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Fake “Feminists” of Femen Participated in the Odessa Massacre

by Steven Argue
[Photo: Femen leader Ievgeniia Kraizman participating in the May 2nd Odessa massacre. She was part of the group of Maidan fascists who burned alive, shot, strangled, and beat to death 116 anti-fascist protesters on that day. The two accompanying photos shows her in other Feman actions.]

Before I say more on Femen, people who want to know more about the Odessa massacre, can check out the following article:

U.S. / EU Backed Neo-Nazis Murder 116 Unarmed Civilians in Odessa, Waging War on the Civilian Population
by Steven Argue
Fake “Feminists” of Femen Participated in the Odessa Massacre

by Steven Argue

Femen is known for bold and visually striking topless protests across Europe and North Africa. Often regarded as a feminist organization, the fact that they were started and was run by a man, Victor Svyatski, is less well known. He has recently been ousted from the leadership, but as Femen is his brainchild, he still worth looking at. Also less well known are Femen’s ties to the anti-woman Ukrainian neo-Nazi movement.

Kitty Green, a former Femen activist, describes Victor Svyatski's as the leader of the group, saying, "Once I was in the inner circle, you can't not know him. He is Femen."

Victor Svyatski would personally review potential activists to see if they were pretty enough. In addition, Brazilian supporters were denied a franchise under the brand for not having the right weight.

Kitty Green's description of Victor Svyatski's rule over the group isn't pretty, "He was quite horrible with the girls. He would scream at them and call them bitches.”

Victor Svyatski explained his male iron fist methods of leadership over the women saying, “These girls are weak.” He says this in the recent film documentary "Ukraine is not a Brothel" which outs him as the leader of the group. He further explains his position:

“They [the Femen activists] don’t have the strength of character. They don’t even have the desire to be strong. Instead, they show submissiveness, spinelessness, lack of punctuality, and many other factors which prevent them from becoming political activists. These are qualities which it was essential to teach them.”

This is indeed a curious attitude towards women for the male leader of a supposedly feminist organization. Yet, when one looks at the targets of Femen’s protests, the goals seem to be far more anti-immigrant and anti-Russian than one of fighting for women’s liberation. This includes their participation in the recent Odessa massacre which was a massacre of 116 anti-fascist protesters who stood up for the rights of the oppressed Russian nationality in Ukraine.

An early campaign of Femen was in Lvov Ukraine against Turkish football fans being able to visit Ukraine. In fact, they claimed that this was a threat to the genetic purity of Ukraine. Similarly, Femen leader Inna Shevchenko recently stated the reasons why the group is coming to the UK, listing:

“Prostitution, laws about immigration, Islamic extremism in UK will not escape Femen’s naked massacre now. Whether it’s Derby’s Al-madinah school or Buckingham Palace, Femen will always find the way to be where it’s needed.”

So like many on the far right, Femen’s apparent opposition to Islam playing a role in oppressing women in North Africa and the Middle East is actually part of a wider campaign against an entire group of peoples, men and women, as they try to immigrate. A reality usually ignored by this ideology is that these people are trying to immigrate from the repression, exploitation, poverty, sexist oppression, and wars largely imposed on the regions of their homelands by U.S. and European imperialism. This is U.S. and European imperialism in league with regional capitalists, dictators, and religious extremists. Immigrants flee the poverty imposed by imperialism. They also flee the Islamists the U.S. placed in power in Libya and Afghanistan by giving heavy backing to armed religious fanatics. Today the U.S. is also backing similar groups in Syria. Likewise, the U.S. also gives major support to the religious fanatics in power in Saudi Arabia, the most repressive and anti-woman government in the world.

