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Global Day Of Action On 3rd Anniversary Of Fukushima Meltdowns

Tuesday, March 11, 2014
3:00 PM - 5:00 PM
Event Type:
No Nukes Action Committee
Location Details:
San Francisco Japanese Consulate
50 Fremont St./Mission St.
San Francisco

3.11 Third Anniversary of Fukushima Nuclear Accident Events and Actions Worldwide

Saturday, February 8, 2014

International Events Listing for 3.11 Third Anniversary March 2014
The meltdowns at Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Station occurred three years ago on March 11, 2011 (and the next few days thereafter). For three years TEPCO has been bungling the remediation effort while the life and health of everyone on this planet has been seriously threatened by the uncontained release of radiation, especially in Japan. And it's going to go on for decades, if not centuries more. Right now Daiichi is in a state of collapse from every angle: infrastructure weakened, manpower shortages, cooling systems deteriorating, lethally radioactive water storage leaks, contaminated groundwater rising to the surface, electrical systems highly vulnerable, all of this at risk of a major earthquake taking it out entirely.

In spite of all this, the PM is energetically pushing nuclear technology to India, Korea, Turkey and Vietnam. Japan's new Secrecy Law could make it a crime to investigate nuclear issues; and the harassment and jailing of Japanese anti-nuclear activists must stop!

Tepco's poisoning of the Pacific is studied the world over except for the U.S. and Japan. Most of us have no illusion that the water is safe and that the marine products are safe. We're giving up fish- BUT WE'RE NOT GIVING UP THE FIGHT TO FIX FUKUSHIMA and EVACUATE THE CHILDREN!!

We are taking to the streets to demand action. Not weak assurances of safety or outright lies. We want results. Here are a selection of events planned for 3.11 2014 that will bring your voice to the fore, that will let your concerns be heard, that will strengthen your heart, and your resolve. There's no turning back; Fukushima is Here.

March 11, 2014 is important; for one day we become one with Japan.

Forgive me if your event is not listed here, just send me the info at: info@fukushimaresponsebayarea so I can add it.

No Nukes Action, San Francisco Consulate

We are asking everyone all over the world to assemble in front of your nearest Japanese Consulate to protest the ongoing denial of responsibility by TEPCO and Japan's government. We also ask you to write a letter to the Japanese Prime Minister, His Excellency Shinzo Abe. It should also be addressed to the General Consul of the city you are in, and it must end with the name and address of the (a) writer, in order to be delivered to Tokyo. If these conditions are met, they are required to deliver it to the PM in Tokyo. Only one name is needed on the letter, which means you can carry out a one-person action if you can't find anyone else to go with you! If any Japanese are involved in these actions, we ask them to please translate the letter into Japanese as well; if it's not possible, an English letter will do. It would be best to have two copies of each letter (and of course a copy for the world; send them here!), one for the PM and one for the General Consul. For those of you in the U.S., here's a map of all the Japan Consulate locations:

It's best to call ahead of the day of protest to request that the Consul (or his/her deputy) come down to meet you and receive the letter. Read the letter out loud to the Consul and make sure to videotape and/or photograph it. Try to get a sign indicating the location (Consulate) in your photos; they won't allow you to photograph inside the building front doors.

No Nukes Action will seek to link these events up with live streaming on the Independent Web Journal (IWJ) (They've live-streamed the Tokyo demos and the Oi anti-restart protests, among many other things). We are going to archive all letters and videos if you send us copies, but in any case spread them far and wide. And definitely let the people of Japan know what you're doing!

Cities now pledging Consulate actions:

Chicago, IL

The Chicago Japanese Consulate is at 737 N. Michigan Ave. #1100, with the entrance on Chicago Avenue. Time and organizers TBA.

San Francisco, CA

The Japan Consulate is at 50 Fremont St. in SF, near the Embarcadero BART station. Assembly at 3 pm, short speeches, reading and delivery of letter to Consul, then march to Union Square for rally and more speakers.

New York, NY

March 11: Consulate General of Japan in New York: 299 Park Ave. #19 (at 49th St.), NY 10171. Demo and press conference, starts at 3:30 pm, after, march to Times Square
March 15: Union Square, Broadway and 14th St., rally at 1 pm, march at 2 pm. Contact: Yuko Tonohira at yuko.tonohira [at] or call 917-670-8513

Boston, MA
The weekly vigil, ON BEHALF OF PLANET EARTH, at the Japanese Consulate in Boston will hold a special vigil to remember the 3rd anniversary of Fukushima nuclear accident.

