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Steve Pleich Sides with Racists In Online Forum

by Paul Mendoza
Steve Pleich, the former Santa Cruz City Council candidate and current member of Santa Cruz County Community Coalition to Overcome Racism (SCCCCOR) and the Santa Cruz ACLU removed me from the online discussion group Citizens for a Better Santa Cruz when I brought up the sensitive issue of a possibly racist post by the Santa Cruz Police Department. I was attacked viciously by a group who claimed I was someone I am not, and I was kicked out of the group and the post was removed. People who made racist comments were not removed from the group. I think Pleich should resign from SCCCCOR. He chose a pack of lies over a thoughtful discussion of racism. The sad thing is this pack who attacked me will be happy to see Pleich criticized by progressives.
I posted a link to this article in the Facebook group Citizens for a Better Santa Cruz:

'El Mustachio The Magician' Sought In Santa Cruz, California For Allegedly Robbing Costco

"Police in Santa Cruz, Calif., are looking for a mustachioed man they say repeatedly robbed a Costco store. They've given him the name "El Mustachio The Magician" for both his facial hair and "his ability to make Bose speakers disappear."

Here my post and the discussion:

Any thoughts on whether or not calling a suspect "El Mustachio" qualifies as racism on the part of the SCPD? I don't see the Santa Cruz Police Department using the Spanish language very much on their blog.

'El Mustachio' Strikes Again!
Police in Santa Cruz, Calif., are looking for a mustachioed man they say repeatedly robbed a Costco store. They've given him the name "El Mustachio The Magician" for both his facial hair and "his ability to make Bose speakers disappear...
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Paul Mendoza Here is an example of an "El Mustachio" from pop culture:

El Mustachio Grande
El Mustachio Grande, more commonly known simply as just "El Mustachio", is the main antagonist...
5 hrs · Like · Remove Preview

Peter Darling Yes. No, it doesn't.
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Petra Kropotkin Let's face it Paul, SCPD is probably viewing their intended blog audience as a group of mostly white middle class locals who will blindly and rabidly embrace ANYTHING SCPD says or does. As I've read the blog it seems to be basically a circle jerk with the usual "suspects" (as in safety group leaders) offering their own special observations and thumbs up.
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Jim Spring Interesting that one of John's shoe muppets are allowed in the group.
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Paul Mendoza I haven't broken any rules, Mr. Spring, but you have now. How many times have you been booted from this group?
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RayeAnn Jimenez Something out of nothing.
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Jared Mick Frazier Yeah, I want a picture of a criminal on my cup - signed by an idiot. Great job.
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Paul Mendoza Someone was paid to commission the creation of that mustache glass.
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Tom Abbott < (Wringing hands) Oh no! The R Word has been brought up. What to do.
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Paul Mendoza What is the "R" word, Mr. Abbott? Is it a word you will not personally use in its full form?
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Paul Mendoza Some people call the word "r****d" the "R" word. I don't personally use that word either.
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Paul Mendoza We all know what the "N" word is.
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Paul Mendoza The "F" word is near equally shunned.
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Beverly Young Paul Mendoza, you are stretching it like so many others do
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Paul Mendoza Beverly, can you show me where I stated an opinion about the subject?
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Paul Mendoza I simply asked a question.
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Christopher Scott What does "El Mustachio" have to do with racism? Oh, because the referenced El Douche-Baggio is Hispanic? No, he is technically Caucasian. Or is the hub-ub around this asshole because they butchered Spanish & threw an "El" in front of a made up word? I can say La Policia de Santa Cruz isn't a Racist Police Department. I personally have great friends who I've known for 20+ years who are members of SCPD & could give a **** less what ethic group is committing crime (Primarily "Caucasian" with Hispanic as a close 2nd statistically) & frankly as a citizen-- how about we stop
This circle jerk?
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Tom Abbott Don't patronize me Paul. You know exactly what I was referring to.
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Paul Mendoza How did I patronize you Tom? I used the same tone you used. Is racism a word you never use?
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Christopher Scott Tom Abbott I got your back.
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Paul Mendoza Well, Mr. Scott, here is one first hand report that contradicts you? Why should we stop talking about racism?

