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Indybay Feature
HUFFing around at the Association of Faith Communities Friday
HUFF (Homeless United for Friendship and Freedom) showed up in numbers at the annual get-together at the Calvary Episcopal Church urging immediate commitment to providing Simple Housing for 1000 people. Raven Davis was designated speaker for HUFF but was never allowed to speak, all the time being taken up by ponderous preachers and pretentious politicians. Few if any homeless people were invited to speak before the conclave. Here are two speeches we would have given, had we the chance, and two volunteer petitions we circulated there. We also circulated two sign-up lists for Copwatch and Encampment Protection (supporting homeless people in their existing encampments). If this is something you wish to support. Contact HUFF at 423-4833.
Raven Davis and other HUFFsters worked out this consensus speech after a number of hours.
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