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SCPD Message to African-Americans, “Get Your Black Ass Out Of My City"

by Dennis Etler
The same tactics of racial profiling and police intimidation used by cops in Ferguson, MO occur right here in Santa Cruz. People in Santa Cruz must address these issues head on before we are faced with a Ferguson, MO right here at home. There needs to be a greater awareness that the SCPD is targeting people of color and the homeless with selective enforcement of City ordinances in order to harass and intimidate them. Measures need to be taken to stop the SCPD from engaging in bullying and other abusive practices before it is too late and tragedy strikes..
Over the past two weeks all eyes have been focused on Ferguson, MO where popular resistance to the police murder of Michael Brown, an unarmed 18 year old African-American youth, and the militarized police response has garnered national and international attention. Instances of police brutality and intimidation, and the use of an overbearing occupation of the community by heavily armed paramilitary SWAT Teams have outraged people across the country. The overt racist nature of the murder of Michael Brown and the subsequent gangland style drive-by shooting of an obviously suicidal young Black man by neighboring St. Louis cops are outrageous examples of the epidemic of racist police violence that is sweeping across our country, as the victims are predominately, but not exclusively, Black and Latino.

But are we any better here in the supposedly progressive bastion of Santa Cruz, CA? No. A culture of police impunity and intimidation of people of color, the poor and the homeless is rampant throughout Santa Cruz and it is aided and abetted by a City Council that responds to an exaggerated concern for “public safety” that targets the most vulnerable and marginalized segments of our community.

For decades Santa Cruz has done all in its power to criminalize the poor and the homeless. Vigilanteism, police sweeps of “illegal”campsites and daily harassment of the homeless is well documented and has led to many largely ineffective attempts by concerned citizens to address the problem of homelessness in our community. All the while law enforcement is tasked with the mission of keeping Santa Cruz streets free of indigent locals and transient youth. What results is the frequent harassment, intimidation and bullying of people of color, the poor and the homeless for actions and behaviors that otherwise go unchallenged if done by more accepted White Middle Class members of our community. Because of a climate of fear, fostered by demagogic local politicians, members of the SCPD feel they have carte blanche to physically and verbally abuse whomever they feel is a threat to “public safety,” that is anyone whose appearance does not fit into the preferred demographic.

Santa Cruz is predominately white and its social and political leaders are members of the privileged Upper Middle Class. But in fact most Santa Cruzans, of whatever racial or ethnic heritage, are part of the working poor and are totally unrepresented in the corridors of power. Within the ranks of the working poor Latinos and Blacks are selectively targeted and profiled for police surveillance. This is especially true for African-Americans who make up a very small percentage of the population of Santa Cruz. While the predominant attitude seems to be that Latinos should be seen but not heard, witness the white-washing of the Chicano Mural at Beach Flats Park, as far as Blacks are concerned they should not even be seen.

Just within the last few weeks two instances of unwarranted police harassment of African Americans have been recorded on video and uploaded to the internet. Victims and observers of the abuse have written of their experiences and posted them. The actions and statements of the cops involved are clear, and can be summarized by this verbatim quote, “get the f^@& out of my city punk or I will mess you up.” It seems that being Black in Santa Cruz is an invitation for police harassment and brutality. The message that the SCPD projects is that black folk don't belong in Santa Cruz and they better leave town if they know what's good for them or they'll wind up in the clink.

The culture of police impunity rampant throughout the US is alive and well in Santa Cruz enabled by a city counsel and local political establishment that has made concern for "public safety" an excuse for police harassment, intimidation and brutality. We do not want to have happen here what has already occurred in our neighboring community of Salinas where four young Hispanic men have been killed by the police in a few short months. If we do not take care it's only a matter of time before tragedy strikes and a Salinas, CA or Ferguson, MO is repeated here.

We, and that means all of us, have to stop and think. What is going on? Why is this happening here in Santa Cruz and across our nation? But more than that we have to act, to stop the insidious spread of prejudice and racism in all its forms before it is too late. Street demonstrations and letters to the editor are not enough. We need concrete action. Santa Cruz desperately needs a "Cop Watch" program and a Civilian Police Review Board to rein in those elements within the SCPD who are out of control and harass, intimidate and brutalize our marginalized citizens.


Part 1: Santa Cruz Police Racism by Officer Azua and Unidentified PO

Santa Cruz Police and First Alarm Brutalize and Arrest People for Being Black and Homeless
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by Helms
Boot the racist copz out of OUR town.
by quotient docent
The heading of this article leads with the stunning line:
Get Your Black Ass Out Of My City

I don't find anything of the sort mentioned in the videos or the text. Is this what the author of the post wants us to believe is being implied by the two incidents in the videos?

I find it a bit incendiary and inauthentic to have quotation marks around a sentence when there hasn't been an actual quote cited.

I must admit, the videos featured, don't actually show racial profiling and may not even lead one to believe that those in the videos are innocent of the crime they're being charged with. It must be said that in Santa Cruz, despite a strong focus on harassing and busting homeless people, there isn't a strong focus on race. As one who lived for years in a local latino neighborhood and watched dozens of police calls to the neighborhood, there wasn't a violent aspect to the interactions. No one ever claimed police brutality until Ferguson. But now we get this emotionally exciting post.

I ask you to tell me, when was the last time SCPD even used a taser?
We have plenty of accounts of violence against homeless people but very few instances against latinos or black people.
It seems clear that this writer is jumping on a national bandwagon without acknowledging what is really going on here on the home front. Its too bad too because we really do need interest paid and blogs written about violence against an under-represented minority population but it just doesn't seem to be interesting enough. Homeless people are profiled, roughed up and incarcerated at a very high percentage but "Get your Black Ass Out Of My City" seems to be the sexy flag to wave right now. What a shame.
Yannidies Brown in her account of the brutalization and false arrest of her fiance and her brother last week at does claim that CSO Bradly Barnett used racial epithets in their confrontation. You can believe it or not.

