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Taiwan Parliament Occupied By Students Protesting Trade Deal With China-Thousands Back It

by Labor Video Project
Hundreds of Taiwanese students broke into the parliament to protest the secrecy and undemocratic vote on a trade deal with China called the Cross-Straight Trade Agreement. Thousands surrounded the parliament and the police on March 24, 2014 attacked the occupation injuring 150 students.
Journalists and workers talk about the agreement and what it means to the people of Taiwan.
Taiwan Parliament Occupied By Students Protesting Trade Deal With China-Thousands Surround Parliament
On March 18, 2014 hundreds of Taiwanese students broke into the parliament and conducted an occupation of the Parliament to protest a action by the KMT ruling party to prevent a vote on section by section of a trade agreement with China. The proposed Cross-Strait Services Trade Agreement according to the students and workers would threaten jobs of blue collar workers and small businesses in Taiwan.
Thousands of people including trade unionists supported the occupation and 3 simultaneous rallies took place with thousands of supporters.
Speakers talk about the issues and also how it will affect the Taiwanese working class. On March 24, 2014 a massive police attack brutalized over 150 students injuring dozens and ended the occupation of the parliament.
Production of Labor Video Project
§Taiwan Police Tried To Stop Occupation
by Labor Video Project
Police tried to stop the occupation but failed initially
§Taiwan Students in Front Of Police
by Labor Video Project
A large crowd of students sat down in front of the police outside the parliament
§Ten Thousand Surround Parliament
by Labor Video Project
Over ten thousand people surrounded parliament during the occupation against the trade deal.
§Banners On Parliament Building
by Labor Video Project
The occupiers put banners up on the parliament building.
§Mass police attack on parliament
by Labor Video Project
A mass police attack on the occupation injured 150 students
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