Santa Cruz Police and First Alarm Brutalize and Arrest People for Being Black and Homeless : Indybay
Today, August 21, 2014, I, Yannidies Brown, have just not only witnessed, but ex...See More
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Tom Abbott My point, Mr. Mendoza is that anyone that has been around here for very long knows why you posted the OP. You can fool some of the people some of the time.....etc.
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Paul Mendoza Mr Scott, some would say using a Spanish word as a pejorative towards a Caucasian suspect is racist. It's an act of criminalizing Hispanic people.
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Tom Abbott Hell, let's just cut to the chase shall we? Do you think that SCPD is racist Paul?
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Paul Mendoza Are you patronizing me, Mr.Abbott? You wouldn't do that, would you?
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Paul Mendoza I'm more about providing data, Mr. Abbott, than providing opinions.
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Paul Mendoza The proof is in the Mustachio glass, so to speak.
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Christopher Scott My apologies Mr Mendoza I had no intention to criminalize Hispanic Citizens of The United States who abide by the law. The Hispanic criminals do a fine job of criminalizing their culture without my satirical assistance.
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Tom Abbott Then provide some. You asked for a response. Do I think that SCPD is racist. Nope, not at all. You couldn't possibly be fishing though could you?
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Paul Mendoza I provided one link to an article so far.
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Paul Mendoza Well, Mr. Abbott, can you explain to me why the number of Hispanic and female officers in the SCPD does not match up to our population here in Santa Cruz? Let's start there.
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Christopher Scott Same as "Caucasian" criminals criminalize about every ethnic group of European dissent yet the "White" man unfortunately gets a bad rap.
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Paul Mendoza Glad you cleared that up in time, Mr. Scott.
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Tom Abbott Ah, I see where this is going. No Paul, I can't. I actually did apply with the PD some time back but I don't speak spanish and that may be why I was rejected. It was something that they required. Since I am not in the position of hiring there I can't give you a qualified answer as to why they don't have more hispanic officers. I could only offer guesses which wouldn't be fair or accurate.
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Christopher Scott I believe Mr Abbot just drove a freight train right through the gaping hole in this "argument"
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Paul Mendoza He did the honorable thing and he bowed out when he didn't have any info.
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Tom Abbott Who said I bowed out? Your turn
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Tom Abbott So let's do this differently Paul. What is the ratio of hispanic/white officers in SCPD and also, what is the ratio of hispanic/white residents in Santa Cruz proper?
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Christopher Scott Zing!!
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Tom Abbott And, as you apparently feel that the numbers might be skewed one way or another, why do YOU think that situation exists, if it really does?
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Paul Mendoza You tell me:

