’s 1-800-439-5732 phone number. LA interim GM Zuberi Fields could not provide fund drive dailies to his staff and board because the numbers had to be “reconciled” with Berkeley, and LA’s audience is being jerked back and forth between the two different telephone numbers for pledging 5 times between 5am and noon each weekday. LA-originated program Uprising is also directing all of its pledges to the Berkeley phone number rather than LA’s phone number and is broadcasting Berkeley’s call-in number on the air in Los Angeles.

The corporate call center is adding over $120,000 (and possibly much more) to fund drive costs and driving up the cost of doing business at both stations, which have both proposed laying off staff in 2015. The network continues to protest that it does not have the money to pay a qualified executive director nor to hold an election for the local boards, even as it voluntarily adds new expenses by replacing volunteer pledge rooms with the .90/minute call center service.

In Berkeley, similiarly strange resource allocations are being made, with the station’s flagship investigative reporting magazine Flashpoints losing 22.5% percent of its union staffing in order to add the Reuters-Thomson corporate news wire copy service, a second wire copy subscription as the station already subscribes to the Associated Press. While Flashpoints provides original international coverage from independent correspondents, most noticeably from Palestine and the Middle East but also from Latin America and the Carribean (the program has a 15 minute weekly Flashpoints in Espanol edition), KPFA’s evening news relies for international coverage on cutting and pasting content received from other sources acquired for it, previously Free Speech Radio News, Al-Jazeera English, and Feature Story News, as well as the Associated Press wire. In the last full fund drive report, Flashpoints raised 75% more funds than Evening News program that follows it, with 1/2 the staffing level.
by Ann Garrison
I'm not close enough to KPFA governance or management to know the details, but there seems to be quite a bit of evidence that the Reuters newswire is being added to the budget while Flashpoints, which produces unique investigative reporting, is being cut back.

I'd love to hear that's not true, because if it is, it seems like priorities are sadly off. The Reuters wire is available online. You just can't read it word for word, without attribution, without incurring legal liability.

by Anonymous
"The controversial corporate telephone answering service, a necessity in NY due to lack of phone equipment, but recently introduced at both California stations, has been unpopular with the listening community. The calls begin with a notification that the call is to be recorded, which is not a hit with privacy advocates, since the calls contain names, addresses and credit card info. The call center is sending on comments by donors, but the comments are being edited as there have already been reports of programmers being told of comments left by listeners with the call center which were not forwarded on. The deleted comments appear to have been critical of the call center service.

The call center process is also wreaking havoc with keeping track of fund drive receipts, as all of the programs that are simulcast in Berkeley and Los Angeles are having their statewide pledges routed through KPFA’s 1-800-439-5732 phone number. LA interim GM Zuberi Fields could not provide fund drive dailies to his staff and board because the numbers had to be “reconciled” with Berkeley, and LA’s audience is being jerked back and forth between the two different telephone numbers for pledging 5 times between 5am and noon each weekday. LA-originated program Uprising is also directing all of its pledges to the Berkeley phone number rather than LA’s phone number and is broadcasting Berkeley’s call-in number on the air in Los Angeles.

The corporate call center is adding over $120,000 (and possibly much more) to fund drive costs and driving up the cost of doing business at both stations, which have both proposed laying off staff in 2015. The network continues to protest that it does not have the money to pay a qualified executive director nor to hold an election for the local boards, even as it voluntarily adds new expenses by replacing volunteer pledge rooms with the .90/minute call center service.

In Berkeley, similiarly strange resource allocations are being made, with the station’s flagship investigative reporting magazine Flashpoints losing 22.5% percent of its union staffing in order to add the Reuters-Thomson corporate news wire copy service, a second wire copy subscription as the station already subscribes to the Associated Press. While Flashpoints provides original international coverage from independent correspondents, most noticeably from Palestine and the Middle East but also from Latin America and the Carribean (the program has a 15 minute weekly Flashpoints in Espanol edition), KPFA’s evening news relies for international coverage on cutting and pasting content received from other sources acquired for it, previously Free Speech Radio News, Al-Jazeera English, and Feature Story News, as well as the Associated Press wire. In the last full fund drive report, Flashpoints raised 75% more funds than Evening News program that follows it, with 1/2 the staffing level".
Clarification On Flashpoints Budget Slashed By Management
October 10 2014

For Immediate Release
Clarification On Flashpoints Budget Slashed By Management
Berkeley- The message sent out on October 7th and purported to be from KPFA producer Dennis Bernstein originated from an untraceable address and cannot be verified as coming from any particular individual.

