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From the Open-Publishing Calendar
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Indybay Feature

Pushback at the PD Against Homeless Harassment

Wednesday, September 17, 2014
2:00 PM - 3:00 PM
Event Type:
Robert Norse
Location Details:
155 Center St. in front of the Santa Cruz Police Department
Corner of Laurel and Center Streets


Following the weekly 11 AM-1 PM HUFF meeting at the Sub Rosa Cafe at 703 Pacific (all are invited, free coffee), we will go to the cop shop several blocks away.

Our objective is to examine the arrest and citation records of Officer Bartly Barnett, accused by numerous community members of anti-homeless and racist harassment.

The SCPD has declined to provide stats of how many people of color Barnett has cited. None of his cites in the last three years have been for property crimes or personal assaults--all for "homeless removal"-style infractions designed to "clean up" the Downtown area.

Our objective is to examine whether there is a persistent indication of racial and class profiling by Barnett (and others in the SCPD).

Campsite Raided? Property Impounded or Tossed?
Harassed on the Street?
Treated like a Criminal because you're Poor and Outside? Vehicle threatened?
Security Guards Barking at You in the Parks?
Hassled for Your Dog? “Moved Along”?

We'll be providing “Eat 'em Don't Shoot 'em” Brownies & HUFF Cafe Coffee.

We'll also have complaint forms to file formal complaints, claims against the city, calls for Grand Jury investigation, and information to be forwarded to other civil rights organizations.

Folks in Ferguson, MO are risking their liberty and safety by demonstrating loudly and persistently against racist and class-based harassment there. (See )

Closer to home Salinas police remain unaccountable for the deaths of Frank Alvarado and three others this year.

No Ferguson in Santa Cruz!

End Harassment by Officers Azua, Barnett & Others

Stop Military Style Attacks on the Poor Downtown and Around Town

Volunteer for Campsite Protection Movement
[ ]

Cop-watch []

Flyer by HUFF (Homeless United for Friendship & Freedom)
309 Cedar PMB #14B Santa Cruz
Added to the calendar on Mon, Sep 15, 2014 11:10PM

Comments (Hide Comments)
by Razer Ray
[By any means necessary... With any tool at hand]

Robert: "Our objective is to examine the arrest and citation records of Officer Bartly Barnett..."

They ain't gonna show you shit if they aren't legally required to do so and he's fucking well expected to arrest and cite. The more a cop does that the better their chance for promotion.

Try setting an accomplish-able objectives like getting someone, one of your fearless followers perhaps, whose been missydemeanor cited, to file a Pitchess...

I've had my problems with Barnett, and every time he's in sight I aspire to make his job harder, and a miserable experience. It's called Proactive Resistance. Appropriate for someone who simply laughed when I informed him that a security guard was perjuring his statement about me.

"Perjury isn't a laughing matter motherfucker..."

That is EXACTLY WHY I demanded CITY OVERSIGHT of their Blackshirt/HTT 'patrols'. SOMEONE, a someone who thinks they're a cop but isn't, could ... have 'client-related problems'.

FWIW The more those 'problems'... Whatever form they take, occur, the less efficacious their stalking program becomes bogging Barnett down with victims non-compliant with the guards. Barnett, a deputized SCPD officer, is little more than a 'case manager' for the guard program and would feel that pressure, and a decline in the SCPD's 'ROI' on that city expenditure in Blackshirts... Because a cop would be required for every guard contact-with-public making the guards somewhat redundant. Most of the contacts made by that 1st alarm HTT program would have ever happened without that program and it would overwhelm available SCPD resources if EVERY guard 'stop' required an officer.

What's an HTT program?
It's The Military-Civil Society Suppression Interface
Has it been challenged? In court?

I doubt people are arrested for smoking (zero 'resisting arrest' citations).

About 1-2% of recent Barnett citations are for 'disobeying an officer', 10.12.030.
by G
Recent Barnett citation trivia: 25 were 'repeat smokers' (14 twice, 5 thrice, 3 four times, 2 five times, 1 nine times). Most were 'Transient', '115 Coral', or a PObox.

Two 'recent smokers' also received a 'disobeying officer' citation at the time of their 'smoking' citation.

From personal experience; 'disobeying officer' charges are often fabricated or retaliatory in nature.
by Robert Norse Ray and G for their comments.

It looks like the department is either very slow or stonewalling in their willingness to show us the citations so we can view them and tote up the different racial categories to see if a pattern exists. I just received an e-mail from the Records Dept. worker that they won't be ready until next week. Nonetheless, I and some others will be at the 2 PM event tomorrow with G's analysis of Officer Barnett's citation record--some of which he has presented above.
by CLB
Originally it was for 1-3PM--I can stay til 2 before work.
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