Femen did recruit one woman from an Islamic country. This was a 19 year-old Tunisian named Amina Sboui (who was active under the alias Amina Tyler). She was threatened with being stoned to death for her bold topless acts and did spend four months in prison. Upon her release from prison, however, Amina Sboui quit the group, saying, “I do not want my name to be associated with an Islamophobic organization.” She was also concerned about the source of the group’s funding, saying:

“I don’t know how the movement is financed. I asked (Femen leader Inna Shevchenko) several times, but I didn’t get a clear answer. I don’t want to be in a movement supported by suspect money. What if it is financed by Israel? I want to know.”

Some funding sources for the group have been revealed, including the wealthy American capitalist Jed Sunden, who also founded the Kiev Post. The Kiev Post is a terrible news source that has backed U.S. imperialist intervention in Ukraine and the U.S. backed junta that came to power in the February 22nd coup. Other sources of funding for the group have also been revealed, but because the group has no transparency in funding, no complete public listing exists. There is, however, no question that the group is well funded. A Ukrainian journalist who infiltrated the group in 2012 reported on air that that group members were paid a salary of US $1,000 a month. In addition, each Parisian operation costs at least US $1,300 per woman with paid expenses including airplane tickets, hotel rooms, taxis, and food.

There is no question that large amounts of American money have been pumped into Ukrainian non-governmental organizations to carry out the U.S. sponsored coups in Ukraine that occurred in 2014 and in 2004. Hundreds of millions of dollars were poured into the country through groups like the National Endowment for Democracy (NED), Open Society Institute (OSI), International Republican Institute (IRI), and the Freedom House. Major backers included sponsor and American multi-billionaire, George Soros. In addition, Victoria Nuland, speaking for the Obama administration, bragged that the U.S. has spent five billion dollars supposedly “promoting democracy” in Ukraine. The term "democracy" is U.S. imperialist double speak for overthrowing elected governments. And like the Femen activists, the U.S. backed Maidan rioters who overthrew the elected government of Ukraine also received regular payment for protesting. Femen was also among those who supported the Maidan
protests, the February coup, the murderous neo-Nazi attack in Odessa, and Femen also has ties to the neo-Nazi Svoboda Party that came to power with two other right wing parties in the February coup.

Femen and Their Support For Mysogynistic Neo-Nazi Extremists

In 2011 Femen leaders Inna Shevchenko, Sasha Shevchenko, and Victor Svyatski can be seen at a small picket against Belarus. Flying over their heads is the red and black checkered flag of UNA-UNSO, a far right paramilitary group that merged with the neo-Nazis of Right Sector during the Maidan riots. Standing right next to Inna Shevchenko and Sasha Shevchenko is one of their Femen comrades holding a banner that is clearly marked with the logo and name of the neo-Nazi Svoboda party. The Svoboda banner reads, "Long live independent Belarus. Freedom for Ukraine", "No to red terror". Of course, these are absurd slogans for Svoboda, a neo-Nazi group that calls for executing Ukrainian Russian intellectuals without trial and endorses Nazi collaborator and mass murderer Stepan Bandera as their hero. As the Femen held Svoboda banner suggests, another campaign of Femen has been against the deformed workers state of Belarus which has avoided many economic problems found in Ukraine by continuing to maintain a planned socialist economy since the days of the Soviet Union.

The neo-Nazis of Svoboda, besides having total hatred for Ukraine’s Jews and ethnic Russians, also hate women. This was made clear when, Oleksandr Sych, as a neo-Nazi Svoboda MP in the Ukrainian parliament, introduced a bill that would have banned abortion in April 2013. Currently in Ukraine abortion is legal on demand in the first twelve weeks of pregnancy. The bill introduced by Svoboda would have outlawed abortion except in rare cases like rape. When a Svoboda representative in parliament was asked what kind of proof a woman would have to show to prove rape, he reflected Svoboda’s deep seated misogyny by answering:

“I do not work in the law enforcement and do not know what a woman can or cannot prove… But first of all, [she] should lead such a lifestyle as to not be exposed to the risk of rape. In particular, [she should not be] drinking alcohol beverages in a questionable company.”

This is pure misogyny that infringes on the rights of women to control their bodies and their lives and blames the victim in cases of rape.