It does not appear at this time to have been sent out by Mr. Bernstein.
Cuts to the weekly work schedule of all Flashpoints workers remain in KPFA's current draft 2015 budget proposal.

Pacifica In Exile regrets the error.


Started in 1946 by conscientious objector Lew Hill, Pacifica's storied history includes impounded program tapes for a 1954 on-air discussion of marijuana, broadcasting the Seymour Hersh revelations of the My Lai massacre, bombings by the Ku Klux Klan, going to jail rather than turning over the Patty Hearst tapes to the FBI, and Supreme Court cases including the 1984 decision that noncommercial broadcasters have the constitutional right to editorialize, and the Seven Dirty Words ruling following George Carlin's incendiary performances on WBAI. Pacifica Foundation Radio operates noncommercial radio stations in New York, Washington, Houston, Los Angeles, and the San Francisco Bay Area, and syndicates content to over 180 affiliates. It invented listener-supported radio.
by Stop Hate Pacifica Gang
Below will be a repost of the latest announcement from United for Community Radio concerning the above, "Donating to the Tea Party and Expelling Spanish Speakers" dated 10/17/14 at

As a 58 year listener since early childhood, and one who can easily remember the horrors of the anti-Communist era which only officially ended in 1991 with the end of the Soviet Union, I can only wonder who current and former KPFA Local Station Board Members Margy Wilkinson, former Communist Party member and daughter of Northern California Communist Party chair, Mickey Lima, Malcolm Burnstein, former member of the Communist Party law firm, Treuhaft, Walker & Burnstein who were among the many lawyers defending Angela Davis, Jack Kurzweil, former Communist Party member and former husband of Bettina Aptheker, a former Communist Party member who was raped by Mickey Lima as she describes in her autobiography, Intimate Politics, and Matthew and Conn Hallinan, millionaire former Communist Party members and sons of lawyer Vince Hallinan who defended labor leader Harry Bridges, really are. They have all obviously been practicing their two-face routine all their adult lives. I can only conclude from what we are seeing at KPFA that they are all proud government agents, maliciously destroying the voice of the Left, KPFA. To put it simply, quoting from the famous poem, Harlem by Langston Hughes, they all stink like rotten meat.

Here is the repost:
"Donating to the Tea Party and Expelling Spanish Speakers" dated 10/17/14 at

Berkeley-The new corporate call center collecting pledges for Pacifica stations KPFK in Los Angeles and KPFA in Berkeley is owned by Bruce Hough, an Oregon republican who runs a Tea Party campaign advertising/fundraising business called Impact Marketing with his partner, rabid Tea Party congressman Sal Esquivel. Esquivel traveled to Arizona to stand with Michelle Malkin, the Minutemen and others in support of Arizona’s anti-immigrant law SB 1070. Hough (who regularly threatens to move his Medford-based call center Comnet to Nevada should the Oregon legislature raise taxes) and Esquivel are regularly called out for Tea Party shenanigans including funding vicious attack ads against local Democratic candidate and military veteran Jeff Scroggin. The ads were so disgusting that two out of three local Republican County commissioners refused to endorse Tea Party candidate Doug Briedenthal, whose “Friends of” committee had the same address as Hough’s Impact Marketing and paid for the mudslinging ads. Hough and Esquivel were labeled “Rogues of the Week” by the Williamette Weekly for an unethical scam to charge gullible voters to email Congress. Hough and Esquivel also house conservative PACS (political action committees) at Impact Marketing giving always hundreds of thousands of dollars to local and national Tea Party candidates. Each call to donate to KPFA or KPFK routes .90 cents a minute to Hough’s company or $3-5 per call.