Updated List of Santa Cruz Police Department Personnel : Indybay
I received this updated list of SCPD personnel--buffed up considerably from the ...See More
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Paul Mendoza Mr. Abbott, are you with a "straight face" telling me the SCPD is 50% female?
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Carlos Nochez Jr. Because "el little white trashio" would have been too broad in Santa Cruz county which is full of them little white trashios...
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Tom Abbott Are you speaking to anyone in particular here Carlos?
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Paul Mendoza Mr. Abbott, do you have any information at all that any police department in this country truly reflects the gender and race of the population it serves? Wouldn't that make the news?
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Tom Abbott I didn't ask you about women Paul, I asked about hispanics. I think you will find that most departments throughout the state have similar statistics. Sorry, I missed the women part of your original question. However, I didn't ask for a list. That tells me nothing. Some men have women sounding names and vice versa. Some people have hispanic surnames but actually are not. I asked for statistics, percentages if you will. Not a list.
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Paul Mendoza It's ok for there to be a gender imbalance in your view? That is meaningless to you?
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Tom Abbott Again Paul, I would have no idea whether it would make the news or not nor do I have any information that those types of statistics would make any difference in the efficiency of a particular police force. I am far more interested in people being able to do the job and not just fill a quota.
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Tom Abbott BTW, I know a number of female officers that feel the same way.
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Paul Mendoza You have no idea whatsoever? Did you not see the news about Feruson, Mo.?
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Paul Mendoza Do you feel you are sheltered from racism or talk about racism? Do you avoid learning about it? You won't use the word even, correct?
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Paul Mendoza Specifically the racial makeup of the Ferguson Police Department?
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Tom Abbott Personally, I feel that if a woman, or person of another race other than caucasian is capable of doing a job, they should be given equal opportunity. I have no way of knowing how that is put into effect in the hiring process.
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RayeAnn Jimenez Why are you arguing? It is clear that someone is just picking a fight. Haven't you ever heard the term, "every line has a hook"?
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Christopher Scott Ouch, that kinda hurt. It's a good thing I enlisted in the Military, fought, & have buried my fair share of wet-back, jungle bunny, cracker, white trash American brothers, who I love, so we could defend Everyone's right to have this cute discussion, because I can say, based in 100% factual experience, in Afghanistan they would just cut all our heads off & play soccer with em'. I use that analogy because I've seen it happen. Y'all have fun with the 1st Amendment. I have guns to clean & a Dixie flag to hang up.
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Tom Abbott We were not talking about Ferguson Paul. You brought up Santa Cruz. That is where my interest lies unless you are diverting the attention to the OP
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Tom Abbott BTW Paul, if you want to get the real low down on racist, talk to Carlos there. He is an expert at it.
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Tom Abbott When you come up with those ratios for SC give me a shout Paul. I want to get back to watching the game. Have a great week.
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Christopher Culligan OP: I'll allow it.
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Gail Wingert Mountain meet molehill. I have a degree in sociology and studied racism extensively and what I read in this article is that they did a play on names. If he, the suspect, were Hispanic I would be more offended by it. I think it's a ridiculous story and an even more ridiculous argument.
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Gail Wingert Mr Paul Mendoza Of course there are fewer women on the police force. How many women do you know who want to be cops? Of those women how many can pass the physical agility?
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Tom Abbott Thank you Gail. I love it when someone can be concise and not use up a lot of bandwidth.
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Tom Abbott As for myself....I was just killing some time before the game started
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Gail Wingert Good for you!
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Monty Matteson Just an observation. Any body else notice the usual suspects who like to stir the pot on racism and bait are oddly quiet? Maybe under different assumed identity?
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Tom Abbott Well, some do have a tendency to hit and hide, if ya know what I mean.
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Monty Matteson
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Paul Mendoza Ms. Wingert, I agree with you, I would also be offended if the term "El Mustachio" were applied to a Spanish speaking person. Why didn't they use the word in English? Mustache? The Mustache Magician? Why didn't they use a Black Bart analogy (which is also racist) or a Redneck analogy? He looks like a hick also, doesn't he? Like a hillbilly thief maybe? Or an East Side rummie maybe? Also, how did the SCPD set the physical agility requirements that you are referring to? How is it the SCPD has an imbalance in gendered officers, is it is all because of a woman's personality? Is that what you are saying? Doesn't women serving in the military, and as police and fire fighters have to do with the struggle for equal rights? Why is it that so many overweight police officers can pass these agility tests?
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Paul Mendoza Mr. Abbott, is it your understanding the SCPD has always been racially balanced? Through its history? Also, please don't spam the thread with insulting, off topic comments and personal insults.
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Tom Abbott I didn't spam the thread with any of those Paul. Perhaps perception is in the eye of the beholder. BTW, you have a tendency to ask a lot of questions but also don't have many answers. Who is spamming who?
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Paul Mendoza Spam.
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Tom Abbott So, you don't have any statistical ratios for me?
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Tom Abbott Just some chart?
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Paul Mendoza Spam.
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Peter Darling
Play Video
Right of Self Determination - Monty Python Holy Grail : Autonomous Collective
These humans are exercising their right of self determination through self-gover...See More
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Tom Abbott Maybe just quit while you are behind Paul. It is much more comfortable that way
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Paul Mendoza Spam.
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Paul Mendoza Why are you insulting me?
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Paul Mendoza You're not on my timeline in this discussion and I'm not on your's.
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Paul Mendoza How about we work together to end racism?
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Paul Mendoza The history of the Santa Cruz Police Department begins with the incorporation of the city in 1866. A Board of Trustees governed the new town, and S.W. Field, President of the Board, appointed the first Police Chief in 1867.

Robert Liddell was a Santa Cruz lifeguard at the time he was appointed Police Chief, and he served as the head of a one-man department until 1888. By the turn of the century, the police force had grown to three men.

