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Indybay Feature

"Bring Back Code Blue" Sticker Found in Downtown Santa Cruz

by Alex Darocy (alex [at]
On December 25, a sticker with the statement "Bring Back Code Blue! Santa Cruz, CA" printed on it was found on a no trespassing sign located on Bulkhead Street at the rear entrance to the parking lot of two businesses in downtown Santa Cruz. Many residents remember the phrase "code blue" as a reference to when officers within the Santa Cruz Police Department organized a pattern of violent assaults on homeless or "street" people in the 1980s.
Today, little information about what has been called "operation code blue" is easily accessed by the public. When questioned in 2012, Deputy Chief of Police Steve Clark recalled there being charges filed against officers who participated in the attacks, which then "created an opportunity" for him personally within the police department.

Many community members recall the details of the operation differently, but perhaps the most common telling of the story maintains that when police found a person on the street they wanted to attack, they used the phrase "code blue" over their radios to call other officers to the scene to participate in the beating.

The bartender working on Christmas at the Rush Inn, which is one of the businesses that uses the parking lot, said she was filling in that day and that she didn't know who placed the sticker on the sign, or what it meant. When she was informed that "code blue" was a possible reference to the police practice of assaulting homeless people, she was appalled and immediately removed the sticker from the sign.

Alex Darocy

Article was edited on 1/3/2014
by Alex Darocy
by Alex Darocy
§Update - Another Sticker Spotted
by Alex Darocy (alex [at]
An associate contacted me and reported seeing a Bring Back Code Blue sticker, like the one pictured in this article, stuck on the bumper of a car that was driving in downtown Santa Cruz on December 30.
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by Razer Ray
I remember those guys. Catanni, Reyes, Chevalier, and another one or two whose names I don't recall, when Gino Pini was Chief of Police and the old conservative 'regime' ruled Santa Cruz

(Chevalier shoved me, while in uniform, in public one day in front of the Peppermill restaurant by the alley next to the location where Plaza visions Optical is now, because he was looking for someone and was frustrated by my not knowing)

I'm going to write WHAT I KNOW PERSONALLY FROM OBSERVING THEM AND "DEALING" WITH THEM and would LUV to see other people's PERSONAL experiences recounted here (NOT myths, third hand stories and rumors... all immediately discounted as bullshit)

At that time it might be noted there was a much larger percentage of travelers, and not as many displaced local people with longstanding connections to the community in the 'streett' population. Which leads me to believe, along with other social factors such as a typically much more educated SCPD officer than those Jock High School graduates (Education? Catanni ended up an alcoholic working at an East Side liquor store for decades) who took the prereqs for eligibility as police officers and that's all (One patrol officer I know has his masters in Sociology... He KNOWS why the 'problems of Santa Cruz' exist and probably reads the NY Times, not the Senile) the same "Code Blue" scenario is NOT viable in the current mileau. Dispatch... As we will see, plays prominently into this and the logging required in these days of Homeland Insecurity would also prevent the following collusion I describe.

And that IS the bigger issue... The "Code Blue" boys worked in COLLUSION with on-duty officers, despite denials all around from the SCPD and the city at the time of the SCPD's dismantling by the state for that "alleged collusion"... not for the acts of the off-duty cops themselves.

Now... My story, which illustrates that SOMEONE at the SCPD must have known what was going on.

Alex Darocy:
"As the story goes, when police found a person on the street they wanted to attack, they used the phrase "code blue" over their radios to call other officers to the scene to participate in the beating."

This is not the way it worked.

The code blue goons were four or five SCPD local boyz who hung out together at the dingy old Del Mar bar in the Palomar arcade where the Palomar restaurant bar is now. They worked OFF-DUTY. I'll repeat OFF DUTY, thugging not only the occasional homeless person who had personally pissed them off, but local kids who annoyed them as well.

At the time quite a few local kidz were very much into burglarizing the nuevo-riche homes springing up as the computer industry expanded over the hill (similar sociology to Hawaiian loco's, and haolie tourist's motel rooms getting looted while the tourists are out 'touring' for the day) making them not just 'jail bait' but seen by the goons as 'problems' in the same manner homeless people were considered to be undesirable and problems.