On the East Coast, Pacifica is using a call center called Telerep, which is a subsidiary of cable giant Cox Communications. Anonymous comments by employees on a review website indicates poor working conditions at Telerep with comments like “grow a conscience”, “compensation is terrible”, “don’t stay here or you’ll hate your life”, “run for the hills”, “I was paid less than a Burger King line associate” and “the most traumatic and depressing work experience I have ever and will ever experience in my entire life”.

The rogue majority on the board is scheduling an annual allocation of $200,000+ in listener-sponsored funds to be paid out to Tea Party outfit Comnet and fast-food call center Telerep to expel fund drive volunteers from 4 of the networks 5 community radio stations, while laying off staff and refusing to hold board member elections.

Members objecting to the board majority’s actions over the past nine months can sign a petition here.

A pending complaint to the CA Attorney General Registry of Charitable Trusts by 8 former board members can be found here (in a slightly updated version). The AG is responsible for California charitable compliance. Pacifica members can send a note to the AG here.

KPFA, the Berkeley Pacifica radio station received a scathing letter on October 14th (copied to author Naomi Klein) from Movement Generation, one of the groups central to the organizing effort that brought 400,000 people to New York for the world’s biggest ever climate change rally.

The letter alleges blatantly anti-immigrant and racist behavior from KPFA’s event staff in trying to prevent Spanish language interpretation at Klein’s September 29th speaker series benefit.

The letter, which is signed by Brooke Anderson and Mateo Nube, both prominent figures in the social justice movement (Nube was the NW Coordinator for the AFL-CIO Organizing Institute and Anderson is former deputy director of East Bay Alliance for a Sustainable Economy), stated they “were shocked to be told that we could not provide translation because it would be “annoying to English speakers” and “create a disturbance for attendees who had paid for tickets.” Despite repeatedly assuring the interpreter would not interrupt the program and that we would work on the placement of the interpreter so as not to impact the room acoustics or audio recording quality, X became quite belligerent with MG staff Mateo Nube and Brooke Anderson, and speaker Cynthia Muñoz Ramos, telling us that X wouldn’t make exceptions for people who needed “special treatment.” But let us be direct here: X’s attempt to prevent Spanish translation was deeply problematic and the comments justifying the position blatantly anti-immigrant and racist. The behavior reflects poorly on KPFA as a station and jeopardizes the relationships and reputation of KPFA radio in a social justice movement in which immigrant and non-English-speaking communities are at the forefront“. The letter can be found here. (The letter names Bob Baldock as KPFA's anti-Spanish interpreter idiot. I always use these translations as an opportunity to practice my Spanish silently while they translate out loud. We can always learn something from other languages and our community must embrace all languages. After all, they are just languages; they cannot hurt anyone. It is Bob Baldock and his fascist Hate Pacifica Gang described above who are offensive and do not belong at KPFA or any other Pacifica station or on any governing board.)

Also at KPFA this week, AM host Brian Edwards-Tiekert and local 9415 of the Communications Workers of America sent a letter threatening a lawsuit to the San Francisco Bay Independent Media Center, demanding they remove an anonymous post. (For more on Tiekert, see

The post referred to the planned staffing reductions at the station’s investigative newsmagazine Flashpoints, which has been broadcasting daily on KPFA since the first Gulf War. The reductions of about a quarter of the programs staffing hours are being offset by the $25,000 acquisition of the Reuters-Thomson corporate wire copy news service to accompany an existing subscription to the Associated Press corporate wire copy news service.

The threatening letter was sent to the IMC’s fiscal sponsor, Media Alliance, and forwarded by them on to the editorial collective at the Independent Media Center, as they are the only individuals who exercise editorial control over the content on the open publishing website, one of 150 that have criss-crossed the globe since the first Independent Media Center was launched in Seattle, WA in 1999 to cover the World Bank/International Monetary Fund protests.

As of press time, the post in question had not been removed by the IMC’s editorial group. The letter threatening the lawsuit and the response sent by Media Alliance and forwarded on to the Bay Area Independent Media Center can be found online by clicking on the links.