As was common in most Police Departments in the early years, the chief was a politically appointed position. In 1933, the city was reorganized under a City Manager/City Council form of government, and the Police Chief became a professional staff position.
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Paul Mendoza How many Latino city council members have there been in Santa Cruz, Mr. Abbott? (no pressure to answer this)
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Tom Abbott Um, this is a forum for discussion. If you don't want discussions on your topics then it might be best not to bring them up. I am not going to answer any more of your ridicules questions until you answer the questions that I referred back to you. That is the way it works. You are only spamming your own topic at this point.
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Paul Mendoza I didn't realize I went out of order. So your spamming can stop now?
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Tom Abbott BTW, I am not insulting you Paul. You brought up valid issues and I asked you valid answers to which you either don't have the answers or you are just stalling. BTW, I am far from being a racist but I know a troll when I see one and thank you for playing.
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Paul Mendoza Our Police Chiefs
Robet Liddell 1867-1882
S.J. Taintor 1882
Myron Sacket Paterson 1882-1884
Joseph W. Scott 1884-1886
W.W. "Will" Clark 1886-1888
Amos Lunt 1888-1889
J.E. Armstrong 1889-1890
Matt Rawle 1890-1904
W.W. "Will" Clark 1904-1906
J.E. Armstrong 1906-1910
Hugh Daugherty 1910-1912
M.C. Jones 1912-1914
Frank K. Hannah 1914-1925
E.B. Kaler 1925-1929
William Walker 1929-1930
E.B. Kaler 1930-1932
Ora Dunlop 1932-1933
Al Hunstman 1933-1956
Gino Pini 1957-1982
Jack Bassett 1982-1994
Steve Belcher 1994-2003
Howard Skerry 2003-2010
Kevin Vogel 2010-
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Paul Mendoza Don't judge these men by their names. We don't know if they were all Latinos or not.
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Wenna Yechone Vetter Cops are ignorant in general!
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Tom Abbott It's all yours Paul. Carry on and have a good night.
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Mike Murrow Welcome to Santa Cruz where we make mountains of mole hills.
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Gail Wingert I won't be engaging Mr Mendoza. He's illogical, pretentious, and rude. Not to mention fake. Show your face, your real name and your real Facebook page and then maybe, but doubtful, I don't care to wage online wars with people like him.
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Robin Jansen I thought John Colby was banned from this group. Twice.
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Madeline Mains Thank you for posting! The embarrassing content on the scpd blog is a source of personal frustration. This is bad on so many levels, the jovial tone is the worst. Last month I got them to take down a post on local prostitutes, posting their picture, info, and how much they charge per night. Unreal!
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Jim Spring I find it interesting that an individual who's only job seems to be trolling cops and is about as white as they come is using a fake account in an attempt to stir up a hornets nest about "racism". Pity none of that same energy goes into actually getting a job. John "Paul Mendoza" Colby even posted the puff piece Robert Norse had to write about John's "endeavors". Good times.
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Christopher Culligan Wait, *the* John Colby? The one who got evicted?
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Robin Jansen Looks like John and Pat Colby have snuck back into CFABSC under the names Paul Mendoza and Madeline Mains. Talk about a couple of el desparados!
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Christopher Culligan Wow man, you're like, famous.
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Tom Abbott Doesn't make any difference. He got his lunch handed to him on this one. Suck it up big boy.
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Jim Spring There was no denial to my calling John out in the third response to this thread. Just "I didn't do anything wrong". But, yes, Tom, that is par for the course. False assertions with no actual backing are easily shot down and contribute nothing to any sort of reasonable discourse.
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Robin Jansen Who wants to bet Topix is going to be on fire tonight with barf spewed by "Paul Mendoza"? AKA John E. Colby.
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Madeline Mains Robin Jansen really? You are so incredibly rude. I can't begin to make sense of your hostility towards me or why it's worth your time to belittle my voice.
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Tom Abbott 2nd troll alert
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Brannon Schell Hi john. We've missed you. I'm sure topix is heating up now too.
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Christopher Culligan Madeline Mains, sometimes comedy is the community anti-inflammatory medication. I for one totally support the SCPD having a bit of fun on their blog. Because, frankly some of this is absolutely outrageous. Did you see the bit about the guy, erm, pleasing himself on Ocean? Sorry thats GAME ON for snark. And our Robin is king of snark.
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Robin Jansen John Colby has no shame and must not be getting enough attention "cop watching" to lie and weasel his way back into this group.
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Robin Jansen Why, thank you. Thank you vedy much!
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Madeline Mains Christopher Culligan i appreciate your perspective. Personally, I don't find it funny because I take it very seriously and it's disheartening to see critical and alarming criminal dynamics portrayed so lightly. But that's just my opinion and I know that not all may interpret the blog as I do, and that's okay. I think it's great that this can be a venue for people who think differently to hear new ideas and interpretations. I know I appreciate hearing them!
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Madeline Mains Snark can be great. It also can be isolating, childish and unproductive. When at all possible, I try to stay away from that behavior as I'm sure there are more effective ways of communicating with one another. It's easy to be mean, so why not challenge ourselves?
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Christopher Culligan It is totally easy to lean on the mean. I struggle with that everyday being a parent. Although I have to point out how similar my conversations with my 3 year old are with some people on this very forum.
59 mins · Like · 4