What I witnessed (besides the shoving incident w/ Chevalier recounted above):

It was a summer evening at the old Santa Cruz Metro station. At that time (early 80s) the 'bus station' was ON Soquel between Pacific and Front on both sides of the street. The Soquel parking lot was in the same place but it was just a parking lot not a multi-story building. The bathrooms, park style, and a driveway where the alley next to the Trust Building now is, are in essentially the same places as that time. Next to the driveway towards Pacific, the original Pizza My Heart, and then farther towards Pacific, Uncle Gaylord's Ice Cream store.

I was standing waiting for a bus and a couple of local kids/problem children... Billy P (name withheld. He's a well known local auto mechanic now) and Gabe Butterfield (Yes... Paul Butterfield the blues musician's son) were dawdling near the bathroom next to the driveway when a private car sped out of the lot screeching to a halt in the driveway egress to the street. All 4 doors (maybe 3... it IS a long time you know?) flung open and the Code Blue boys jumped out, just like in the cop movies, with sticks and bats... the car still rocking from the sudden stop.

Billy and Gabe seemed to know what was up and started running. A couple of "Code Blues" (again OFF-DUTY and OUT OF UNIFORM) chased Gabe up to Pacific and northbound while the other literally started thugging Billy up against the window of Pizza My Heart with at LEAST a hundred people at the bus stop watching, stunned. People hollerd at him but no one was willing to attempt getting the the guy, who banging Billy's head against the glass of Pizza My Heart's window, off him
Mist likely because it all happened to fast and they looked too well organized and mo one wanted to get into that 'mix'.

All of a sudden, it couldn't have been longer than a minute or two, a couple of police cars sped onto the scene blocking Soquel, and one immediately got the goons off of Billy while the other one chased northbound on Pacific on foot.

I remember commenting cynically to the person standing next to me at the bus stop:

"Watch what happens when that cop comes back around the corner..."

Sure enough, Gabe was in handcuffs and the off duty cop was walking with them, his stick MIA, and as they took Gabe across to the police car on the B of A (New Leaf) side of the street I hollered


You've got the wrong guy!

Those people just jumped that kid with a bat for NO REASON!"

The cop turned to me, still in the middle of the street with Gabe in handcuffs, with a hundred people looking at us, and said:

"Shut Up!"

I retorted:

"What do you mean shut up?


The cop came back with:

"You want to go to jail too?"

Then he piled Gabe in the car and left.

At least a hundred people witnessed this thugging incident.

Eventually these guy's bravado and arrogance got the best of them. They were actually going around to local businesses pitching for donations to assist their 'work'. Then they pitched the guy who owned Morris-Abrams clothiers... where the Indian restaurant is at the corner of Lincoln/Pacific now. It was a small clothes store that sold mostly men's stuff, including Boy Scout uniforms and other BSA paraphernalia and kits.

Morris-Abrams was owned by an old (snigger) Eastern European Jew.

I'm sure he smiled as they pitched him and told them what a great idea it was even as he was thinking WTF? These guys are BlackShirts!

shortly after that... he didn't bother going to the city or county legal people, or the SCPD's Internal Affairs, he went straight to the State AG's office and the dismantling of the SCPD began.

The new Chief of police, Jack Bassett if I remember correctly, was from Cleveland, and hired a LOT of new officers who came from larger cities, and for the most part, the new guys took one look, said what crime?, and things calmed down a lot... for a while anyway.

Today the thugging is institutionalized, NOT COWBOY JUSTICE.

Don't turn your back on them. They'll say you were fleeing and faceplant you!

You MIGHT get 'ticket blitzed' and made an incarcerated 'scofflaw'.

NEVER make any quick moves around ANY COP ANYWHERE ANYTIME!

But the idea of a return to that sort of on-duty/off-duty cop collusion is purely wishful thinking on the part of the person who put the sticker up.

Finally I want to note that the social polarization in Santa Cruz represented by TBSC/CleanTeams AND INDEED Robert Norse's inflammatory bullshit, is a MICROSCOPIC percentage of Santa Cruz' mindset.

I'd point out that Robert Norse's referring to all SCPD officers as "Gunmen" 'feeds the fire' of exactly the sort of fuckwad that would think up a sticker like this.