Likewise, Adolf Hitler opposed women’s reproductive freedom. The Nazis increased the penalty for abortion when they first came to power in 1933. In 1943, the Nazis took this a step further, making the performance of an abortion on an "Aryan" woman punishable by execution.

Obama claims to be pro-choice. Yet, in the United States he repeatedly renews the Hyde Amendment which bans public funding of abortions for poor women in the United States. Likewise, in Ukraine he backs neo-Nazis who seek to ban abortion. Similarly, the fake feminist of Femen protest for the right to abortion yet didn't protest against the Svoboda bill and have now helped bring these neo-Nazis to power through their support to the Maidan movement.

With the February coup, Svoboda has been given the positions of Prime Minister for Economic Affairs (Oleksandr Sych), Education Minister (Serhiy Kvit), Ecology Minister (Andriy Makhnyk), Agriculture Minister (Ihor Shvaiko), and Prosecutor-General of Ukraine (Oleh Makhnitsky). In addition, a cofounder of Svoboda, Andriy Parubiy, has also been given the portfolio of Secretary of National Security and Defense. Make no mistake, this is a fascist given a position of command in war that the capitalist state of Ukraine and its fascist thugs are now waging against the working class, leftists, women, Jews, and national minorities of Ukraine. Femen, by participating in the May 2nd Odessa massacre, is on the front lines of that war, and fighting on the wrong side. Where it counts in the world fight against fascism, Femen is supporting the fascists. Meanwhile, in western Europe, as if simply to confuse, Femen is staging hypocritical anti-fascist protests in places like Paris.

The subjugation of women has long been a key component of U.S. backed imperialist forces and remains the case today from the Islamists the U.S. supports in Syria to the fascists it supports in Ukraine. This is because the forces willing to align themselves with U.S. subjugation and exploitation tend to be rabid ultra-religious and anti-socialist types who have deeply engrained anti-woman hatreds.
Besides Femen support for the neo-Nazis of Svoboda, Femen also officially endorsed the three party coalition that led the Maidan movement. Those three parties included the neo-Nazi Svoboda Party, Batkivshchyna (Fatherland Party), and UDAR. All three were united in supporting the IMF austerity demanded by their imperialist sponsors while the democratically elected government of Ukraine refused. As a result of that Maidan movement coming to power in February, the neo-Nazis of Svoboda are now part of the junta that runs Ukraine. Solutions to Euro-fascism and sexism will be found in the hard struggles of the world proletarian and socialist movements against capitalism, imperialism, sexism, and fascism, not in the absurdly contradictory actions of Femen and the coups sponsored by U.S. imperialism.

-Steven Argue of the Revolutionary Tendency

Don’t miss my upcoming article, “Ukrainian Anti-Fascists Expropriate Some Oligarchs, Build Military”, it will be mailed from the following address, subscribe free:
Liberation News (Internationalist)

For related articles from this author, also see:

For Women’s Liberation through Socialist Revolution!

Afghanistan: Misogynistic Hell Hole Made in the U.S.A.

Voters Approve Independence For Lugansk and Donetsk People's Republics

U.S. / EU Backed Kiev Junta Waging War Against Civilian Population
by Steven Argue

And also check out some older articles with in depth analysis:

US & EU Imperialist Hands Off Crimea, Ukraine, Belarus, & Russia!
by Steven Argue

Flyers Telling Jews To Register Are Not From the Donetsk People's Republic

Imperialists Out of Ukraine! Stop Supporting Neo-Nazis! (An earlier article before the coup with in-depth analysis)

Ukrainian Military Joins Revolt, Troops Vow to Defend Protesters

For Ukraine's Self-Defense Militias!
For Crimea's Right To National Self Determination!

