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Supreme Court Rules in Favor of the 1%, Immediate Response in Palo Alto

by Peninsula Correspondent
Top Photo: Al Mite TeDollar and a Supreme Court Justice shake hands as Al proffers cigars in mock celebration. In the center Sally Lieber, former Speaker pro Tempore of the California State Assembly, stands by ready to speak at today's protest in front of Palo Alto's City Hall. A crowd gathered to demonstrate against the Supreme Court's decision in McCutcheon v Federal Elections Commission. The decision ruled in favor of the 1%, another blow to democracy.
This morning the Supreme Court ruled in favor of Shaun McCutcheon et al in McCutcheon v Federal Elections Commission. The ruling clears the way for even more private money to enter the electoral system.

One SF Peninsula protester said, "If you thought Citizen's United was selling our democracy down the money pit, check out the McCutcheon Vs. FEC. ruling handed down today!"

Sally Lieber, former Speaker pro Tempore of the California State Assembly, Nancy Neff of the CA Clean Money Campaign, and others spoke in front of Palo Alto's City Hall. Al Mite TeDollar and a Supreme Court Justice shook hands as Al proffered cigars in mock celebration. Speakers in Palo Alto's King Hall Plaza said that the Court's ruling in favor of McCutcheon today is a giant blow to our electoral system. The event was organized by the Peninsula Peace and Justice Center.
§Demand Democracy!
by Peninsula Correspondent
§Brian, Marnie, and Ann say...
by Peninsula Correspondent
Elections not Auctions!
§Cameras ready
by Peninsula Correspondent
§Been here before...
by Peninsula Correspondent
... on many occasions.
§Cigar, anyone?
by Peninsula Correspondent
The top 1% are celebrating.
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