To illustrate my point. The guy who used to own the old United Cigar Store (who has a long term 'earthquake sweetheart lease' on that building now) and I were talking one day. Right... Yours truly in convo with a right wing conservative. I know ALL SORTS of "Bad Elements".

He told me Paraphrase): "For all the hate mail you see on the Sentinel and Patch forums I just don't see that in real life or in the attitudes of the people I run with"

I want to know who told Alex the sticker was there.

Who told you about the sticker Alex?

It's REALLY NEW, and REALLY SHINY, an PERFECTLY APPLIED with nary a wrinkle... and I suspect the person who tipped you IS the person who put it there.

That right. I think some jackass provocateur who wasn't even around when Code Blue existed put it there and then "tipped" you.

Who told you about the sticker Alex?

You have my email. USE IT!
by Not Buying It
Gosh, good question Razor. Looks like something Brent Adams would do doesn't it?
by Razer Ray
I KNOW Alex would not reveal his tip source nor would I expect him to do so.

Just a pointed question to get him to think about it.
by Brent Adams
I agree, visually it looks like something I would do.
I do like hoaxing and smart ass behavior but I wouldn't have created this sticker.
sanctuary camp uses this Helvetica font often. I actually feel a little bit set up by this.

all of my activities and activism are above board. I didn't use a mask at 75 River Street, and I don't do false flag activities. besides I'm Way too invested in my current projects
to do this.

in fact, if you Google Code Blue you'll see that I'm one of the few people who have written about it. I guess I'm honored that my name would come up.
by TBSC doesn't endorse this crap
TBSC would not do this, nice try
by Alex Darocy (alex [at]
No one tipped me off. I spotted the sticker by chance when walking on Knight Street. The sticker appeared to be brand new, and when the bartender pealed it off of the sign it came off cleanly.
by Dan
a controversy? Any more of these stickers turn up? Or is this the only one? If it is, something smells!
by Hal Chase
It is not possible for one walking on Knight Street to see the sticker as the sign is in the back parking lot of the paint store and bar facing Bulkhead Street. Knight Street runs in front of each business, adjacent to the town clock.
by Razer Ray
--Tom Robbins, Still Life With Woodpecker.

Clickthru to download from Mega:

No matter who, and I pointed no finger, it's an attempt to cause recollection of something truly unlikely to occur in the same fashion if only due to the DHS proscribed logging of all unit's comms and literal realtime location data for them, and other less obvious, arguable perhaps, sociological reasons.

So all that's really possible from a wish for a "Code Blue" anymore is derived from the "Vigilante Meme" inherent in the events of the early 80s.

It's stupid no matter who did it.

I KNOW the owner of a store nearby from a music industry relationship in the 80s, and I can tell you, beyond ANY shadow of a doubt, that person would NOT condone a "Code Blue" of ANY sort.

AAMOF that person would most likely be the next "Morris-Abrams".

If the jackwad who put that sticker up is reading this is intent on organizing such a relationship with SCPD officers, or intends to act on the meme inherent in that sticker with a group of civilian vigilantes. Be forewarned. Your 'code blue' dream could quickly become your criminal court nightmare and not even Robert Norse will come to picket in your name because ...


Your kind just ain't welcome 'round these parts by the RESPECTABLE MEMBERS of the community.

Ya hear?

by Alex Darocy (alex [at]
I spotted the sticker when I was walking on Bulkhead Street. The article now has been edited to properly identify the location of the entrance to the parking lot in question as being on Bulkhead Street, not Knight Street.

I was a UCSC undergrad from 1982–1985. I remember the controversy over the "troll buster" T-shirts and local kids shooting homeless people with BB guns.

I's so ashamed that I was Downtown all the time during those years yet knew nothing about these terrible human rights violations. I feel somehow complicit because if I had known I would have been obligated to act. I was all wrapped up in school and my own personal issues.

Still, I wish I had known so I could have taken a stand against this. I'm making up for that by taking a stand now. No more violence of any kind against any homeless person can be accepted — I vow to not accept it!

I filed a USDOJ complaint against the City of Santa Cruz and the SCPD for abusing disabled (homeless) people. I'm lobbying the USDOJ and the U.S. Senate to come down on Santa Cruz and the SCPD, to clean house. I vow to persist in this struggle until the City of Santa Cruz and the SCPD treat all disabled people, and all homeless people, with respect and dignity.

