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Indybay Feature

Sheriffs in Contra Costa County Plan to Impound all Live Aboard Vessels in Delta Region

by Amber Cifaldi (cifaldi.amber [at]
Police in Contra Costa plan to seize all live aboard vessels from Antioch to Discovery Bay. This will leave dozens of people on fixed incomes homeless this winter. The Sheriffs intend to make recovery of these vessels difficult by substantially increasing the associated costs. Many veterans, disabled, and impoverished will lose their homes and one of the few affordable options available to those who do not qualify or currently waiting for rent subsidy programs.
The Sheriffs in Contra Costa County recently informed residents in the delta region about their intention to take their boats (their homes) as soon as the funds for next year are available. This will affect a large segment of low income people who live aboard their vessels because they have no other options of securing shelter that is within their financial means. The police intend to carry out their assault on the impoverished despite the fact that there is NO county ordinance prohibiting live aboard vessels. The county ordinance stipulates those who live aboard their vessels must have coast guard approved sanitation and the vessel must have a functional engine capable of moving the vessel. The ordinance also states that mooring at a private residence is permissible and a live aboard vessel is able to anchor in open water for up to 30 consecutive days anywhere that does not block other boat traffic. I was informed by the marine patrol that registered vessels that are in legal slips are not exempt from seizure if someone is living on them. They plan to blatantly disregard the property rights of these individuals and impose exuberant fees to recover their property because they are poor. Since they are too poor to afford the type of justice our system dispenses these peace officers figure they will get away with it without any consequence. That is no way to protect and serve the community.
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by free the poor
fucking pigs. what code are they using for this? Pen 647(e)?
by Sludge
Is anyone surprised that the 1% send their minions to clear out any and all people living without paying the required tithe to their 1% Masters?

The Message if the 1% is pay rent or die.

The Message of the Police is "We are here to force you to pay rent or die" Your choice!
by Tom
I own a series of nine docks on Bethel Island and at least once a week someone shows up to squat on one of my berths. I am far from a rich landlord. I clear about $900 a month after expenses. We ask the sheriff to help us because they use our electricity and block off our dock availability. Please publish the fact that there are two sides to this. Unless you are disposed to allow a false narrative without true dialogue this site is itself propaganda. Those of us without marine sanitation stations cant have people squatting on boats because their waste goes right into the Delta. I hope we all care about that. Sometimes the 1% mantra is a ruse. I say use it when it shines, and shine on the rest. Otherwise truth makes no difference.
Most of the folks who own docks are simple, low income retirees who happen to have a few docks in front of their houses. Too many people just bogart the docks and put these poor people through an eviction process--which they cannot afford! We have too many fat cats slumlording low income people in our cities to confuse them with people who need law enforcement to free up their docks for rental spaces. Sometimes it is the tweakers who are 1% ers, if only because they take without asking and confuse their greed with how they are screwing over some pretty humble people.
My 45 foot houseboat gone try to get out of the county before they took my boat broke down I had to Anchor out told me to sign this release my boat to the of else I live in my car with my dog no driver's license they take my car I'm dead in the water dead in the water when the union hall calls I will not be able to go please give me dispatch I will not be able to accept it my life is a mess there should be a class action lawsuit against not letting me retrieve my pictures what a horrible horrible thing to do the sheriff I don't have its name right now but everybody hates the guy
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