We will have special signs/banners, we'll leaflet, and most importantly, we'll bring letters for the Consul to deliver to PM Shinzo Abe. Please, join us on Thursday, March 13th, 8:15AM - 9:15AM (the regular day and time of our weekly vigil) for this very special and important anniversary at the
Federal Reserve Bldg. (Consulate: 22nd fl.), 600 Atlantic Ave, corner of Summer Street, at South Station (Red Line). Contact:
sheilaruthparks [at]

Not technically a Consulate action -but they're collecting letters!
Flagstaff, AZ

From Fukushima to the Four Corners
WHEN: Friday, March 7th – 6:00 PM
WHERE: County Courthouse Lawn – San Francisco St. & Birch St. (map)
WHAT: Candle light Vigil & Procession
WHAT TO BRING: Candles, Banners, & Letter of Solidarity

Please join us for a vigil and procession to show solidarity with all people affected by nuclear radiation. There will be a talking circle at 6 PM and a candle light vigil at sundown. We will then have a procession through downtown Flagstaff during Art Walk.

We will also be collecting letters of Solidarity with the people of Japan to send to Japanese Prime Minister Abe. These letters should, in your own words, focus on the dangers of nuclear power and urge the Prime Minister to fully decommission all of the nuclear reactors in Japan (they are all currently shut down). It would also be great to include explanations that link their use of nuclear power to the devastating effects uranium mining and milling have had on the Four Corners region and how we are all affected locally by their use of nuclear power.
Contact Rudy: pathfinder [at] or 480-382-5288

Los Angeles, CA

No Nukes LA Residents, a small but determined group, will deliver a letter to the Japan Consulate at 350 South Grand Ave., Suite 1700, CA 90071. Time to be confirmed soon. Contact Sam Kanno atisamukay [at]

Portland, OR

March 11, 12 noon assemble at Japanese Consulate, 1300 SW Fifth Ave. #2700 OR, 97201
Led by No Nukes NW/RadCast Contact: beth [at] or call 971-238-3898

Seattle, WA

March 11, Fukushima Response Seattle will gather at 11:30 am at 6th and Union, for a silent circle of prayers, sending healing light to Japan, the Pacific Ocean, the Earth, and every living being. Either before or after this, we will contact the Consul General of the Embassy and read aloud a letter asking that Japan and TEPCO take full responsibility for the disaster at Fukushima. Following this, we will walk to Westlake Center where there will be more speakers. Bring signs, drums, banners, etc. Contact: Jordan Van Voast jordanvvvv [at]

Berlin, DE
Kazaguruma Demo for 3 Fukushima Anniversary - Sayonara Nukes Berlin

Meet at Brandenburg Gate 1 pm, and march to Japan Embassy at Hiroshimastrasse 6.

To celebrate this demo we present the Prime Minister of Japan an open letter.

For the 3rd Anniversary of the disaster, FUKUSHIMA needs Sayonara Nukes anti-nuclear Berlin and Berlin to demonstrate together with you against nuclear power. Come in great numbers to our demo and bring a Kazaguruma ("windmill" in Japanese) with you. Tinkering, build yourself one, we will also distribute them at the demo.

We call on the Japanese government: The consistent nuclear phase-out: no re-commissioned nuclear power plants, no construction of new nuclear power plants nor any export of nuclear technology; The accelerated expansion of renewable energy and energy efficiency investments; Responsible and effective measures to prevent further contamination in and around FUKUSHIMA, in particular to stop the further influx of radioactivity into the sea at last; The evacuation of people, especially children, from the contaminated area; Adequate compensation / support for the FUKUSHIMA affected; Treatment and storage of nuclear waste appropriate to its dangerousness, including the excavated contaminated earth masses; A transparent information policy and the withdrawal of the secrecy law.We ask for your support! A clear and loud voice from Germany encourages the anti-nuclear activists in Japan who are in a tough fight. Let's show the Japanese government that FUKUSHIMA is an international affair. Let the people both in Germany and in Japan remember that FUKUSHIMA is not long gone!
Contact: info [at]

Other cities to be announced as details come in. Tentatively scheduled: Atlanta, Honolulu, Detroit, DC. Then 7 more U.S. cities to go (see map); will you be the one to act? Write to: info [at] for help.