The members of KPFA’s bargaining unit do not appear to have been consulted or to have approved the use of union dues to pay a lawyer to threaten the Bay Area Independent Media Center.


Started in 1946 by conscientious objector Lew Hill, Pacifica’s storied history includes impounded program tapes for a 1954 on-air discussion of marijuana, broadcasting the Seymour Hersh revelations of the My Lai massacre, bombings by the Ku Klux Klan, going to jail rather than turning over the Patty Hearst tapes to the FBI, and Supreme Court cases including the 1984 decision that noncommercial broadcasters have the constitutional right to editorialize, and the Seven Dirty Words ruling following George Carlin’s incendiary performances on WBAI. Pacifica Foundation Radio operates noncommercial radio stations in New York, Washington, Houston, Los Angeles, and the San Francisco Bay Area, and syndicates content to over 180 affiliates. It invented listener-supported radio.
Political hack and Democratic party operative Mel Bernstein is one of the leaders of the Wellstone Democratic Club. They are active supporters of the Democratic party. Here is his club's endorsement of Jean Quan who called in the police against Occupy and colluded with the Obama administration to crush it.

Oakland Demo Mayor Quan Endorsed By Wellstone Democracy Club Gave $250,000 To "stop-and-frisk" advocate Bill Bratton
Recall that Oakland Mayor Quan paid "stop-and-frisk" advocate Bill Bratton $250,000 for a report. Subsequently, stop-and-frisk was found to be unconstitutional by a federal district court in NYC.

Wellstone Club Endorsements: Quan, Soto-Vigil, Worthington and More
Friday August 29, 2014 - 01:10:00 PM

The East Bay's Wellstone Democratic Club has announced that the following endorsements were made by vote of the members at their meeting on Thursday:

Oakland Offices
Mayor: Jean Quan
Council District 2: Abel Guillen
Council District 4: Anne Campbell Washington

The Quote From Brian Edwards-Tiekert

The Quote
by Maggie Kaigler Armstead
Sunday Nov 28th, 2010 6:10 PM
One day in the newsroom, Brian said really fast and low with a a disarmingly broad smile, "I intend to join an organization, maniputlate my way into a position of authority for which I am unqualified, and then in that position, work to slowly dismantle and destroy the organization". He said that. I heard him, and I looked him in the eye. It shocked me I was taken a back. FOr one thing, -I did not know he was aware of of that kind of mind set. He seemed young, and then to say it with a complete smile unnerved me: I did not know what to make of it-but it sent a chill through me.

I was/am not sure then or now whether he meant it or was just repeating some chillingly evil quote-it sounded like it was from "The Prince" or some other Machiavellian scribe. I recognized the mind set but not the origination of the quote and was surprised that this fresh faced kid quoted it, joking, or serious, it struck me as odd and I never forgot it...

This was years ago. Now I do not know whether he meant that or not-I do know it is prophetic. Any one recognize the quote?

KPFA "Host" and Pacifica Treasurer Brian Edwards-Tiekert And Save KPFA Jack Kurzweil Wellstone Member Opposing Support For Zim Blockade
Block The Boat Discussion at the KPFA Local Station Board 8-9-2014
Posted on August 28, 2014, By update1
This is the discussion of the Block The Boat special broadcast at the KPFA Local Station Board on August 9, 2014. The 7 minute clip features Save KPFA’s Jack Kurzweil saying it is a terrible mistake and wrongheaded for KPFA to support the blockade and programmer Brian Edwards-Tiekert saying the discussion was a “waste of the board and the manager’s time”.

On Monday morning, KPFA management vetoed the blockade coverage in favor of hourly 2-minute updates.

After receiving a flood of outraged emails from the community, the decision was reversed on Tuesday and the 90-minute in-depth programming was restored.

The email programmer and UCR-allied staff representative Frank Sterling circulated in the community asking for support for the program after he was told the broadcast was being scuttled can be found here.

The hour and a half broadcast that aired on Saturday August 16th from 8:30am to 10:00 am can be found here.