Monty Matteson I've noticed that also Chris.
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Eric Rowland Add shit, stir. Sigh.
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Paul Mendoza Is it time for me to prove I am not John Colby? I will prove it to Steve Pleich possibly if he wants me to. I trust he won't reveal my true identity, It's sad you are all on the attack like this and falsely accusing Dr. John Colby of being me. I have not said anything out of line to any of you. I am not Dr. John Colby, the homeless advocate, nor am I his sister. Please stop attacking them and me for expressing my views in a very calm and logical manner.
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Brannon Schell Doctor?
Brannon Schell's photo.
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Eric Rowland Given that nobody but Colby would address him as 'Doctor', sure, why not.
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Paul Mendoza From the SCPD facebook page: "please do not post material that is derogatory, defamatory, insensitive or contains vulgar or profane language" The SCPD should be educated on what their own policies mean.Their blog and facebook page is so out of line.
28 mins · Like

Paul Mendoza Is the "El Mustachio" name insensitive?
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Jim Spring Given the hurt over the apparent SCPD blog, good thing the same people don't follow the Brimfield Police FB page which has been a minor social media phenomenon.

It also amazes me how much grief SCPD gets from some yet the constraint they show in so many cases -- the woman w/ a machete the other day; cameras being shoved in their face regularly; being attacked by criminals; etc.
24 mins · Like

Jim Spring I think a pasty white guy trying to find an argument for racism on the backs of an ethnic group he is in no way a part of is pretty pathetic.
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Paul Mendoza Mr. Spring, how would we as citizens of Santa Cruz be able to analyze the SCPD's job with the machete woman? Could we have access to the police reports?
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Mike Murrow Not if he's a Dr! Oh my god that cracks me up.
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Eric Rowland I predict a move to 'weightist', as 'racist' isn't gaining traction.
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Matt Snow Not racist.
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Paul Mendoza The police were never accountable to the public in this incident:
Play Video
santa cruz officer slams drunk homeless man's face into concrete. EXCESSIVE USE OF FORCE!!
Please watch our Sanctuary Homeless Camp Presentation here: More
21 mins · Like · Remove Preview

Christopher Culligan dr, you gotta stop while you are.... ah , never mind, keep going!
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Jim Spring Eric - leave my beer belly out of this.

Beanbags to subdue a woman who is threatening violence to herself (and had done so twice before) keeps the officers out of danger and is non-lethal. Let's also not forget the suicidal individual near Walgreens on Soquel that actually cut the officer and he was just subdued.
20 mins · Like

Paul Mendoza This is a direct quote from the article I posted earlier: "So while we are walking, he proclaims that he's an officer, and he can do whatever he wants, and that he's going to arrest my brother's "black ass.""

Santa Cruz Police and First Alarm Brutalize and Arrest People for Being Black and Homeless : Indybay
Today, August 21, 2014, I, Yannidies Brown, have just not only witnessed, but ex...See More
19 mins · Like · Remove Preview

Paul Mendoza One reason they might be harassing John Colby is because he posted this cop watching video of a man who said he was being arrested for being black (this is a different story from the link I just posted):
Play Video
Part 1: Santa Cruz Police Racism by Officer Azua and Unidentified PO
1 of 5 videos: these five videos show Azua and his fellow Santa Cruz police offi...See More
16 mins · Like · Remove Preview

Jim Spring Paul - given Brent's been back pedaling on his stance against SCPD (has called them subdued compared to many others multiple times), it is good to bring up a master piece of his editing and your obvious lack of understanding of physics.
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Mike Murrow Well shoot if Indybay and Dr Colby say its true...
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Jim Spring John is "activist of the month".
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Beverly Young I sure am glad that I am as old as I am and won't be long in this ridiculous world of "political correctness", where one has to watch everything that comes out of their mouth because someone might be offended. Get a life and get over it!! Why do some of the people who are constantly commenting feel that they must be anonymous? Cowards!! What a bunch of petty people you are. This whole thread is totally beyond being ludicrous!!
17 mins · Like · 3

Jim Spring Beverly - It is sunday night, a perfect time to bring out the ludicrous before the week starts. (I happen to agree, I'm just bored)
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Mike Murrow "Harassing" = pointing out that you are Dr John and a joke.
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Paul Mendoza Ms Young, don't you think by calling the man "El Mustachio" that people might actually think the suspect is Latino and profile Latino people when giving tips to the SCPD about the incidents? I think it is a bad practice by the SCPD to use racism, AND it's discriminatory.
13 mins · Like