Tokyo, Japan

NO NUKES DAY Part 1: An assembly will be held at Hibiya Open-Air Concert Hall, Hibaya Park, Chiyoda City, Tokyo at 1 pm on March 9. Part 2: The petition demo & Diet-siege will start around the National Diet Building at 2 pm. Mass mobilization at Diet from 3:30-5 pm.
Metropolitan Council Against Nukes

Koriyama, Japan
March 11 Anti-NPP Fukushima Action in 2014
Date: Tuesday, March 11, 2014, at 2:00 p.m.
Location: Koriyama General Gymnasium
We heartily call for all labor unions, organizations/groups and every worker of the world to endorse and participate in our Fukushima Action. Contact: 3.11fukushimaaction [at]

San Francisco, CA

March 8: Bridge Walk - The Golden Gate Bridge will be taken over byCode Pink, Fukushima Response, No Nukes Action and friends; there are several groups focused on the Fukushima nuclear disaster in this area and they'll be out in force.Start time: 12 noon. On the SF side of the bridge meet at Bridge Plaza, Marin side meets at the top of the stairs to the East walkway; from there, we both march to the middle, then go to SF side for a post-walk rally.
Contact: ratherbenyckeling [at] or info [at]

March 16 at 9:30 am. Reading and lecture: Cecile Pineda, 2014 Neustadt International Prize for Literature nominee and author of acclaimed Devil’s Tango: How I learned the Fukushima Step by Step, will speak about the consequences of the world’s most catastrophic industrial accident at the Breakfast Forum hosted by the First Unitarian Universalist Society of San Francisco, 1187 Franklin Street (at Geary). Contact: karenmmagoon [at]

March 11, 7:30-9:35 pm, 3.11 Surviving Japan, a powerful film about the tsunami, and the Fukushima nuclear disaster's aftermath, will be shown at AMC Van Ness 14, 1000 Van Ness Ave., SF 94109. Tickets must be purchased in advance, here.

Petaluma, CA

March 11, Ikebana Flower Arranging Ceremony for Fukushima -with Jini Reynolds
Lydia's Sunflower Center, 1435 North McDowell Blvd., Suite 100, Petaluma 94954

Please bring flowers and organic plant material to weave your intentions into a sacred vessel. For the 3rd anniversary of the Fukushima nuclear disaster. We will build a floating Ikebana boat in the Jiyuka style to carry our prayers to the heart of the one ocean we share with the victims, in Japan and the world - past, present, and future.2 pm Creation Begins
4:30 Poetry & Music
6:30 Sacred Fire
7:30 Ikebana vessel Leaves for the Coast
8:30 Ikebana is launched (from Salmon Creek Bridge) Contact:info [at]

Hayward, CA

3/1 EARMARC Commemoration Of 3rd Anniversary of Fukukushima "The disaster and its aftermath" will be held on Saturday March 1st in Robinson Hall Room 137 on the CSU-East Bay Hayward campus.

As March 11th will mark the third anniversary of the massive 2011 earthquake and tsunami in Japan, the morning session will be devoted to that disaster and its aftermath. Steve Zeltzer and his wife Kazumi, who produced "Fukushima, Never Again," a film on the fallout - both literal and figurative - from the explosions at the Fukushima nuclear power plant, will join us to discuss their film and the citizens' movement protesting the authorities' response to the disaster and campaigning against nuclear power. Broadcast journalist, film maker and blogger J. P. "Joe" Sottile, who has researched nuclear pollution issues for a documentary on the long-term effects of depleted uranium munitions, will also join in the discussion.

9:00-9:30 - Welcome/coffee and doughnuts.
9:30-10:30 "Japan's Killer Quake," PBS Nova documentary re: 2011 earthquake & tsunami.
10:30-10:40 -- discussion
10:40-11:00 - coffee break
11:00-11:55 - "Fukushima, Never Again" a Labor Video project documentary on the citizen response to the disaster at the Fukushima nuclear power plant.
11:55-12:30 - discussion featuring special guests Steve and Kazumi Zeltzer, the film's producers, and J. P. Sottile.
12:30-1:30 - lunch break (if you would like to order a bento lunch, see below).
1:30-2:20 - "DNA Dreams: China's Genetic Research" - a film exploring the genome mapping efforts of BGI, a Chinese company, whose research raises many questions about the future implications of such research.
2:20-2:30 discussion & adjournment. Please RSVP by e-mail if you are planning to attend.