Post Tagged with: block the boat, blockade, Brian Edwards-Tiekert, gaza, ilwu, jack kurzweil, kpfa, kpfk, kpft, Oakland, pacifica,piraeus, port, radio, Save KPFA, wbai, wpfw, zim

Save KPFA Candidates Support Unionized Staff against the Austerity Slate ICR
by via list
Friday Aug 20th, 2010 1:42 PM
KPFA won’t survive unless the Progressive community realizes the seriousness of the crisis and takes action to support the station. The present majority on the LSB is tied to Pacifica bureaucracy. It resists any attempt to cut Pacifica’s costs, while supporting drastic down-sizing at KPFA. An all-volunteer station would simply be a play-thing for a narrow, ever changing slice of the left. KPFA’s mission is to be a voice for the entire progressive community – we need to find that larger audience and to produce quality radio more than ever.
KPFA and the entire Pacifica system are facing a serious crisis. In addition to the global economic downturn, we are saddled with an expensive and over-sized Pacifica bureaucracy that consumes precious resources that should be invested in producing quality radio but which are spent on endless turf battles.

• one fourth of KPFA listeners’ donations goes to the Pacifica bureaucracy.

• the local station board, whose elections costs tens of thousands of dollars, currently spends all its time consumed in internal battles to control the station, while raising no money and contributing little or nothing to building the station.

KPFA won’t survive unless the Progressive community realizes the seriousness of the crisis and takes action to support the station. The present majority on the LSB is tied to Pacifica bureaucracy. It resists any attempt to cut Pacifica’s costs, while supporting drastic down-sizing at KPFA. An all-volunteer station would simply be a play-thing for a narrow, ever changing slice of the left. KPFA’s mission is to be a voice for the entire progressive community – we need to find that larger audience and to produce quality radio more than ever.

SaveKPFA seeks to rally progressive support for the station. As in 1999, we have to resist the Pacifica Board imposing its own agenda on KPFA. We have to construct a board majority that focuses on building the station, raising funds and producing events. We are committed to seeking common ground with others who share our concerns about the state of the station. We need to save this precious resource.


CHANGE Plugging KPFA into the 21st century with access to the internet and new media technology and supporting innovative programming;

DIALOGUE KPFA must be a forum for dialogue and debate

DIVERSITY Upholding KPFA’s mission of social justice and artistic diversity – for labor, young people, people of color, musicians and artists, old radicals and new.

LOCAL CONTROL We represent KPFA’s listeners. We will defend KPFA’s finances and programming.

PROFESSIONALISM by paid and unpaid staff that creates high-quality radio without diluting KPFA’s message.

RESPONSIBILITY A board that builds the station and raises money, not one that attacks it and spends money. We believe in a collaborative relationship with staff and station management. We are clear that the board should not manage the station.


Mal Burnstein, retired civil rights lawyer, former chair of the KPFA local board and a founder of the progressive caucus of the California Democratic Party.

Terry Doran, retired Berkeley High School teacher and teacher union activist, twice elected to the Berkeley School Board (1998,2002), serving two years as president.

Donald Goldmacher, long-time social justice activist, community psychiatrist and award-winning documentary filmmaker..

Suzi Goldmacher, lesbian feminist activist, community organizer and retired member of the California Nurses Association.

Matthew Hallinan, a life-long political activist.

Mark Hernandez, member of the KFCF Board of Directors in Fresno, has served on the various KPFA Local Boards off and on since 1999.

Jack Kurzweil retired from San Jose State, where he was President of the faculty union, active with the Wellstone Democratic Renewal Club, and in organizing opposition to the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan.

Tanya Russell, employment and civil rights Attorney, has been a social worker, factory worker and a community activist.

Dave Saldana, award-winning journalist, civil rights attorney, human rights advocate.

Margy Wilkinson, a UC Berkeley union activist for 40 years and currently active in Grandmothers Against the War.

