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Inside Occupy Santa Cruz Documentary Part 1

by Brent Adams
What Are You Doing Here? Inside Occupy Santa Cruz Part 1
A full length documentary has been released as 6 Youtube segments.
Documentary filmmaker Brent Adams chronicles the successful rise and demise of the camp at Occupy Santa Cruz.

"What Are You Doing Here? Inside Occupy Santa Cruz" Is a long form semi-chronological documentary that is segmented for Youtube.

Occupy Santa Cruz played host to 200 tents and many more people for two months.
They occupied both county and city properties and faced many sheriffs raids, a court injunction from the city as well as a disinformation smear campaign from the Police Dept. and the local media meant to create a sense of disgust in the community.

Finally the take-over of a vacant bank building for 4 days enabled the authorities to remove the camp's large geodesic dome, a huge teepee and all remaining tents affectively ending the full-time occupation.

This documentary includes many news clips and citizen youtube clips that help tell the story as well as lots of original video from Subcommondante Films.

The film features many of today's top IDM electronic music producers remixes and original tunes.

It is a fun ride so buckle yourself in.
§Poster for Documentary Release
by Brent Adams
This 90 minute objective look at OSC includes a clear-eued view of how SCPD, the Sheriff's Dept., Santa Cruz County & KSBW spread unsubstantiated rumors to create a sense of disgust in the community.
§Occupy Santa Cruz Documentary RELEASED!!
by Subcommondante Films
A MUST SEE!! The long-awaited semi-chronological episodic serial documentary that investigates the rise and downfall of one of the country's longest lasting Occupy camps.

Subcommondante Films has released What Are You Doing Here? Inside Occupy Santa Cruz Part 1.
Part 1, is 90 minutes featuring a weave of local news clips, various Youtube videos and original video by Brent Adams.
It is divided into 6 segments and viewable on Youtube. Attempts to load it to Indybay have not yet been successful.

Brent Adams worked full-time on this documentary for 3 months straight. Part 2, an additional 45 minutes is nearing completion. Part 1 & 2 take
the viewer on a trip from the beginning of the ill-fated occupation of San Lorenzo Park and the area of the Courthouse steps all the way to just before the occupation of a vacant bank building at 75 River St.

Brent uses Fair Use news video juxtaposed with his own investigative video to demonstrate how the Santa Cruz Police Department and Santa Cruz County Administrators gave press releases, interviews and statements to local media (KSBW in particular) that contained unsubstantiated rumors and falsehoods. Given special treatment here are the allegations of a "possible ringworm outbreak" and "200 lbs. of human waste" dumped at the Veteran's Memorial Hall located 1/4 mile from the camp.

"What Are You Doing Here?" features several General Assemblies and City Liaison meetings with then Vice Mayor Don Lane and features local constitutional attorney Ed Frey and Anonymous internet hacker Commander X. A special feature of this project is the inclusion of 3 sheriffs department raids that all occured at 5am and a tour of the camp by SCPD's top brass as they encounter a homeless population that peppers them with unanswered questions such as "once we leave here where are we supposed to go?"

This film features original music and special remixes by todays best IDM electronic music producers.

Intended to illuminate the dark questions of the local occupation as well as to create an entertaining historical and social artifact of one stalwart location of the nation's Occupy movement. This is an important and must see film.
This inside view of one the country's longest lasting Occupy camps and a clear-eyed look at some of the news reportage that helped take it down.
Part 1 & 2 comprise Segments 9/9, Part 3 is still in the works.

A MUST SEE!! The long-awaited semi-chronological episodic serial documentary that investigates the rise and downfall of one of the country's longest lasting Occupy camps.

Subcommondante Films has released What Are You Doing Here? Inside Occupy Santa Cruz

Brent Adams worked full-time on this documentary for 3 months straight. Part 1 & 2 take
the viewer on a trip from the beginning of the ill-fated occupation of San Lorenzo Park and the area of the Courthouse steps all the way to just before the occupation of a vacant bank building at 75 River St.

Brent uses Fair Use news video juxtaposed with his own investigative video to demonstrate how the Santa Cruz Police Department and Santa Cruz County Administrators gave press releases, interviews and statements to local media (KSBW in particular) that contained unsubstantiated rumors and falsehoods. Given special treatment here are the allegations of a "possible ringworm outbreak" and "200 lbs. of human waste" dumped at the Veteran's Memorial Hall located 1/4 mile from the camp.

"What Are You Doing Here?" features several General Assemblies and City Liaison meetings with then Vice Mayor Don Lane and features local constitutional attorney Ed Frey and Anonymous internet hacker Commander X. A special feature of this project is the inclusion of 3 sheriffs department raids that all occured at 5am and a tour of the camp by SCPD's top brass as they encounter a homeless population that peppers them with unanswered questions such as "once we leave here where are we supposed to go?"

This film features original music and special remixes by todays best IDM electronic music producers.

Intended to illuminate the dark questions of the local occupation as well as to create an entertaining historical and social artifact of one stalwart location of the nation's Occupy movement. This is an important and must see film.
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by Not bad so far
I'll let you know more when I've seen more.
by G
Very impressive work!
by So Far So Good
I would say that it's a participant-observer viewpoint, not an objective viewpoint. My feeling is that there is no such thing as objectivity, in the abstract philosophical sense (so-called objectivity is an overlay of race, class, gender, and sexual orientation biases). Which is not to say being a participant-observer is bad. On the contrary, you have access to the activists and the homeless--and the homeless activists--that allows them to trust you enough to give very candid, heartfelt interviews and testimony. I also like that you've included criticisms of the mainstream media, the police, and city government--it shows you've got a brain and can think independently. People watching the segments can make up their own minds about what you've presented without having so-called objectivity laid on them. "Objective" would not be very interesting here because it would have to include boorish critics of the occupy movement, although you might be planning to put those in your next set of segments.

One the whole, I'm glad you're able to find the time to put this together. As a document it has the power to re-inspire folks to show up and get involved again. I've seen that already happen. Now back to the hard work of planning direct action!
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