LUNCHES: If you would like to enjoy our customary bento lunch they can be ordered at cost of $10 per person. If you wish to order lunch (or lunches), please send a check made out to: E. Bruce Reynolds/ Department of History/San Jose State University/One Washington Square/San Jose, CA 95192-0117.Contact: yokosclark [at]

Laguna Beach, CA

Silent But Deadly: Chernobyl-Fukushima-San OnofreBC Space Gallery : 235 Forest Ave : Laguna Beach : 949.497.1880Dates : Feb 25 - April 26, 2014
Artist’s Reception : Thursday Feb 27 : 7 pm
FEATURING : James Lerager : Jun Hori : Kei Kobayashi
ADDITIONAL WORK BY : Ed Heckerman : Ron Azevedo
Film Screening : March 11 : Metamorphosis by Jun Hori : 7 pm
(3rd Anniversary of the 2011 Earthquake & Tsunami)
Click on title link for more information; looks good! (Ed.)
Contact: bcspace [at]

Santa Barbara → Diablo Canyon NPP

Peace Walk for a Nuclear Free World begins in Santa Barbara CA on March 4th and ends at the gates of Diablo Canyon in Avila Beach, CA on March 11th. Led by Japanese monk Sawada-san, Chumash Nation, and San Luis Obispo Mothers for Peace. Daylong vigil at the gates of Diablo Canyon on March 11th, followed by Fukushima Commemoration at 7 PM at Steynberg Gallery in San Luis Obispo. More details:
You are cordially invited to attend the Third Anniversary Fukushima Commemoration, co-hosted by the World Business Academy and the United Nations Association / Santa Barbara & Tri-Counties Chapter. Monday, March 3 from 5:30 pm – 7:30 pm. University Club of Santa Barbara, 1332 Santa Barbara St., Santa Barbara, CA 93101. Free and open to the public! Complementary wine & beverages, and crudité & cheese platters. Cash bar available.

1. Barbara Gaughen-Muller, President, United Nations Association / Santa Barbara & Tri Counties on the Fukushima nuclear power disaster and worldwide commemoration.
2. Sawada, Gyosen, a Buddhist monk from Japan, who will undertake a Fukushima Memorial Walk, departing from Santa Barbara on March 4 and arriving for a vigil at the Diablo Canyon reactors on March 11, the third anniversary of the Fukushima meltdown.
3. Dr. Jerry B. Brown, Director, Safe Energy Project, World Business Academy, who will release the results of the Academy’s Diablo Canyon Radiation-Health Report.
This Report provides dramatic confirmation that cancer rates increased and public health declined after the Diablo Canyon reactors opened in the mid-1980s; and that these negative health impacts were greater for people living closest to the reactors in San Luis Obispo County and in northern Santa Barbara County. If you have questions, please email events [at]

Los Angeles, CA

Co-presented by Japan America Society of Southern California, Nichi-Bei Fujin Kai, Nanka Fukushima Kenjinkai & Love to Nippon Project, Japanese American Cultural & Community Center,
Love to Nippon 2014 - Lessons Learned from the March 11 th Great East Japan Earthquake and Tsunami

Saturday, March 8, 2014 1:00–4:00 pm Interfaith Service & Prayers, Flower & Incense Offerings, Booths 3:00–5:00 pm Memorial Program
ProgramEmcees: Janet LeBlanc and Jennifer Usyak
Theme: The Third Anniversary of Japan’s Worst Natural Disaster & Lessons from Fukushima for Southern California to Share with Children and Families in our Community 1:00 pm - 4:00 pm Outside (100 W 1st St.) Memorial Interfaith Service by Los Angeles Buddhist Temple Federation & Nikkei Interfaith Fellowship Group of Little Tokyo, Flower & Incense Offering: Fukushima Prefecture of Japan Booth, the Red Cross & other preparedness organizations including USCG. Offering: We encourage you to bring flowers only (incense will be provided).
3:00 pm - 5:00 pm Inside (Ronald F. Deaton Civic Auditorium of LAPD HQ, 100 West First Street, Los Angeles, CA):Memorial Program Seating is limited. Early reservations are recommended, which can be made at:

