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Indybay Feature

Guerrilla Projection Facebook-Zuckerberg Action

Saturday, June 01, 2013
9:00 PM - 10:30 PM
Event Type:
Tricia Shortridge
Location Details:
Dolores Park, 19th and Dolores Street, SF

Facebook's Zuckerberg is part of an emerging Silicon Valley elite that is organizing and playing dirty big $ politics, which has led to spending "7 figures" buying pro Keystone XL pipeline and ANWR drilling ads to bribe politicians to vote their way on high tech immigrant worker issues. Come out!


The Keystone XL Action Council and San Francisco Projection Department


Initiated by the Keystone XL Action Council, the San Francisco Projection Department will do giant outdoor projections about Keystone XL to creatively tell Facebook’s Zuckerberg: WTF!


Delores Park, 19th and Dolores Street, SF


Saturday, June 1, 9:00 p.m.


Mark Zuckerberg and other corporate tech millionaires are bankrolling the lobbying group that push for high tech worker immigration reform, is buying TV ads in support of Keystone XL tar sands pipeline and drilling in the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge in an effort to buy votes from the congressmen featured in the ads. Join us as we escalate our call on Zuckerberg and to publicly commit to:
1) Refrain from bankrolling any more pro-fossil fuel industry Keystone XL and drilling ads.
2) 2) Commit the same amount of $ already spend on funding these ads to support education about the real climate, economic, and public health impacts – recognized by the EPA – of Keystone XL tar sands pipeline.
Tech executive Josh Miller, chief of Twitter chat system branch as called Zuckerberg out, saying “’ lobbying strategy, though pitched as “pragmatic” and “smart” by Beltway insiders, is typically only practiced by large pharmaceutical companies, gun manufacturers, and the like. It works like this: You approach key representatives who are on the fence about voting for comprehensive legislative reform and finance advertisements that portray their stance on any other issue of their choosing. In other words, effectively bribes politicians by saying. “ Vote with us on this controversial issue, and we’ll remind your constituents why you’re great on some other issue they care about – any issue.” Thus, the Keystone XL debacle was not an accident – it’s the strategy.”
Added to the calendar on Tue, May 28, 2013 3:12PM

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by Jack London
How about getting off Facebook social network.......we should not be supporting his corporate Bullshit.......Time for Left to create their own social media......outside of the Facebook corporate form......and if it already exist....why hasn't everyone moved over to that than staying with the Republican Fascist system that has got all of us under surveillance???????
Zuckerman is a front for the CIA collection on the information everyone is posting so instead of giving the government your information make your own social network. We did this and you can see it at which is a spoof on facebook and the addiction we are giving to the computers. We are dating online rather than going to a local cafe and talking to our neighbors as we are fast becoming socially retarded. I call the laptop the modern day "panning for gold" as we are looking for opportunities whether it is love or work online. We need to wake up to the reality of 40% unemployment (Depression) in California and 1 out 2 Amerikkklans are living below the poverty line and with Global Climate change there is no such thing as a Green economy. So try not to throw your toxic soon to be irrelevant laptop down and do something for our Mother Earth (Plant a Garden - Stop
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