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Republican Criminals Keep Floridians Waiting 7 Hours, Freeze Thousands Of Ohio Voters

by Ban Electronic Voting Machines
Infinitely varied are the ways in which the plutocracy tries to steal elections
Republicans in Florida have once again criminally conspired to deprive the people of their voting franchise, as happened in 2000 when 5 male Republican unelected Supreme Court 'justices'
with life terms installed the unelected G W Bush as president.

Voters in Miami were kept waiting in line for SEVEN hours.... as 6 precincts were combined into 1. That is only one of hundreds of examples of fraud in Florida.

In Ohio and elsewhere, in freezing temperatures people were kept in queue for hours. In Cleveland 2500 waited freezing because Secretary of State Husted eliminated 23% of the precincts and played people like pawns on a power chessboard as he switched around many people's precinct places. In Akron and Sandusky hundreds waited outside in the cold.

Florida Republicans instituted robo calls instructing people to vote on November 7.

Republicans with faked Democrat Party credentials collected people's absentee ballots
and then destroyed them.

Nathan Sproul, Colin Small, and others conducted 'nonpartisan registration drives' which were very partisan and destroyed Democratic registrations.

This was reminiscent of 2002 when James Tobin, Karl Rove Republican operative, was sent to jail for jamming handicapped voter transportation access telephone lines.

It was reminiscent of 2000 in Florida... with felonious Republicans like Jeb Bush and Katherine Harris removing hundreds of thousands illegally... in software designed to remove more than felons.

The Jacksonville Times Union in 2000 instructed black residents of Jacksonville in a special edition to vote every page of the ballot.

Police set up roadblocks in many cities in Florida and in other ways intimidated black voters.

In 5 swing states, Mitt and Ann Romney, their son Taggart, another son, their chief fundraiser Spencer Zwick and Bain Capital operative Eric Scheuermann bought controlling interest in Hart Intercivic voting machines, the ones which had in Cincinnati turned 300,000 Kerry votes over to Bush, establishing Bush for a 2nd time as an unelected president.

In 20 primary states, Ron Paul's numbers were reduced or eliminated.

picture source Florida_Early_Voting_Webe.jpg
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