New York, NY

Mon, March 10, 4:30pm – 6:00pm NYC - UN CSW/Fukushima Event
Armenian Convention Center, 630 2nd Ave, New York, NY, Ballroom 1
To coincide with the 58th session of the UN Commission on the Status of Women.
Title: Global Health and Environment in the Post-2015
Agenda: Lessons from the Fukushima nuclear accident
RSVP: march10hrnny [at] Open to public. Admission is free. No UN pass required.

A human rights expert from Japan, an environmental and women’s activist from Europe, and a physician/health expert on radiation and nuclear related issues from the U.S. will speak about how to protect environment and health of women and girls from radiation exposure, and the importance of implementing lessons learned from the Fukushima nuclear accident in a discussion on global health and environment as part of the Post-2015 Agenda. Q&A session will follow the presentations.
Confirmed speakers:
Dr. Andrew S. Kanter, MD, MPH, Past President of the Board of Directors of Physicians for Social Responsibility US, has studied radioactive plume projections from nuclear reactor accident scenarios and other public health impacts of nuclear radiation dispersion. He is the director of Health Information Systems/Medical Informatics for the Millennium Villages Project for the Earth Institute at Columbia University as well as an Assistant Professor of Clinical Biomedical Informatics and Clinical Epidemiology at the Earth Institute, Columbia University. He will discuss on the PSR/IPPNW critique of the United Nations Scientific Committee on the Effects of Atomic Radiation (UNSCEAR) report on Fukushima ( as well as radiation related health issues.
Ms. Sascha Gabizon, Executive Director of Women in Europe for a Common Future (WECF), an international network of over 100 women’s, environmental and health organisations implementing projects in 40 countries and advocating globally for a healthy environment for all.

Kazuko Ito, Esq., human rights expert and Secretary General of Human Rights Now (HRN), a Japan based international human rights NGO with ECOSOC status. She also serves as a regional advisor (Asia Pacific) to the UN Women, and chief of the Gender Equality Committee of the Japan Federation of Bar Associations. As a part of the HRN activity, she recently participated in fact-finding missions to Fukushima in December 2013 and February 2014. She played an important role in coordinating meetings of Anand Grover (UN Special Rapporteur on right to health) with Japanese civil societies and evacuees affected by the Fukushima nuclear accident, during Mr. Grover's visit to Japan in 2012.
Co-organized by Human Rights Now, Physicians for Social Responsibility, and Women in Europe for a Common Future.

New York State

Fukushima: the Ongoing Tragedy. Sunday, March 9, 2014
11 AM Peace Walkers leave Croton on Hudson to walk to Indian Point and then on to Peekskill Riverfront Green led by Jun San Yasuda from the Grafton Peace Pagoda
3 PM Arrive at Riverfront Green for a Blessing of the Waters of the Hudson and of the World, an interfaith ceremony
4 PM Potluck and program with the Peace Walkers and others

Wednesday, March 11
2 PM Jun San will vigil silently in front of Entergy headquarters in White Plains
4 PM Others will join her with signs and handouts
5 PM Press conference and greeting of Entergy employees as they leave work. For details, contact: ipsec2009 [at] or call 1-888-474-8848

Richmond, VA

March 11, from 12-2 pm, there will be a protest and a commemoration of the 3rd year of the ongoing nuclear disaster at Fukushima; at Dominion Power, 701 E. Cary St, 23219 (map).

Tucson, AZ

Sunday, March 9, 2014 A Presentation: “Hiroshima to Fukushima: What You Need To Know About Ionizing Radiation, Women, Indigenous Peoples and You!”
Anti-Nuclear Activist Catherine (Wind) Euler, Ph.D. (History)
3:00 to 5:00 PM Friends’ Meeting House – 931 N 5th Ave

Also on March 9, for International Women’s Day:
Outdoor women’s prayer and drumming circle for the Pacific Ocean
5.30 pm Catalina Park Ramada – Fifth Ave./Second St. Call Wind Euler, 928-899-2267 or mamabearsbrigade [at]

San Diego, CA

Fukushima Awareness - Friday, March 7, 12-4 pm, Belmont Park 3100 Mission Blvd.
We are rallying together to raise awareness about the terrible events in japan, to tell people so they can make informed decisions to protect themselves and their loved ones.Together we can warn people and save many lives. TELL EVERYONE TO COME.

