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Unacceptable Kiev-Sponsored Murder

by Stephen Lendman
Unacceptable Kiev-Sponsored Murder

by Stephen Lendman

Fascist thugs operate this way. Moscow denounced them. Slavyansk Mayor Vladimir Ponomaryov asked Russia to send peacekeepers for protection. More on this below.

A companion article said Kiev putschists pledged no Easter weekend Eastern Ukraine attacks. Straightaway they occurred.

Earlier deployed Right Sector neo-Nazis murdered 4 Slavyansk activists. They did so in cold blood.

Other gunmen attacked central city residents. Two victims were injured. They remain hospitalized. Expect more Right Sector initiated violence ahead.

They bear full responsibility for Maidan killings. Clear evidence proves it. Ousted President Viktor Yanukovych had nothing to do with what happened.

Estonian Foreign Minister Urmas Paet's leaked conversation with EU foreign policy chief Catherine Ashton confirmed it.

He visited Kiev. He commented on what he learned. It's polar opposite mainstream propaganda. He explained what's vital to know.

Yanukovych was wrongfully blamed, he said. "(T)here is now stronger and stronger understanding that behind the snipers, it was not Yanukovyich, but it was somebody from the new coalition."

"The Russian side is enraged by the militant provocation which is an indication of the reluctance of the authorities in Kiev to bridle and disarm nationalists and extremists."

On March 12, 2014 former Ukrainian Security Service head Aleksandr Yakimenko confirmed Paet's assessment. He blamed putschist official Andrey Parubiy. He's a neo-Nazi Svoboda party leader.

"Shots came from the Philharmonic Hall," he said. "Maidan Commandant Parubiy was responsible for this building."

"Snipers and people with automatic weapons were 'working' from this building on February 20. They supported the assault on the Interior Ministry forces on the ground who were already demoralized and had, in fact, fled," he added.

"When the first wave of shootings ended, many have witnessed 20 people leaving the building."

They were carrying military-style bags used for sniper and assault rifles with optical sights.

Many witnesses saw them. Foreign elements may have been involved. Perhaps CIA, US special forces, and secret service operatives.

What happened was well planned in advance. "These were the forces that carried out everything that they were told by their leadership - the United States," Yakimenko stressed.

Maidan leaders practically lived at Washington's embassy, he added. As security chief, he was ready to order Ukrainian troops to enter the building and remove the snipers, he said.

He needed approval from Parubiy to do it, he explained. Otherwise, so-called "self-defense" elements would have attacked him, he believes.

"Parubiy did not give such consent," he said. He controlled access to weapons used in Independence Square.

Moscow expressed outrage over Slavyansk killings. A Foreign Ministry statement said:

"The Russian side is enraged by the militant provocation which is an indication of the reluctance of the authorities in Kiev to bridle and disarm nationalists and extremists."

"It is surprising that the tragedy occurred after the signing on April 17 in Geneva of the final statement of the four-sided meeting of representatives of Russia, the USA, EU and Ukraine which calls for refraining from any violent actions, intimidation or provocations."

"The Russian side insists on the strict fulfillment by the Ukrainian side of its commitments concerning the de-escalation the situation in southeast Ukraine."

"The Eastern ceasefire was violated in Slavyansk on April 20. As a result of an armed attack by the so-called Right Sector innocent civilians died."

"Local residents seized the vehicles of the attackers in which they discovered arms, aerial maps of the area and Right Sector paraphernalia."

Slavyansk Mayor Ponomaryov wants protection. He asked Russia for help. City residents are vulnerable. Right Sector thugs target them.

"They kill our people," said Ponomaryov. "They don't talk to us but just kill. The town has actually been besieged by the Right Sector."

Only Russia can help, he said. He asked Putin to send peacekeepers to Eastern Donetsk and Lugansk regions.

Print US media scoundrels largely ignored Slavyansk killings. BBC and US television accounts misreported. Propaganda substituted. Fingers pointed the wrong way.

On April 19, The New York Times headlined "Pro-Russian Forces Work on Consolidating Power," saying:

They "paused what had been the daily expansion of their territory in eastern Ukraine." They're focusing on "consolidating political power over areas already under their control."

They "pressured…dissenters and the media in ways that are commonplace in Russia but had not been in Ukraine until now."

Fact check

Times editors support Kiev fascist putschists. They have no legitimacy whatever. They usurped power lawlessly. They represent mob rule.

Eastern Ukrainian freedom fighters are the best and bravest. They reject Kiev putschists. They want their inviolable rights respected.