Ukraine Holocaust Memorial Canceled Out Of Fear U.S. Backed Anti-Semites

Communist Party Wins Mayoral Election in Russia's 3rd Largest City

Belarus: President Lukashenko Vows to Prevent a Coup Similar to Ukraine

§Femen Holding Neo-Nazi Banner (one of two)
by Steven Argue
In 2011 Femen leaders Inna Shevchenko, Sasha Shevchenko, and Victor Svyatski can be seen at a small picket against Belarus. Flying over their heads is the red and black checkered flag of UNA-UNSO, a far right paramilitary group that merged with the neo-Nazis of Right Sector during the Maidan riots. Standing right next to Inna Shevchenko and Sasha Shevchenko is one of their Femen comrades holding a banner that is clearly marked with the logo and name of the neo-Nazi Svoboda party. The Svoboda banner reads, "Long live independent Belarus. Freedom for Ukraine", "No to red terror". Of course, these are absurd slogans for Svoboda, a neo-Nazi group that calls for executing Ukrainian Russian intellectuals without trial and endorses Nazi collaborator and mass murderer Stepan Bandera as their hero. As the Femen held Svoboda banner suggests, another campaign of Femen has been against the deformed workers state of Belarus which has avoided many economic problems found in Ukraine by continuing to maintain a planned socialist economy since the days of the Soviet Union.
§Femen Holding Neo-Nazi Banner (Two of Two)
by Steven Argue
In 2011 Femen leaders Inna Shevchenko, Sasha Shevchenko, and Victor Svyatski can be seen at a small picket against Belarus. Flying over their heads is the red and black checkered flag of UNA-UNSO, a far right paramilitary group that merged with the neo-Nazis of Right Sector during the Maidan riots. Standing right next to Inna Shevchenko and Sasha Shevchenko is one of their Femen comrades holding a banner that is clearly marked with the logo and name of the neo-Nazi Svoboda party. The Svoboda banner reads, "Long live independent Belarus. Freedom for Ukraine", "No to red terror". Of course, these are absurd slogans for Svoboda, a neo-Nazi group that calls for executing Ukrainian Russian intellectuals without trial and endorses Nazi collaborator and mass murderer Stepan Bandera as their hero. As the Femen held Svoboda banner suggests, another campaign of Femen has been against the deformed workers state of Belarus which has avoided many economic problems found in Ukraine by continuing to maintain a planned socialist economy since the days of the Soviet Union.
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by ht
nice to read u steve. this should be on the indybay front page.
U.S. / EU Backed Neo-Nazis Murder 116 Unarmed Civilians in Odessa

Donetsk People’s Republic and Luhansk Vow To Go Ahead With Referendum For Independence On May 11th, Despite Moscow's Disapproval

By Steven Argue

The western corporate media are purposely confused about what happened in the May 2nd Odessa Massacre. Yet, video, photos, and eyewitness accounts do make clear what happened.

On May 2nd, the pro-U.S. Maidan fascists violently attacked an encampment of anti-fascist protesters in the Ukrainian city of Odessa. Tents were burned as the unarmed anti-fascist protesters then retreated to Odessa's Trades Union Building.

This antifascist protest in Odessa, a city in south western Ukraine, was opposed to the junta that came to power in Kiev on February 22nd. At that time the elected government was overthrown and created in its place was a government that is now composed largely of open neo-Nazis of the Svoboda Party.

After anti-fascist protesters retreated to the Trades Union Building, violent neo-Nazis surrounded them and blockaded the doors, set the building on fire with Molotov cocktails, and shot, beat to death, and strangled those who tried to escape the fire and many who survived the fire after.

read more:
by photo
in case anyone doubts that Ievgeniia Kraizman loves EuroMaidan
UKRAINE: Topless FEMEN activist leader was at ODESSA ARSON

They are known for their aggressive, usually partially naked protests. They shout and get arrested without clothes, inevitably for the benefit of some leftist cause.

