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Indybay Feature

Help Re-Imagine Santa Cruz Metro: Pacific Station Redesign

Located in the heart of downtown, Pacific Station is the City of Santa Cruz’s primary multi-modal public transit center. Constructed in 1984, the existing building has endured nearly three decades of heavy use. Today, the facility is aged and shows deterioration that continues to worsen. Numerous functional inadequacies have begun to directly affect commuters’ experiences. At the same time, these limitations are also restricting increased system needs, in spite of growing demand.
Santa Cruz METRO and the City of Santa Cruz are partnering to redesign the transit center at Pacific Station. A redesigned transit center presents an opportunity to improve the experiences of both commuters and METRO employees. It is a great chance to reimagine waiting spaces, public facilities and back-of-house, or operational, areas. A new Pacific Station will also catalyze the lower Pacific Avenue area, contributing to a safer environment and encouraging other property owners to invest in their properties. Pedestrian-friendly, active street frontages will enhance the viability and attractiveness of the area. The new Pacific Station will provide an attractive civic place that is safe, sustainable, functional, and appreciated by the whole Santa Cruz community.

In addition to transit center, the project will explore the mix of uses that may be appropriate at this site, with the potential of developing a multi-story building with a variety of compatible uses. Community input will be solicited to help shape the future of Pacific Station. A first round of community engagement will be conducted to gather input on needs and opportunities for Pacific Station and lower Pacific Avenue. A second phase will collect feedback on site and use options. A third round will consist of a presentation of the preferred option. Each round will consist of a community meeting, an open-house, and tables at the farmers market and Pacific Station. Information is available on the Metro and City’s websites and through various social media platforms.

As community members, your involvement and input in the project is vital to the success of this project.

Share your ideas!

Join our community meetings and help create the vision for the new design of Pacific Station on Pacific Avenue in downtown Santa Cruz.

Join us at an upcoming meeting! Meeting dates and details below:


1:30-3:30 PM - Kiosk at Farmers Market At the intersection of Cedar & Lincoln Street
4:00-6:00 PM - Kiosk at Pacific Station


4:00-6:00 PM - Drop in at Pacific Station
6:00-8:00 PM - Community Meeting

All Pacific Station meetings will take place at 920 Pacific Avenue

Follow the project and share your thoughts via Facebook, Twitter, Spotmojo, and Civinomics:

Spotmojo is an online platform to give the community a voice. Visit the Santa Cruz Pacific Station project page and vote on the future of Pacific Station.

Civinomics is an online workshop platform where you can contribute your ideas about local projects and issues. Visit the Pacific Station workshop page to vote for your favorite ideas!
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by G
Will 'others' suffer yet another banishment in this redesign?
by Robert Norse
I'm not clear what the necessity is for a new center. Nor the projected cost.

I have had experience dealing with the kind of "genial thug" behavior of security guards there and the police and courts who back them up.

See "City Takes Broadcaster to Court for Chatting at the Metro..." at .

See also the chilling, but ludicrous follow-up "Friday's Trespass at the Metro Trial--Notes from the Defendant" at .

The final verdict: "Judge Returns Guilty Verdict In Metro Trespass Trial" at

I still believe it's useful to know the laws (particularly if you have video documentation and/or witnesses) if you are hassled at the Metro (or elsewhere, even at a private business), see the text of the relevant laws at the "Judge Returns Guilty Verdict" link above.

Will bus services be improved, more services provided, more access be assured by the proposed changes? What exactly are they?
by offshore all gov jobs
"facility is aged and shows deterioration that continues to worsen. Numerous functional inadequacies have begun to directly affect commuters’ experiences. At the same time, these limitations are also restricting increased system needs, in spite of growing demand."
i can't think of a more vague rationale for blowing millions replacing a facility that could easily last another 30 years.
by Kim
I hope the sound system will get a major upgrade. I love hearing the classical music wafting through the air, especially Dvorak. More and louder speakers would be welcome. Perhaps some headphone jacks too.
by G
"A new Pacific Station will also catalyze the lower Pacific Avenue area, contributing to a safer environment and encouraging other property owners to invest in their properties."

It's a frame for blaming the 'old' Pacific Station for business 'problems' and an 'unsafe' environment. Get tax payers to bleed, to line real estate developer pockets, same old same old.
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