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Indybay Feature

Clara Fraser, the Original Socialist Feminist

Friday, May 03, 2013
7:00 PM - 9:30 PM
Event Type:
Toni Mendicino
Location Details:
New Valencia Hall: 747 Polk St. at Ellis St., near Civic Center BART/Muni and on #19, 31, 47 & 49 Muni bus lines

MAY DAY FESTIVITIES. A public celebration of this international working-class holiday honoring the life and ideas of “Clara Fraser: The Original Socialist Feminist." The daughter of Russian immigrants, Fraser founded the first revolutionary socialist feminist party in the world and taught a generation of young radicals and feminists how to stand together to fight discrimination and exploitation. Today the party she founded has sections in Australia and the US and works with leftists in Mexico, Canada, New Zealand, Costa Rica and the Dominican Republic.

Luma Nichol, anti-Nazi organizer and former housemate of Fraser, and Norma Gallegos, queer Chicana feminist and public education defender, will speak.

The festivities kick off with an International Buffet ($10 donation) at 6:00pm, followed by the program at 7:00pm ($3-5.00 door; $2 students or strikers).

For work exchanges or childcare, please call in advance: 415-864-1278 or email bafsp [at] Sponsored by the Freedom Socialist Party and Radical Women.
Added to the calendar on Tue, Apr 9, 2013 11:35AM
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