But apparently one of FEMEN's leaders, Ievgeniia Kraizman was with the group who surrounded the massacred pro-Russians and burned them alive. :/

... Here is a picture of the scene along with a comparison of previous photos. Note the facial features:

Here is the original photo on her instagram:

(05/05/2014 11:51 PM)
Brainclouds, thanks for those posts. Yes, I saw that Ievgeniia Kraizman had deleted the photo from her instagram very early on. The cover-up didn't work, however, because it had already been copied and also remained up from an earlier Femen source.

In investigating the photo, an earlier source I found for it was that of a pro-Femen activist that goes by the names of Vera Nevosi (aka Junko Junsui). Here is one of her pages online that contains the photo Ievgeniia Kraizman one day after the massacre on May 3rd:

(Be warned, if you try to attempt any contact, this person is known online for hacking of opponents)

Vera Nevosi's sites online, besides containing a lot of Femen stuff, also promote Nazis, the Nazi occult, and the Euro-Maidan. She has garnered a lot of attention online, in part, according to accounts, through posting a warning of a terrorist bombing by Chechen rebels one hour before it happened. This fits as the Femen associated neo-Nazis of Right Sector are well known for sending combatants to fight on the side of Chechen rebels from Ukraine. Right Sector were central combatants in the May 2nd Odessa Massacre.

Another area of concern has been Vera Nevosi's posting of a woman named "Little Bird" held in captivity and subjected to abuse, including a gassing of her cell that caused her to pass out with a guard, wearing a gas mask, then carrying her limp body away. Another Vera Nevosi post says that "Little Bird" had to die. The hope has been that what is shown of this is all an act, but apparently there really is presently no way to know one way or another, or to know the actual location of what was filmed.

This was all strange stuff that I spent far too long researching. I have no doubt that Vera Nevosi is a strong supporter and likely closely associated with Femen, Maidan, and Right Sector, but upon researching her further, I highly doubt Vera Nevosi is an actual name and I highly doubt that the photos posted of herself in her profiles are actually her. This is for the simple reason that a deleted account of hers contained photos of an entirely different person.

Anyway, Ievgeniia Kraizman posted the photo two days after Vera Nevosi, but then obviously thought twice of having this photo up on the internet and deleted it, but that was not soon enough to keep it from being re-posted by some people from her own account. Another route the photo took was straight from Vera Nevosi to an online discussion forum dedicated to discussing the strange activities of Vera Nevosi. It was these people who identified the Femen activist as Femen leader Ievgeniia Kraizman and created the montage that I posted with my article.

For further confirmation of the photo I talked to Femen leader Jenny Wenhammar of Femen Sweden. Wenhammar falsely claims that all that happened on May 2nd when 116 antifascists were systematically slaughtered was a clash between football hooligans. She also defends this protest where Ievgeniia Kraizman is present as a protest against Russian intervention in Ukraine. Yet none of the people slaughtered in the Right Sector attack on May 2nd were Russian citizens, they were all Ukrainian anti-fascists. In her response, Wenhammar does not dispute the authenticity of the photo of Ievgeniia Kraizman, but claims it was taken two days prior to the massacre. I easily verified this as being false. The protest shown in this photo with Ievgeniia Kraizman fits with other photos taken on May 2nd that show the burning of the anti-fascist camp (which drove victims into the Trades Union building where they were slaughtered). Those other May 2nd photos even show some of the same people seen in this shot near the same identical fire of the burning anti-fascist camp. Notice, for instance, the man in this photo with the white helmet, black backpack, and red shirt who is also in the Ievgeniia Kraizman photo. When one reads between the lies of Jenny Wenhammar, her attempts to change the date without challenging authenticity actually further verify the authenticity of this photo of Ievgeniia Kraizman triumphantly posing on the side of the fascists at the May 2nd Odessa massacre.
by Capitalist think ending capitalism is a good thing? You're actually actively advocating what Nazis, fascists and imperialists advocate when you advocate against capitalism.

Capitalism is a social system based on the recognition of individual rights, including property rights, in which all property is privately owned.

Removing capitalism caused the problems which are blamed on capitalism. Anti-capitalism caused Nazism AND fascism.