Tom Abbott Wait, Paul isn't John? And John is a Doctor? I see you are back at it Paul.....did you finish that lunch yet? Wait, Petra asks a lot of questions and doesn't give answers to pertinent questions. If Paul isn't John then maybe Paul is Petra. This can be so confusing.
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Christopher Culligan Beverly Young, I completely agree and if you value your sanity and time I would just unsubscribe from this thread now. It's all downhill from here.
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Paul Mendoza Calling me John Colby is libel. And it's poor form for all of you.
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Paul Mendoza You are all committing libel while you stand up blindly for the SCPD.
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Jim Spring Tom - Nah, Paul proved he is John Colby (or maybe Pat) because only the Colbys puff up themselves. The rest of society just laughs and shakes their heads.
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Eric Rowland What, you think calling you Colby is an insult?! Awesome sauce!
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Robin Jansen Paul Mendoza = John Colby
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Mike Murrow "Calling my John Colby is Libel" in otherwords, even your sock puppet agrees no one wants to be John Colby.
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Tom Abbott I thought that posting on FB anonymously was not allowed.
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Paul Mendoza Turn me in, I made my point here.
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Paul Mendoza It was easy.
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Robin Jansen Go Johnny, go
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Tom Abbott And that point would be?
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Mike Murrow ... That point being that we should never forget that John Colby is a loon
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Robin Jansen Topix is going to be on Fire!!!
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Paul Mendoza I broke the FB rules, and you all have committed libel.
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Tom Abbott Hope you enjoyed your lunch Paul/John
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Robin Jansen Call the police
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Robin Jansen oh, that's right....
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Paul Mendoza You all are just wasting Steve Pleich's time. That's all you are doing. And revealing your true selves to a lot of onlookers.
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Mike Murrow Meanwhile you hide behind a fake ID when you reveal how much of a loon you are
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Beverly Young No, I do not, Mr. Mendoza or whoever you are. I think you are being absolutely ridiculous in your whole stupid allegation of racism crapola
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Eric Rowland Jim Spring, your beer belly is fair game if don't share the illicit gains that added to said belly. Editorial note: This is not beer blackmail.
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Christopher Culligan I have to do legitimate work for tomorrow, and I just can't tear myself away from this comedy of errors. It's fascinating.
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Christopher Scott Mr. Paul Mendoza-- I am
A patient, tolerant, & educated man. I am
A Nationally Registered Emergency Medical Technician-Paramedic. I work in Civilian EMS until I report to Fort Benning GA. to see my brothers of all class, color, creed, and background in the US Army 75th Ranger Regiment, 3rd Battalion, Bravo Co. I am fighting for the man on my right and left. I am a 68W Combat Medic. In 2003 I received dual B.S. degrees in Sociology & Health Science. Deans List honors, Summa Cum Laude. 10 years passed since my thesis was published-- a comprehensive analysis of mandatory minimum sentences affecting non-violent drug offenders of Hispanic, African American, & Asian/Pacific Island descent--these demographic criteria (amongst many others) took hundreds of hours inside CDC Susanville interviewing & reviewing individual cases which disproportionately affected the most improvised communities & essentially institutionalized racism affecting these ethnic groups.

I am confident your comment "Why didnt they use a Black Bart analogy (which is also racist) or a Redneck analogy? He looks like a hick also, doesn't he? Like a hillbilly thief maybe? Or an East Side rummie maybe? Also, how did the SCPD set the physical agility requirements that you are referring to? How is it the SCPD has an imbalance in gendered officers, is it is all because of a woman's personality? Is that what you are saying? Doesn't women serving in the military, and as police and fire fighters have to do with the struggle for equal rights? Why is it that so many overweight police officers can pass these agility tests?

You have no right to talk of Racism, you are the most disgusting kind of racist--a chickenshit pussyfooting, victim . You have no right to talk about the Military. You have never put your life on the line for the "Rights" you exploit. You have no right to question why Women or Minorities or Law Enforcement or the criteria for the hiring processes exist because you are a parasite. You flood the dams & suck up every bit of rhetoric from "Indybay" & use it for your agenda which perpetuates willful ignorance & institutionalized racism. You have no factual evidence to support your argument. Shut your mouth. You disgust me. I shed blood to ensure your ability to shit on this countries issues which you contribute zero to proactively change. I have a sisterhood in EMS & I know the bond they are a part of. They are family. I don't know what you heard, but shut up until you suit up. Oh. You can't.