They want local autonomy. They want democratic governance. They want what everyone deserves.

They're putting their bodies on the line for equity, fairness and justice. They enjoy growing widespread support.

Russian democracy mocks America's sham process. Kiev putschists blocked Russian males aged 16 from 60 from entering Ukraine.

Russian TV channels were shut down. Russian nationals and Jews are targeted. Don't expect The New York Times to explain. Managed news misinformation garbage substitutes.

It claimed threatening Russian hoards massed near Ukraine's border. It called courageous Eastern Ukrainian freedom fighters "militants." It did so in the worst sense of the term.

It said "Kiev had expressed some hope that a settlement was still possible." It stopped short of explaining ruling putschists demand unconditional surrender.

It called "separatists' political grip" on cities they control "a setback." The Times supports unchallenged illegitimate fascist rule.

It reported Kiev's pledge to suspend Eastern Ukrainian attacks over Easter weekend. It ignored cold-blooded murder that followed.

It blamed Eastern Ukrainian activists for struggling for their freedom.

"(I)t was clear all along that for (four-party agreement terms) to have a chance for success, the Kremlin would have to pressure the militants to loosen their grip on areas already seized," it said.

It's "clear" that Ukrainian freedom depends on struggling for it. On replacing putschist rule with democracy. On turning East, not West.

On maintaining sovereign independence free from US dominance. Don't expect Times correspondents, contributors or editors to explain.

Or neocon Washington Post editors. On April 18, WaPo headlined "After Russian moves in Ukraine, Eastern Europe shudders, NATO to increase presence."

It lied claiming Russia intervened in Ukraine. No evidence whatever suggests it. Eastern European countries aren't vulnerable.

Washington pressured them to say so. At issue is expanding US-led NATO east. It's encroaching closer to Russian's borders. It's targeting its heartland. It's threatening its sovereignty.

WaPo ludicrously calls NATO "a mutual defense organization." It  was established for offense, not defense.

It's a US-controlled killing machine. It's expanding from an Atlantic to a global alliance. It aims to become a worldwide police force.

It wants all sovereign independent governments ousted. It wants subservient pro-Western puppet regimes replacing them. Don't expect WaPo to explain.

Propaganda substitutes for truth and full disclosure. Readers are systematically lied to.

Alternative independent sources are the only choices for real news, commentaries and analysis. Growing numbers rely on them. They're abandoning scoundrel media they don't trust.

Stephen Lendman lives in Chicago. He can be reached at lendmanstephen [at]

His new book is titled "Banker Occupation: Waging Financial War on Humanity."

Visit his blog site at

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by MM
In violation of laws and agreements are armed pro-Russian paramilitaries under supervision and with help of Russian invaded Chechen commandos and military intelligence officers. They are the terrorists and "fascists" to block roads and shoot at people who want to pass by with military grade weapons and kill if people don't cooperate.

Yes because there isn't any proof that more was going on than that - several media including NYT proofed that the Ucrainian right block data was false and made up by Russian propaganda masters.

There weren't even bodies to verify by authorities and the cars were burned by the pro-Russians to burn any evidence.

They were shot at? I would do too if some illegal and foreign affiliated paramilitary group blocks my road wants to check on me and when I have a weapon. But even for that is not any proof. The other possibility is that Russian agents killed their own affiliated people for a false flag.

In both cases the proofen falsifications and propaganda are of that extreme order that one must mark this as Russian *war* propaganda. There are many Russian lies, fabrications and manipulations and for the most absurd unfounded conspiracies they let Iranian PressTV publish. All this is a clear indication that Russia prepares for war and should be treated accordingly.
by MM "Miss Krat says that she was detained while reporting on the shootings in Slavyansk which left three pro-Russian protesters dead"

=> yes exactly and the only free reporter that got there and wanted to find out they detained - speaking of "war crimes" with Freud: accusing the other of ones own crimes. This is not only sabotaging journalists work, but also violating their human rights for war purposes.

Oh yes - the pro-Russians are "activists"... Yes like the ones supporting AH - this "activism" has nothing to do with human rights / liberties and media freedom, but exactly with the opposite of primitive mafia alike groups supporting some dictatorial alike and nazionalist Putin and his repressive and neocolonial circus, instead of human independency and self-determination.
by MM "The report came a day after at least three people died in a shootout at a checkpoint and an international observer mission with the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe (OSCE) was unable to enter the city for reasons that were not clear"

=> yes not "clear" while Putin has asked for weeks for OSCE to step-in and now they're not welcome to determine what exactly happened around this Russian war propaganda incident.
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