It is only when you advocate a system of individual rights that you advocate freedom. Opposing capitalism is supporting tyranny.
by Capitalist
When Soviet Russia took over all private enterprise, it caused famines, poverty and put a Communist dictator in charge who murdered over 47 million people.

Hong Kong has the closest thing in the world to a free market, and has the economic and social freedom which the socialist North Korea does not.
by Steven Argue
"Capitalist", obviously, you don't know what you are talking about on all points.

To start on the lowest level of your arguments, capitalism does not protect freedoms. Most of the world is capitalist and most of it is so poor that the only way that capitalism survives is by eliminating personal freedoms. Capitalism protects personal freedom? Really? Tell that to an average Nigerian, Saudi Arabian, Honduran, or Ukrainian who would be risking their life to speak out against the system they live under.

You claim capitalism protects people's personal property? Tell that to the Wyoming ranchers whose land is being seized by the gas companies for fracking. Tell that to the Native American. Tell that to the homeless people who routinely have their sleeping bags and tents seized by the police. No, capitalism doesn't even protect personal property rights unless you are extremely wealthy.

You think fascism is anti-capitalist? Wrong. Fascism is a radical defense of capitalism by any means necessary. Capitalist profit continued under the fascist regimes that came to power in Germany, Italy, Spain, Indonesia, and Chile. In fact, that was the entire point and the reason why major capitalists bankrolled the rise of fascism. For a better understanding of fascism, I recommend you read the following.

FASCISM What It Is and How To Fight It
by Leon Trotsky

Regarding your made-up numbers of deaths supposedly caused by communism. These numbers are a complete and total lie. For the numbers against Stalin to be true here, one would need to count all of the citizens of the USSR who died as a result of Hitler's invasion (30 million) and then add quite a few others that never happened on to it.

Still, Stalin was a mass murderer. Among other people, he murdered my comrades in the Left Opposition to Stalin along with all of the original leaders of the Russian Revolution, except Alexandra Kolantai. He did that to consolidate the power of a corrupt and conservative wing of the bureaucracy. The GULAGS and mass murder in the USSR started with Stalin and ended after his death.

Still, the socialist economy won under the leadership of Lenin and Trotsky remained under Stalin's rule. This saved countless millions of lives. It turned the USSR, which had been one of the poorest countries in the world, into an industrial powerhouse capable of defeating Nazi Germany, the worst capitalist regime that ever existed on the Earth. In fact, Nazi Germany brought mass murder to a level of industrial production never seen in the world before or since.

In addition, the USSR's socialist economy saved many millions of lives by providing free medical care, along with guaranteed employment, housing, and education.

And if one compares the USSR under Stalin with any series of presidents of the United States over the same number of years, those presidents added together are responsible for more deaths than Stalin through wars, proxy wars, coups, economic blockades, military aid to murderous governments, prevention of people creating governments in poor countries that prioritize health and nutritional needs and going to war against those countries that do, and preventing basic advances in the United States like socialized health care.

Every socialist revolution that has occurred was a major step forward from the misery imposed by capitalism and imperialism. These include the Russian Revolution of 1917 that swept away Russia's participation in the capitalist inter-imperialist war of World War One that murdered 17 million people. What were they fighting over? It was simply over which capitalists would get to exploit the workers of the world. Socialist revolution ended Russia's participation in that war; Carried out a sweeping land reform; Brought massive gains in rights for oppressed nationalities, women, Jews, and homosexuals; And established a planned socialist economy that turned one of the poorest countries in the world into an industrial power house capable of defeating two major imperialist invasions and rebuilding twice to provide everyone with a job, education, and health care.

