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Indybay Feature

UCSC Students Shut Down Registrar, Occupy Hahn Building

by Alex Darocy (alex [at]
Students at UC Santa Cruz marched to Hahn Student Services Building this afternoon and are currently occupying the Office of the Registrar, which was shut down shortly after students arrived. They are calling for the resignation of Janet Napolitano and for all UC worker demands to be met. [Top photo: Students arrived at the Hahn Building shortly after 3pm]
35 students are currently in the front area of the first floor of the building, having a discussion in front of the Registrar's counter where students normally pay their tuition. They are deciding if they will stay the night.

Down the hallway in the back of the building, two community safety officers and one campus police officer are sitting and eating. They say they will be staying in the building all night for the "safety of the students."

Students have listed their demands as follows (a modified set of the demands students issued around the time of the Blum Center occupation in Berkeley):

1. We demand the resignation or impeachment of Janet Napolitano as UC President
2. We demand that next and all future UC presidents be someone who
∙      a) is elected by students and faculty
∙      b) has an extensive and positive background in education
∙      c) works towards completely eliminating student debt through full subsidization
∙      d) comes from and has worked with communities in California
∙      e) supports all programs/resources that serve underrepresented communities;
3. The appointment of Napolitano exposes the undemocratic process by which the UC
system makes decisions. In order to address this structural problem we demand a restructuring
of this process which includes:
∙      a) a campus wide election for all future UC regents; this includes having the ability to
nominate, endorse, and campaign for candidates
∙      b) the power to impeach both UC presidents and regents
∙      c) a general democratization of the regents to include true participation by students
and faculty in the central decision making processes of the University.

UC Santa Cruz students added that they want all UC worker demands to be met.

Alex Darocy
§Update: Students decide to stay the night at Hahn
by Alex Darocy
Students have decided to stay the night at the Hahn building and are currently discussing their options for the evening.
§More Photos, End of Occupation Report
by Alex Darocy
For photos of the occupation, see part 2:

The occupation lasted nearly 18 hours, see:

Students End Hahn Occupation
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by Autonomous Students UCSC
Come to Hahn and join the students who are transforming the space of the Registrar & Cashier offices!
by Ergoat
From someone who has a few building occupations under his belt with Occupy Cal at UC Berkeley and more: "Recognizing “Protest Theater” Facades at #No2Napolitano and Beyond"

I think your heart is in the right place, as was 97% of the crowd here at UCB 2/13/14. But some tactics need refining, as does an honest appraisal on who's pulling whose strings.

Please feel free to continue the conversation/dialogue on twitter: @Ergoat
by Autonomous Students UCSC
A live stream in the Hahn building will be running all night:
by sammy the slug
It's every citizen's right to protest and peaceably assemble, but once you do so in a manner that interferes with the ability of your peers to access services and pursue their education you are overstepping your bounds and employing methods that are entirely selfish and narrow-sighted. This protest and its participants are an affront to every member of the student body that does not share the same views. The Hahn student center belongs to the student body as a whole, not a few isolated individuals that think they have the right to bar access to their peers.

I concede that the cost of education in the public sector is disheartening. Furthermore, I recognize the need to check, if not entirely remove private interest from education, but there is a need to find and employ better methods that can garner greater traction. These actions that arrest the functioning of what has become a flawed institution are not effective and ultimately become a nuisance for a significant portion of the student body. What's more, these individuals, despite what they might believe, do not represent the interests of the student population and yet choose to voice their opinions as if the student body maintains a singular position.

If you are one such individual, take a step back, and ask yourself if what you're doing is achieving clear and tangible outcomes that will effectively make UCSC a better place and that there is no other way for you to do so. From these protests it's clear that there is an abundance of frustration, passion, and anger, but this is ultimately to the detriment of sound judgment and clear reflection.
by Carly Stenmark
This is getting out of hand and we've become a laughingstock. You are not being forced to attend - you can quit and go to a more affordable school in a less expensive town.
I understand your points but your tactics are heavy handed and outdated.
by UCSC-Anon
Great job.

Keep up the good word. Don't let reactionaries get you down!

by Jimmy the Mod
Useless tactics and impossible demands. There's a reason why so few students have joined the occupation.
by Workers Revolution
A positive event. Free college education with a stipend for expenses. Worker, Student, and Faculty control of the university. Link up with the trade unions and supportive community groups to defend and advance your demands. At present power is in the hands of the corporations and needs to be in the hands of the working class and all producers of the world's wealth. Victory to the UCSC Student Occupation!
by JBK
if not getting into it at all isn't available, i think student debt could be reduced or eliminated by 1 or 2 years of community's a win/win... the entitlement to a free lunch mindset wouldn't work....since a radical restructure of college financials won't happen, doing something to get something is the common sense remedy i think society will go for....
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