I am flat out calling bullshit & furthermore, I am Insulting you--because you insult my experience & the lives of all who preserve your existential arm chair philosophy imposed on society. I don't help people who refuse to help themselves. Except when I'm legally obligated to, so remember who comes when you need any public response for medical or law enforcement & remember who protects your mouths ability to degrade the country you "live" in.
6 mins · Like · 5

Mike Murrow It really is fascinating. And frightening. And kind of sad. But mostly it kills time
6 mins · Like

Jim Spring Too bring in another topical thread, too bad we can install virtual high pitched sound emitters to keep the likes of John "Paul Mendoza" Colby away.
6 mins · Like · 1

Paul Mendoza Well, Ms. Young, my first response to reading that nick name and seeing a dark featured man was that he was Latino. They could have used the word Caucasion in their headline if they wanted to communicate better, but hey their nickname made it to the Huffington Post. That will provide a lot of leads, I am sure.
5 mins · Like

Brannon Schell Christopher I am happy your here.
5 mins · Like · 1

Robin Jansen Christopher Scott, now you've gone and done it. Paul/john will be googling and harassing you for eternity.
4 mins · Like

Paul Mendoza I'm not going to block Mr. Scott, but I won't read his comments either, he called people "wetbacks" on this thread.
3 mins · Like

Paul Mendoza Steve must be deleting the most racist comments on here. It is gone
2 mins · Like

4 mins · Like

Paul Mendoza No it is still there.
2 mins · Like

Robin Jansen soon to be repeated on topix
5 mins · Like · 1

Brannon Schell Oh snap Jim. Don't bring up his stellar Dr's interview skills.
5 mins · Like · 2

Tom Abbott Of course you won't. I hope you finished your lunch because he just handed you your dinner.
5 mins · Like · 4

Eric Rowland Christopher Scott, our very own Jerry Maguire! SHOW ME THE ....SOMETHING!
4 mins · Like · 1

Tom Abbott And thank you Mr. Scott for your input and your insight. Likewise for your service from a fellow veteran. Travel safely.
4 mins · Like · 4

Beverly Young OMG and heavens to betsy. Mr. Scott, you are a baaaaaaad baaaaaaad boy, how dare you call illegal aliens, wetbacks. You offended poor Mr. M.
3 mins · Like · 2

Jim Spring Mr. Christopher Scott - thank you.
3 mins · Like · 2

Mike Murrow Maybe you should file a FOIA to find out why Steve didn't delete it
1 min · Like · 2

Robin Jansen Business must be slow for gorilla advocacy.
Just now · Like

Jim Spring Pasty pudgy white guy who hasn't really put in a day of work in his life pretending to be hispanic -- or at least using a fake identity associated with such. Many of which toil insanely hard in our local economy. The irony.
Just now · Like · 1
Paul Mendoza
life pretending to be hispanic -- or at least using a fake identity associated with such. Many of which toil insanely hard in our local economy. The irony.
23 mins · Like · 1

Robin Jansen Pretending to be Hispanic is how they got their section 8 housing. fraud
22 mins · Like

Eric Rowland That is an interesting dichotomy, isn't it. Why would a white guy assume a hispanic name to rail against a fictional hispanic slight? Cesar would not be please.
21 mins · Like

Paul Mendoza Hispanic, Mr. Spring? What made you think that? What a perfect example of you profiling me. The word Hispanic means "Spanish speaking".
21 mins · Like

Paul Mendoza Mendoza means Spanish speaking to you? Look it up, or should I post the Wikipedia link again for people?
19 mins · Like

Jim Spring The Roman Caesar would have thrown this one to the lions a long time ago. Those were the days.
19 mins · Like

Paul Mendoza Have you ever heard of Mexican people not speaking Spanish, Mr. Spring? Or do you just assume they all do?
19 mins · Like

Stephanie Culligan
Stephanie Culligan's photo.
18 mins · Like · 6

Jim Spring Brannon - when to we play the token racist card? I'm not mentioning him by name yet. I think you suggested using him sparingly.
17 mins · Like

Christopher Culligan Hey if anyone speaks for Pasty Pudgy White Guys, it's me. And the Dr got kicked out of our group a long time ago so you have to figure something else out for him.
16 mins · Like · 1

Paul Mendoza So if I verify with Steve Pleich that I am not John Colby you will all apologize to me?
15 mins · Like