Stalinist degeneration did happen. This came out of the imperialist economic blockade, massive imperialist invasion, and the mass murder carried out by the imperialist backed White Army (which murdered 100,000 Jews in the Ukraine alone) carried out against the young USSR. Stalin betrayed the original goals of the Bolsheviks, led by Lenin and Trotsky, when they led the working class to power in 1917. Stalin represented a corrupt, conservative, and privileged section of the bureaucracy, born out of the chaos and demoralization of economic attacks and war by the imperialists and counterrevolutionaries. Yet, despite Stalin's betrayals, the working class of the Soviet Union benefited from the planned socialist economy up until its overthrow by Yeltsin. Yeltsin's capitalist counterrevolution brought with it a drop in life expectancy of 10 years within 10 years after the capitalism was brought back into the former USSR.

After the Russian Revolution, elsewhere socialist revolutions took place. All of them were deformed from birth because they were built on the Stalinist model. Yet, all of them brought major gains for the working class and peasantry of those countries. These include Tito's revolution against the Nazi occupation of Yugoslavia, the other revolutions in Eastern Europe that came with the defeat of the Nazi imperialists, the Chinese Revolution, the Korean Revolution, the Cuban Revolution, and the Vietnamese and Laotian Revolutions.

I could talk in more detail about those revolutions, but I want to keep this piece short. I will raise a few examples of gains, however. For instance, life expectancy doubled during the time of Mao's rule. That was a planned socialist economy that did that. In addition, women's rights grew by leaps and bounds, and illiteracy was on the road to being eliminated. In Cuba, Castro's popular planned socialist economy ended peasant starvation in the off season and brought up the standards of nutrition and health care to the point where Cubans have a longer life expectancy than people in the United States. The Vietnamese socialist revolution brought with it an end to the U.S. imperialist war that murdered three million men, women, and children.

To fully understand the gains of those revolutions one must first understand the true barbarity of capitalism. And by that, I don't mean the poverty, violence, and lack of health care found in imperialist centers like New York, even though that is bad. One must look at the imperialism, starvation, global warming, wars, death squads, and capitalist dictatorships capitalism imposes on the world. Only then can one truly appreciate the full magnitude of the gains of socialist revolutions that have occurred.

This doesn't mean we can't do it better than what has been done. Us Trotskyists, while fighting for planned socialist economies, also fight for a system of power based in workers and peasant democracy rather than systems of Stalinist dictatorship. Not only will it take a planned socialist economy to provide everyone with basic needs, it will also take the expropriation of the capitalists to solve dire problems like global warming, by, for instance, expropriating big oil and taking the corruption of the money of the big oil capitalists out of politics.

-Steven Argue of the Revolutionary Tendency

[Photo: USSR's Red Army raises the Soviet flag on the German Reichstag in Berlin. It was primarily the USSR that defeated Nazi Germany. The fascists in Germany, in their radical defense of capitalism, created the most barbaric system the world has ever seen that brought mass murder to a level of industrial production never seen before or since on Earth. Making the USSR's victory against fascism possible was their planned socialist economy. The USSR's planned socialist economy turned the USSR, one of the poorest countries in the world, into an industrial powerhouse capable of defeating two major imperialist invasions, including the Nazis, and rebuilding to provide everyone with a job, health care, and education.]
by Anton tankt
Please share also the information how much did russians pay you for such article?
You posted a 100% lie! This is how Putin works. I do never wish people to feel the same what Ukrainian people do, but for You i would make an exception.

You are not a jornalist, but whore.
each version of politics of identity is a brainchild of capitalists
by Jock Tamson
"When Soviet Russia took over all private enterprise, it caused famines, poverty and put a Communist dictator in charge who murdered over 47 million people. "

'The Black Book of Communism' , 854 pages promoting "Communist regimes have killed "approximately 100 million people in contrast to the approximately 25 million victims of the Nazis". Regardless to whether that claim is correct, the book bases the 100 million dead on communist regimes from 1917-1997 ignoring the nazis only existed for a fraction of that amount of time, and ignoring the inconvenient fact that 9-10 million starve under capitalism EVERY year. That is the lower United Nation estimate of who die starving every year - UN say 25,000 daily = 9125000 a year = one dead every 4 seconds (and that is only children) ,... some sources claim 1 dead every second.
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