We will meet at the Belmont park parking lot next to the roller coaster and walk up an down the boardwalk warning people. Please wear YELLOW & BLACK if possible and please bring banners, flyers, posters, etc. I will make extra posters for people without any. The more people we have, the greater the awareness we will spread. THANK YOU
Hosted by Jeff Pro 619-813-9994

Vancouver, BC

Fukushima 3rd Anniversary Awareness (Vancouver)

English Bay, Vancouver, British Columbia V6GN2,
Friday, April 11, 2o14, 12-2 pm.
A spiritual gathering in solidarity with the Fukushima disaster survivors to create awareness about our continued exposure to radiation stll leaking from Fukushima Daiichi.

We will gather at English Bay to educate each other on nuclear remediation and alternatives to nuclear power. Speakers TBA.

Montreal, QC

Event of the 3rd anniversary of the Fukushima nuclear disaster/福島原発災害から3年のイベント
日時:3月15日(土) 16:00〜19:00/Time: Saturday. March 15th from 16:00 to 19:00
場所:マギル大学 マクドナルドビル
MacDonald Engineering #267, McGill University, Montreal, Quebec/enter from McConnell Engineering Bldg. on University Street (corner of Milton)

ベビーシッターいます。 別室に冷蔵庫やシンクがあるベビーシッターが必要な幼児や、授乳用スペースあります。/Baby sitter on site. The program might change.
4:00 Introduction
4:15 Documentary "Women of Fukushima" (with English subtitles) 30 minutes
4:50 Documentary "Fukushima Never Again" 57 minutes
6:00- 6:15 break with refreshment
6:15 short presentation
6:45 Speeches by guest speakers, Q&A. Contact: kizunamontreal [at]

Brisbane, AU

Commemorating Fukushima 3rd Year Anniversary - Peace Walk & Peace Gathering.
The Peace Pagoda Southbank, 9:30 am Tuesday, March 11, 2014
PACE: Peace, Anti-nuclear and Clean Energy Collective. Contact: kim.stewart [at]

Sydney, AU
Remembering Fukushima- 3 years on, 2014 Events
March 9th, 3-6 pm, Dougherty Community Centre, 7 Victor Street,
Chatswood, NSW (near Chatswood station)
1 minute's silence for victims
Guest Speaker - TBA
Film Screening: 3.11 Surviving Japan
Contact : 311helpjapansydney [at]
Entrance fee: $10 suggested Donation for adults/waged
Supported by Friends of the Earth Australia, Uranium Free New South Wales, 311 Campaign For Nuclear Free

March 11th - Action and Event5 - 6 pm A vigil with candles and folded paper cranes in Martin Place, Sydney 6.30 - 7.30 pm -followed by a photo action outside New South Wales Parliament, 6 Macquarie Street, Sydney


Rhine River, DE

Anti-nuclear activists from all countries: Unite

On Sunday 9 March 2014, Europe will remember what, according to those responsible, could never have happened. This year the focus of our protest will be on the Upper Rhine Valley and in particular on symbolic places such as Fessenheim and Strasbourg.

At 2 p.m. our common outcry shall shake up Europe once more: SWITCH OFF!

The following is a list of various actions that the respective organizations will undertake on their own. Taking part is explicitly permitted and desired. Whoever wants to be actively involved can find the contact details on this website. Or simply take to the streets or get on the bridges on 9 March 2014 and demonstrate peacefully against nuclear power.

