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From the Open-Publishing Calendar
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Indybay Feature

All Out for Gaza!

Monday, November 19, 2012
4:30 PM - 6:00 PM
Event Type:
Location Details:
Israeli Consulate
456 Montgomery Street
San Francisco

4:30PM @ Israeli Consulate
456 Montgomery Street
San Francisco
Keep the pressure on! Let's make sure the people of Palestine know that we stand shoulder to shoulder with them in their struggle against the colonial state of Israel.

Over 500 people marched and took over the streets of San Francisco on Friday evening to stand against US support of Israel!

Join us again on Monday as we make our voices loud and clear:

STOP the War on Gaza!
Stand Against the US Support of Israel!
Support the People of Palestine!

Organized by activists in the Bay Area Arab community, allies and supporters of Palestine.

Israel Provoked the War

Israel says the Iron Dome system has shot down some 250 of 500 rockets fired toward the country this week, most in southern Israel near Gaza.

Saturday's interception was the first time Iron Dome has been deployed in Tel Aviv. The battery was a new upgraded version that was only activated on Saturday, two months ahead of schedule, the Defense Ministry said.

This "smoking gun" above should tell us that Israel started their preparations for this war two months ago and wasn't in response to some spontaneous firing of rockets out of the blue from Gaza for no apparent reason.

If, as our State Department tells us that Israel has the right to defend themselves, why do they not also state the same for the Palestinians?

Coupled with the report that follows, we see a pattern of lies perpetrated by the Israeli government and our own propaganda machine, our world renowned Corporate Enabling Media:

It’s true that on Saturday, prior to the expanded Israeli bombardment, the military wing of the Popular Front For the Liberation of Palestine shot an anti-tank missile at an Israeli Defense Forces vehicle near the Gaza border, wounding four Israeli soldiers. But what prompted the firing of the anti-tank missile?

First, on Monday, November 5th, Israeli forces shot and killed 23 year old Ahmad Nabhani when he “approached the border fence with Israel.” According to at least one account, Nabhani was mentally challenged.

Then, on Thursday, November 8th, the Israeli Occupation Forces – eight tanks and four bulldozers, to be exact – invaded southern Gaza, shooting and killing a 13-year old boy. Palestinian Centre for Human Rights (via):

According to investigations conducted by PCHR, at approximately 16:30 on Thursday, as a result of the indiscriminate shooting by IOF military vehicles that had moved into the ‘Abassan village, 13-year-old Ahmed Younis Khader Abu Daqqa was seriously wounded by a bullet to the abdomen. At the time he was shot, Ahmed had been playing football with his friends in front of his family’s house, located nearly 1,200 meters away from the area where the IOF were present.

So, even if honest observers brush to the side the cruel and inhumane Israeli blockade on Gaza and refuse to let it influence the equation of exactly which side started this flare up of violence, it is clear Israel started this latest clash. And in response to the response, Israel has waged a harsh, disproportionate military assault.

This would be a simple thing to understand if, for example, Western media bothered to ask the other side what happened. Palestinian news media immediately reported that the anti-tank missile Israel was supposedly responding to was admitted to by the Popular Resistance Committees, who described it as “revenge” for preceding Israeli violence on Gaza. But that basic task of honest journalism is apparently out of the question.

Every single Israeli incursion or attack on Gaza is accompanied by the same narrative: Israel fairly responded to unprovoked Palestinian rocket fire. The last major war on Gaza, Operation Cast Lead in December ’08-January ’09, also carried this narrative. Israel committed war crimes in that one-sided conflict, targeting and killing hundreds of civilians, using indiscriminate weapons, and intentionally destroying civilian infrastructure. It has become an accepted fact – even among critics of Israel – that the offensive was a response to Hamas rocket fire. The rocket fire did indeed occur immediately before the assault, but it was in response to Israel’s breaking of the six-month cease-fire, which even Israeli officials in WikiLeaks cables admitted Hamas had kept to.
Added to the calendar on Sun, Nov 18, 2012 6:58PM
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