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Ironworkers Wildcat In San Francisco To Protest Contract Vote Process And Declining Wages

by Labor Video Project
Ironworkers in a wildcat strike in San Francisco protested a contract and concessions that have left them behind economically. They make less money than Laborers and other building trades workers.
Ironworkers Wildcat In San Francisco To Protest Contract Vote And Declining Wages And Benefits
Unionized ironworkers walked off the job on September 2014 in
San Francisco to protest a contract vote that was not provided in
Spanish and Chinese as well as English. They are also striking
to protest their declining wages and benefits as a result of
concession bargaining while other trades including Laborers are
receiving more compensation. These interviews were done on
Septembers 11, 2014.
Production of Labor Video Project
§Ironworkers Under Attack
by Labor Video Project
Ironworkers picketed construction sites in San Francisco in including the Transbay Terminal and other construction sites in a wildcat to protest continuing decline in their living conditions.
§Ironworker Flyer Distributed at Picket
by Labor Video Project
A statement distributed protested the vote process, the lack of translation of their contract for non-English speakers and also concession bargaining
§Ironworkers Taking Pay Cuts
by Labor Video Project
While construction in booming in San Francisco and Northern California Ironworkers real wages have gone down over decades.
§"We Can't Afford To Live Where We Work" Wildcatting Ironworkers Speak Out
by Labor Video Project
Ironworkers continued their three day wildcat strike in San Francisco and other parts of Northern California against a concession contract that leaves them behind other trades and was pushed and voting on without translating to Spanish and Chinese.

Ironworkers in San Francisco spoke out about why they went out
on a wildcat and how they view their work. Also other supporters
joined them on the picket line on September 12, 2014 and discussed
international solidarity and the results of the 1999 carpenters
wildcat strike in San Francisco
More video at:
Production of Labor Video Project
§Irish Trade Unionist Supports Picket Line
by Labor Video Project
Irish trade unionist Finn Geaney joined the picket lines to support striking San Francisco ironworkers
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by Mick Newlin
I worked in the Trade for 40 years. I received a Retirement and Health insurance am enjoying life as a retired Ironworker. Now I can see wanting higher wages to keep up with the changing times. A Contract was voted on and signed this year. This Wildcat Strike does nothing to help the Union Worker as a contract has been signed. As far as a contract being sent to the Membership not written in Spanish or Chinese is a very bad argument because if you cannot speak English you should not even be on the JOB. All Ironworker are to have a High School Education or a GED. Also when you protest make sure you know your facts. This does nothing to help the Ironworker. I am all for the Ironworker getting higher wages but go about it the right way. The Contractor needs to make money. The Ironworker needs to perform his best for the Contractor to make money. Sharpen your skills learn all the tasks your can to enhance your skills and work to strengthen you Union.This wildcat Strike does not help the Union Ironworker. Yes you have the work on the Books in your Local now. Down the road the work will be in some other jurisdiction then you will have to BOOM OUT. I know some of you do not even know this term. That is the way of the Trade and your Local will be remembered for its actions.
by E board
This hurt us and cost us money. We did get a raise and it saved our pension. On the downside we have not kept up wit the cost of living or inflation. The next raise can go into anuity and wages to repair those issues. Until then sacrafice and be glad you can retire later with dignity. ONLY STRIKE WHEN IT IS SANCTIONED! Otherwise you are helping the individuals who are trying to devide the labor movement! We loose market share every day and theese actions will contribute to the problem. If you want to picket go find an open shop and organize them. Focus your action in an areana where it will have a positive effect!
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