List of bridges across the Rhine

1 Bridge Huningue - Weil am Rhein (GPS 47.591556,7.589933) = Passerelle des Trois Pays
Planned Action: 14:00 Human Chain

2 Bridge Fessenheim - Hart home: Rhine Channel (GPS 47.914717,7.570632)
Planned Action: Protest 14:00 - 15:30 Final Protest

3 Bridge Vogelgrun - Breisach (GPS 48.022647,7.581757) = Rhine bridge
Planned Action: Warm Up 11:00 / 14:00 Human Chain

4 Bridge Marckolsheim - Sasbach (GPS 48.153876,7.599277)

Planned Action: 14:00 Human Chain
5 Bridge Gerstheim - Nonnenweier (GPS 48.366785,7.734869)
Planned Action: 14:00 Human Chain

6 Bridge Illkirch-Graffenstaden - Offenburg (GPS 48.491383,7.769941) = Pflimlin Bridge
Planned Action: Human Chain

7 Bridge Strasbourg - Kehl (GPS 48.573697,7.801816) = Europa Bridge

Sitemap/links to organizers for all actions:

Also, from France (mostly in English, with map)

Bruxelles, BE

Sunday, March 9, at 2 pm there will be a demonstration to shut down Tihange and Doel nuclear power stations at Gare du Bruxelles-Nord (map). Contact:

London, UK

Parliamentary Public Meeting: Remember Fukushima: No to Nuclear Power
7:00-9:00pm, 10th March, House of Commons, Committee Room 10

“Fukushima 3 Years On & Implications for UK Nuclear Power Plans” Chair:Jeremy Corbyn MP, vice-chair CND; Introduction by Kate Hudson, General Secretary, CND

Speakers:• Dr. Paul Dorfman• Dr. David Lowry: “Nuclear's insecurity of supply” and “The truth about evacuation zones as a lesson from Fukushima.”• Speaker from Green Cross Switzerland: “Japan’s nuclear phase-out following Fukushima.”• Rik, a member of Kick Nuclear “Fukushima: What’s been happening the last few years.”• Geoff Read and Kevin Allwright, Fukushima refugees

Followed by: questions from the floor and discussion. Please give yourself half an hour to get through security. For further info contact London Region CND on 020-7607-2302

VIGIL Tuesday March 11, from 6-8 pm opposite JAPANESE EMBASSY,
101-104 Piccadilly, London W1J 7JT Candle-Lit Vigil in support of families and people of all ages continuing to suffer the effects of the Fukushima nuclear disaster.

Burnley, UK

Fukushima Commemoration 11:30am, 11th March,
Burnley College, Princess Way, Burnley, BB12 0AN

Join East Lancashire CND for a commemoration of the on-going disaster at Fukushima. They'll be available for chat at their stall outside Burnley College. For all questions contact
Joan E. West: joanewest [at]
Lancaster, UK

On the third anniversary of the nuclear incident at the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear plant in Japan, all concerned people are invited to join a one-hour vigil on Saturday, 8 March at Heysham Nuclear Power Station to say: 'No more Fukushimas; No more nuclear waste; No nuclear weapons!' Participants will meet at 10am for a briefing and refreshments at the Lancaster Quaker Meeting House, Meeting House Lane, Lancaster, LA1 1TX. The vigil at the nearby power station starts at noon. Contact: Mo Kelly, Lancaster Quakers, 01524 389911

FRANCE, Various Locations

50 Days of Actions "From Fukushima to Chernobyl; Stop Nuclear Before the Catastrophe!"
You're may have to use your Google translate on this one, there's too many separate pages for events. Ca va! Look here:,11
If you have questions, ask Méisande Seyzériat : mobilisations [at]

Posted by Nick Thabit at 12:27 PM No comments:
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Labels: 2014, 3.11, 3rd, action, anniversary, calendar, consulate, demo,demonstration, embassy, event, fukushima, japan, listing, March 11, nukes,protest, third, three years
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by Zachary RunningWolf (runningwolf.zachary [at]
Protesting the on going meltdown of Fukashima (with Media blackout) is good as Fukashima radiation is now in the Bay but don't just start with the Japaneses consulate but think about marching to then Federal Building as the State Department has controlled Japan since the War. Tepco is a cover kkkorporation for the real kkkrinminals which is the US government allowing the Pacific Ocean to be poisoned by Fukashima as it is par for the coarse same motherfuckers did the Atlantic with BP spill (4-20 Hitlers b-day) and Obombma saying to eat the Fish when the Birds (Indigenous warning sign of poison) won't. Welcome to the Rez (4th Reich) as we (Indigenous endured the 2nd Reich, 99% murdered in a unrecognized genocide known as Amerikkklan) know this beast.
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