I spoke with a USDOJ investigator last Friday. He commended me for being an "aggressive advocate": I'm not stopping until the federal government cleans up this dirty little town. I'm making up for my ignorance during the 1980s.

The Power have the Power!!!
by Steve Pleich
This violent and troubling specter of the past makes the reformation of a citizens police review board all the more timely.
by Observer
Did he get the license plate number? Not a bad thing to have is someone is advocating violence against others.
by Janelle
This is a really important issue. Thank you to Alex Darocy and Indybay for writing this. I hope there will be more updates (there's already one, I see) and continued coverage.
by CeleBrent
While in Santa Cruz in the early 1980's "code blue" was a secret bad cop mechanism that enabled off duty cops to assemble at a given location to beat and at times even kill a homeless person, in NYC, "code blue" is the low end temperature threshold that triggers all shelters to swing their doors open indiscriminately to all homeless people....
Under the Bloomberg administration, a family that had previously been denied shelter would be turned away from a city-run shelter even on a “Code Blue” night — if the temperature dropped below 32 degrees for more than four hours.
The city’s Department of Homeless Services would review a family’s application and if nothing had changed — such as the city finding that the family had another option — the family would be denied shelter.
Deputy Mayor for Health and Human Services Lilliam Barrios-Paoli changed that policy on her first week in the job.
“As her very first directive, Deputy Mayor Barrios-Paoli ensured that any family seeking shelter on cold nights — regardless of their eligibility — will be granted shelter in New York City,” de Blasio spokesman Phil Walzak said.

by Razer Ray
NYC's "Code Blue" is triggered by a national weather service warning when the temperature is expected to be below freezing for more than a few hours. It's published on the Forecaster's discussion page.

Santa Cruz Region

The following is sample boilerplate from a National Weather Service warning to State /Local governments, and other agencies/NGOs that occurs when temperatures are expected to drop below freezing for at least two hours.


Santa Cruz abides by this FEDERAL WARNING as well... For obvious reasons, and generally, in my experience allows the homeless to shelter in place, even if the city/county doesn't take further precautions. I also don't see much 'put 'em out in the rain' action either. For similar reasons.

The last thing the authorities want is a ORDINANCE INFLICTED "casualty count" of sick homeless people due to weather exposure.
by fuck the pigs (and their supporters)
a witness to the trial told me the jury acquitted the criminal cops. and there was even police testimony that another pig put a cigarette out on the forehead of one victim.
reasonable force?
by Razer Ray
"Reasonable Force" wasn't applicable. The charges were for what was done OFF-duty.

There was no 'under the color of authority' etc.

C.O.P. Gino Pini said he didn't know about the collusion, 'fell on his sword', and resigned under muted, nepotistically-targeted protest. The state was watching closely. He really had no choice.

Don't know about the others but Mark Cattani ended up working at Garden Liquors across from the Skyview.
by John Cohen

I need your and each of your friend's help for several things.

1. I would like to submit some Freedom of Information (FOI) requests about Santa Cruz's "Code Blue" to local government agencies, but I need some starting points, like: what government agencies to seek records from, what kinds of records to seek, and also what news media (besides Indymedia) ran articles on Santa Cruz's "Code Blue". I plan on doing some real historical research. Do you know anyone I can interview — victims, witnesses, tipsters — over the telephone or through email (since I'm not local anymore)?

2. I have an open U.S. Department of Justice (USDOJ) ADA/Section 504/Fair Housing discrimination complaint against the City/County of Santa Cruz, the Homeless Services Center (HSC) and every homeless service provider on the HSC campus — because my investigations revealed that they all discriminated against disabled homeless people — they also retaliated against my disabled homeless clients for them exercising their civil rights. This USDOJ complaint is a perfect opportunity to not only hold local government officials and local poverty pimps accountable, but also to repeal the sleeping/camping bans and anti-lodging laws because they criminalize homelessness, thus criminalizing people's disabilities because at least 66% of homeless people self-identify in surveys as having one or more disabilities. Again I need to interview victims, witnesses and tipsters. I am not local so I can't seek out these people on my own — I need assistance. I need the help of "elders" amongst the homeless community. You were recommended to me by a homeless person who is a true activist, not a poser. He has conducted legal research for his fellow Santa Cruz homeless people. He isn't a tool of local housed activists. He asked me to keep his identity secret because he fears reprisals from local government, which I can completely understand because of what they have done to me for my (homeless) advocacy and exposing public corruption. They helped The John Stewart Company and HUD force me out of Santa Cruz — they are shameless!