It's often hard to document police misconduct when you or your friends are the target. Perhaps others pulled out their cellphones or cameras and documented more of it. I'd appreciate it if they came forward and again invite folks to call in to my radio show Thursday night (6-8 PM) and Sunday morning (9:30 AM to 1 PM) at 831-427-3772 or call me for an interview at 831-423-4833.

Barnett has a nasty history of hostility and harassment of street artists, performers, and homeless folks downtown. I'm posting the record of some of his citations here for those who'd like to explore further. And I've put in a more extensive request looking for his entire history as well as the addresses and race of each person he's cited or arrested.

After a partially responsive Public Records Act reply, I posted the following notes and stats regarding SCPD recent use of force,tasering, drawn weapons, pepper spray,, and their "policy" in an earlier story: . The SCPD is not transparent here. Reporters should have no problem getting the specifics of the use of such force--when, where, by whom, and against whom. But until folks show up in force at the station with video cameras and in numbers, it's not likely to happen.

Another instance of local harassment is recounted on the SCCCCOR website as .

I've been critical of local organizations for not for not aggressively,, actively, and publicly pursuing reported instances of local racial harassment, intimidation, and brutality. Even explicitly anti-racist organizations like the Santa Cruz branch of the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP), the Santa Cruz Chapter of the American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU), and the Santa Cruz County Community Coalition for Overcoming Racism (SCCCCOR) that fundraise around issues of racial discrimination have not, to my knowledge raises local issues around specific individuals and police department policies here in the last decade.
But this is where the rubber meets the road.

My memory is limited. But I do remember that when SCCCCOR was founded in 2007, they held county-wide "information-gathering" meetings at which folks were invited to come and present their accounts of harassment. I'm still waiting to be advised which of those accounts if any were publicized and followed up on.

I've tried for the last year to get SCCCCOR old-timers like Simba Kenyatta and new Board members like Dennis Etler to uncover those records--to no avail. Of course, there are new cases to be investigated. Rogiers Brown goes to court on September 25th on charges of "battery on a police officer" and "obstructing an officer" in the Barnett smoking ticket case mentioned at the top of the article. If someone wants to call the jail (454-2420 then dial 0) to seek out further booking records for contact info (or go to the sheriff's office in the County Building to examine the booking sheet), that could be done.

I admit to a certain caustic bias here regarding liberal organizations that don't want to take on local discrimination--whether against the homeless or other minorities. It's harder for those groups to name names if they want to be treated warm and fuzzy by police,politicians, and corporate sponsors like UCSC. If they want funding for "training" and "intern" projects, if their focus is on building an organization without making too many waves. Waves that would follow if they raise specific demands and expose specific abuses.

I also want to give credit to Dennis for working with Dru and others to mobilize protest around the Michael Brown slaying. And again for bringing up this issue on indybay.

Steve Pleich advises me that SCCCCOR meets at 1 PM Wednesday August 27th at the Resource Center for Non-Violence on Ocean St. That follows a HUFF (Homeless United for Friendship & Freedom) meeting at 11 AM-1 PM at the Sub Rosa Cafe at 703 Pacific. And the 9 AM Hearing on whether to recuse D.A. Bob Lee from the SC-11 cases in Department 6. Not to mention the Sin Barras meeting out at the Circles Church at 7 PM Wednesday night. Busy day.
→ “get the f^@& out of my city punk or I will mess you up."

Actually it's the Snots Valley Senile that's the big offender when it comes to institutional racism in Santa Cruz and drives the rest of the clusterfuck.

After the "Crack Raid" on the Avenue bar a few yeas ago that produced no more than personal amounts of anything (but softened the owner up for selling to out-of-town investment-in-Pacific-Ave-redevelopment interests in guise of a 'sports bar') the Senile strongly alluded all black people in Santa Cruz being crack dealers.
by Show me the video
Sorry, but her story isn't credible, based on her evidence. She says she was cursed at with racial slurs, and that her companion was punched, and she's posted lots of video of the arrest.

And yet, there is no evidence of any racial slurs by the police, or punching by them. There IS evidence of her friend actively resisting arrest. And there is lots of:

-him claiming the police are just trying to make their quota.

-her saying they are "abusing him because he's black", when it's clear he's vigorously resisting arrest and that's why he's being put on the ground.

-her yelling "what the f**K is wrong with you" at the police when they tell her to step back from the arrest.

-her calling them *fuc*ing sons of bitches".

-calling the cop a "fat ass mother f*cker*.

Hey, keep it real. She claims on two occasions that she "has it all on tape" and "recorded them punching" her husband. So, show us that video evidence. Show me the video of the punches and curses. Barring that, she's just someone who's friend got taken down for resisting and wrestling with the cops..and she's someone whose trying to turn it into a racial issue.
by Robert Norse
SCCCCOR (Santa Cruz County Community Coalition to Overcome Racism) has a Board of Directors meeting which Steve Pleich tells me is open to the public tomorrow at 1 PM.

I've not heard the local ACLU or NAACP has taken any action on these latest serious complaints--which Dennis links above, but perhaps others know but aren't telling...

Dennis could use some help in rounding up complaints and concerns--if SCCCCOR actually wants to act on them rather than file them, as it apparently did back in 2007.

Dennis strong voice and organizing skills will hopefully be of some impact.
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