KPFA Workers

Mitch Jeserich, “Letters to Washington”, Producer & Host
Brian Edwards-Tiekert, “Morning Show”, Producer and Host
Mark Mericle, Co-Director “KPFA News”
Aileen Alfandary, Co-Director “KPFA News”
Bonnie Simmons, Host, “The Bonnie Simmons Show”, former KPFA LSB, Pacifica National Board
Philip Maldari, “Sunday Show”, Producer & Host
Kris Welch, “Living Room” & “Saturday Morning Talkies”, Producer & Host
Miguel Guerrero, Web Producer & Producer “Rock and Rebellion”
Jan Etre, Crafts Fair Coordinator
Laura Prives, “Morning Show”, Executive Producer
Sasha Lilley, “Against the Grain”, Producer & Host
Max Pringle, News Reporter
John Hamilton, News Producer & Anchor
Rose Ketabchi, “Free Speech Radio News”, Technical Producer, KPFA News Co-Anchor
Scott Pham, “Free Speech Radio News”, Technical Producer
Derk Richardson, Host of the “Hear and Now”
David Gans, Host of “Dead To The World”
Bob Baldock, KPFA Events Coordinator
Richard Wolinsky, Bookwaves on “Cover to Cover”, Producer and Host
Vanessa Tait, labor journalist, “KPFA News Co-Anchor
Lewis Sawyer, KPFA Receptionist and producer Early Morning Music
Esther Manilla, Morning Show and Fund Drive producer
Eddie Yuen, “Against the Grain”, co-editor of Confronting Capitalism
Sally Phillips, KPFA Producer, Host, Engineer


Jello Biafra, artist/musician/entrepreneur
Roxanne Dunbar-Ortiz, Native American historian
Andrej Grubacic, radical historian and sociologist
Norman Soloman, media critic, author, “WarMade Easy”
Ignacio Chapela, Professor, Director of Laboratory of Microbial Ecology, UCB
Conn Hallinan, foreign policy analyst, Foreign Policy In Focus, Institute for Policy Study, columnist, LSB member
Aaron Glantz, “Free Speech Radio News, co-anchor, “Winter Soldier” broadcasts
Mattie Harper, Democracy Now former producer
Ramsey Kanaan, founder, AK Press and co-founder/publisher, PM Press

Pratap Chatterjee, CorpWatch investigative journalist, author of Halliburton’s Army
Dr. Carlos Muñoz, Jr., Professor Emeritus, Dept. of Ethnic Studies, UC Berkeley
Rychard Withers, Executive Director, Fresno Free College Foundation, General Manager KFCF
Jon Fromer, singer/songwriter, NABET/CWA local 51 shop steward
Lynne Hollander Savio, Chair., Mario Savio Memorial Lecture & Young Activist Award
Scoop Nisker, radio commentator and author
Rashidah Grinage, founder, People United for a Better Life in Oakland (PUEBLO)
Marty Bennett, Co-Chair of the Sonoma County Living Wage Coalition
Shelley Kessler, Sec. Treas., San Mateo Labor Council
Michael Eisenscher, Coordinator, Bay Area Labor Committee for Peace and Justice
Peter Olney, International Organizing Director, ILWU
Sal Rosselli, president, National Union of Healthcare Workers

For full list of endorsers go to:

DISCLAIMER: This is not an official Pacifica Foundation website nor an official website of any of the five Pacifica Radio Stations (KPFA Radio, KPFK Radio, KPFT Radio, WBAI Radio, WPFW Radio). Opinions and facts alleged on this site belong to the author(s) of the website only and should NOT be assumed to be true or to reflect the editorial stance or policy of the Pacifica Foundation, or any of the five Pacifica Radio Stations (KPFA Radio, KPFK Radio, KPFT Radio, WBAI Radio, WPFW Radio), or the opinions of its management, Pacifica National Board, station staff.or other listener members.
by George Dufort
Dennis Bernstein (Berkley Radio) & Con Artist Kevin Annett.
Does Mr Bernstein know of Kevin Annetts links to Anti-Semite 'activists' Neelu Berry & Patrick Cullinane in the United Kingdom.
I suppose not.
It's amazing how easy it is to fool people.
Kevin Annett Saturdays FTR 8pm UK 13 06 15 with Patrick Cullinane
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