RR: I appreciate if you would contact me via telephone or email. We need to talk. Homeless people in Santa Cruz — not only the disabled — have been abused, mistreated and discriminated against for far too long. I plan to use this USDOJ complaint to break the headlock local pols have on the levers of power which enable this. That's why I became a "Gorilla Advocate".

Thank you for helping me, if you decide to RR. I admire your penetrating commentary and contributions to the (homeless) community. You and each of your friend's voices and stories must be heard in the halls of power. I want to facilitate that — I'm a connector.

Dr. John E. Cohen/Colby

email: karma [at]; colby [at]
cellphone: 831.419.1521
fax: 202.204.0820

nonprofit in the making:

twitter: @jecolbe
theme song:

849 Almar Avenue, Suite C–242
Santa Cruz, CA 95060
by Razer Ray
Wouldn't prefer personal contact. I have a lot of issues on my mind, and I take the edge off the rage that would want me to string each and every one of the cretins who've INTENTIONALLY created the Socioeconomic mess known as Santa Cruz up from the cheezy lamp posts outside city hall by specifically NOT focusing on 'houseless' issues.

I figure if I focus on the whole world around me, instead of issues particular to me, the world will find it's focus on my issues as well, and I'll spend a lot less time un-incarcerated.

I will tell you a simple search @ google for "Mark Cattani Santa Cruz Police Department"

Turns up this and more.

Santa Cruz Public Library
Santa Cruz Newspaper Clipping File

1982 Jun 18 Title: Accused Police Officer Pleads Innocent
By: Marks, Jamie
Source: Santa Cruz Sentinel
Comments: Lt. Donald Hollen
Clipping Filed Under: Police to 1989
Additional Subject(s): Crime and Criminals, 1970-1989
Clipping Location: Central

1982 May 23 Title: Charges of police brutality shake laid-back Santa Cruz
By: Opatrny, Dennis J.
Source: Santa Cruz Sentinel
Clipping Filed Under: Police to 1989
Additional Subject(s): Homeless to 1989
Clipping Location: Central

1982 May 18 Title: Police Department Honors Hero
Source: Santa Cruz Sentinel
Comments: Richard Martinez Rodriguez, picture
Clipping Filed Under: Police to 1989
Additional Subject(s):
Clipping Location: Central

1982 May 17 Title: Conspiracy is Key Element In Police Brutality Allegations
By: Bergstrom, Mark
Source: Santa Cruz Sentinel
Comments: cops, Lt. Donald Hollen, Mark Cattani, Joe Sanchez, and Ed Chevalier and former cops, Lt. Rick Lemarquand and Michael Redus
Clipping Filed Under: Police to 1989
Additional Subject(s): Crime and Criminals, 1970-1989
Clipping Location: Central

1982 May 13 Title: Brutality Charges Against SC Cops
By: Bergstrom, Mark
Source: Santa Cruz Sentinel
Comments: Lt. Donald Hollen and officers Mark Cattani, Ed Chevalier and Joe Sanchez, former Lt. Alfred (Rick)LeMarquand and officer Michael Redus--pictures, 2 copies
Clipping Filed Under: Police to 1989
Additional Subject(s): Crime and Criminals, 1970-1989
Clipping Location: Central

1982 Apr 05 Title: Deputy Chief Foerster Assumes Interim Position
Source: Santa Cruz Sentinel
Comments: Richard Foerster
Clipping Filed Under: Politics and Government--City
Additional Subject(s): Police to 1989
Clipping Location: Central

1982 Apr 04 Title: Community Honors Chief Geno Pini
By: McNicholas, John
Source: Santa Cruz Sentinel
Comments: Police Chief Geno Pini's retirement, picture
Clipping Filed Under: Police to 1989
Additional Subject(s): Biography--P-Q, Santa Cruz County--Biography N-Z (at Aptos Library)
Clipping Location: Aptos, Central