Jim Spring Mmmm...I love me some word parsing to try and salvage any dignity one may have. As Tom mentioned, John "Paul Mendoza" Colby lost this one hours ago and keeps on digging. Probably for material for his 3am ramblings on another board. It gives him something to talk to himself about.
15 mins · Like

Paul Mendoza I do think people should remember the names of these attackers, though. They consider themselves important in Santa Cruz.
14 mins · Like

Stephanie Culligan No. Because you can fool some of us, but not all of us.
14 mins · Like · 1

Jim Spring Fool me once, shame on me. Think you are fooling me again, shame on you.
13 mins · Like

Tom Abbott How the heck can someone apologize to a sock puppet?
13 mins · Like · 1

Jim Spring Tom - the PC term is "personally identifiable account" challenged.
13 mins · Like

Paul Mendoza Steve Pleich I have done nothing wrong here and I ask that you please not delete this thread. I think they are trying to get you to do that.
12 mins · Like

Paul Mendoza I guess at this point we should get a head count of Take Back Santa Cruz members, right?
12 mins · Like

Paul Mendoza Mr. Abbott. Check.
12 mins · Like

Paul Mendoza Mr. Spring is both TBSC and Tea Party. Check.
11 mins · Edited · Like

Paul Mendoza Mr. Rowland is TBSC and Clean Team. Check.
11 mins · Like

Paul Mendoza And who do people claim you are, Mr. Rowland, RealityCheck SantaCruz? Didn't that user stalk John Colby in here also? Check.
10 mins · Like

Paul Mendoza People claim Jim Spring is the infamous liar Sum Dim, Google all of these people.
10 mins · Like

Tom Abbott Oh crap, now I have gone and done it. I will accept my punishment Steve.
11 mins · Like

Eric Rowland "Personally Identifiable Account" = PIA. PIA + female dog = PIAB.
10 mins · Like

Eric Rowland Oh Noes! We're being 'checked'! Praise Be! Steve Pleich, is this your legacy?
10 mins · Like · 1

Robin Jansen Me thinks John is losing it
9 mins · Like

Jim Spring It's not yet the LOONing hour.
9 mins · Like

Paul Mendoza He will see who started it. Steve isn't stupid. I also told him I can prove who I am.
9 mins · Like

Jim Spring But, yes, after enough reality and common sense debunking him, the real John Colby comes out.
8 mins · Like · 1

Paul Mendoza My knowledge comes out.
8 mins · Like

Eric Rowland He actually lasted a few hours longer than my prediction, to his (dubious) credit.
8 mins · Like · 1

Paul Mendoza Google.
8 mins · Like

Robin Jansen John/Pat same thing
8 mins · Like

Paul Mendoza A whole group is trolling me, what do you expect? People need to know what you are doing.
7 mins · Like

Robin Jansen Go johnny go. go
7 mins · Like

Paul Mendoza Ms Jansen was the neighbor of John and Pat.
7 mins · Like

Paul Mendoza We all know this.
7 mins · Like

Stephanie Culligan Lol. I'm rarely on Topix but even I know who "Paul Mendoza" is. It is laughably obvious.
7 mins · Like · 1

Tom Abbott Wow....I just googled myself and got over 18 million hits. That is amazing! Apparently I also work for the golf channel.
6 mins · Like

Paul Mendoza Paul Mendoza isnt on Topix.
6 mins · Like

Paul Mendoza Google.
6 mins · Like

Robin Jansen What is hilarious is that john Colby believes he is gathering important info.
6 mins · Like

Paul Mendoza Add "Santa Cruz" to the search Mr. Abbott. Or TBSC. Or topix.
6 mins · Like

Stephanie Culligan Bahahaha
5 mins · Like · 2

Tom Abbott And, get this. I died back in 1887
5 mins · Like

Tom Abbott This is gonna take awhile
5 mins · Like

Paul Mendoza I don't think you are on topix, Mr. Abbott.
5 mins · Like

Tom Abbott google it
4 mins · Like

Christopher Scott Remember everything on the Internet is factual. Just ask Paul Mendoza.
4 mins · Like · 1

Tom Abbott Bring some breakfast after you finish that dinner though
4 mins · Like

Paul Mendoza If it gets back on topic I will join in again!
4 mins · Like

Tom Abbott What was the topic again?
3 mins · Like

Paul Mendoza And again, Mr. Pleich, I don't think the thread needs to be deleted, I will just stop responding to off topic posts.
Just now · Like

Eric Rowland "Paul Mendoza isnt on Topix"
And Bob Dole thinks Bob Dole is a fine human being.
Just now · Like
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