1982 Mar 30 Title: Santa Cruz police ignored brutality claims, judge says
By: Kaye, Jeff
Source: San Jose Mercury News
Clipping Filed Under: Police to 1989
Additional Subject(s): Crime and Criminals, 1970-1989
Clipping Location: Central

1982 Mar 28 Title: Parade of police chiefs has kept Santa Cruz streets safe
By: Littlefield, Skip
Source: Santa Cruz Sentinel
Comments: Gino Pini
Clipping Filed Under: Biography--P-Q
Additional Subject(s): Police to 1989, Santa Cruz City History to 1989 (at Aptos Library)
Clipping Location: Aptos, Central

1981 Nov 03 Title: Policing the Mall: Who Enforces the Law?
By: Bourne, Gavin
Source: Santa Cruz Weekly
Comments: pictures
Clipping Filed Under: Police to 1989
Additional Subject(s): Pacific Garden Mall, 1980-Oct. 16, 1989
Clipping Location: Central

It was reported at least statewide. Most of the people who were victims are, for the most part long gone from the area... At least the people I knew, but the news clippings and publicly available information about the court trial, including the transcripts of the trial, must be available and names, specific events, can be gleaned.

It looks like the SCPL has a pretty good clipping file on "Code Blue", which btw, is an expression I've never heard before a few years ago. Trollbusters was the common term used for both the off-duty thug squad AND 'local kidz gone stoopid'. It's TRULY UNLIKELY those two words were ever spoken over an SCPD radio and you probably won't come up with any HISTORICAL information that way. Just "Hysterical" information.

by Sammy Google
"In the 1980s the Santa Cruz Police, according to court testimony of fellow officers, carried out beatings of homeless people they called operation code blue over their radios. What code blue meant was that officers were to arrive on the scene where they beat homeless people to death."
by Razer Ray
To the best of my remembrance the first I ever saw of Steve Argue in Santa Cruz was sometime in the 90s, perhaps a year or two before he did that stupid thing at the Sam Farr MAH protest which will remain unstated. If that's the case, it's simply hearsay.

Do the research in the court transcripts and find out for yourself because there's absolutely nothing to support your assertion here:

Steve Argue

[Hpn] Homelessness And Political Repression, Green Party Fails The Test In Santa Cruz
Mon, 3 Dec 2001 13:07:14 -0800 (PST)

"In the 1980s the Santa Cruz Police, according to court testimony of fellow officers, carried out beatings of homeless people they called operation code blue over their radios. What code blue meant was that officers were to arrive on the scene where they beat homeless people to death."

I don't recall any homeless people BEAT TO DEATH.

I saw psychological terrorism, black eyes and other fight related injuries, but no death was ever legitimately attributed. As far as I know, not even a 'life threatening injury'.

That's not an apologist position btw, that's an ANTI-rumor mongering statement.

You want dead people? Try Raul, the Sun Worshiper. A fixture outside the old Cooper House, giving the sun directions and swaying to Don & Warmth.

Then some kids threw him off the flyway to San Lorenzo park.

Teen Kids did that. Not cops. And no, there WAS NO CONNECTION between those individuals other that what could be simply described as hatemongered savage provincialism.

FWIW, they were the same kind of teen kids RN stirs up when he refers to the police as 'gunmen'. Then it was local locos. Today it would be the loinspawn of TBSC's haters

That's why I refer to RN as an eminent danger to the very people he purports to rep for.

Further, rumor mongering is the realm of police agents and opportunist disinformation operators, of which I consider Steve Argue to be in that fold. You pick. Don't be a rumor monger.

by Steven Argue
My source on that was a local attorney who was very aware of what went on. Razer Ray, who ever you are, are not the expert, despite your snarls and self-appointed attempts to be that.
by Alex Darocy
Article from April 11, 1983
by Razer Ray
Everything he wrote is his opinion. What happened was horrifying and should not be dismissed….but I was there. I’m retired from SCPD and it was my call to a supervisor about bad behavior that started the investigation. My life was threatened and it was pretty scary for a while. Razer Ray doesn’t know the facts and a lot of what he said was inspired by gossip. He doesn’t know what Code Blue really meant and there are other factual mistakes. It changed my life forever.
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