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Indybay Feature

Safe SF Civil Rights Ordinance: Limiting Racial & Religious Profiling

Thursday, July 12, 2012
12:00 PM - 1:30 PM
Event Type:
RSVP Michelle Ho
Location Details:
55 Columbus Ave.
(betw. Montgomery & Kearny / Washington & Jackson)
Map of location
(# 1, 8, 8X, 10, 12 buses)

Safe SF Civil Rights Ordinance: Limiting Racial & Religious Profiling
Third in the Asian Law Caucus Summer Brown Bag Series
Thursday, July 12, 12:00 PM – 1:30 PM
55 Columbus Ave.
(betw. Montgomery & Kearny / Washington & Jackson)
Map of location
(# 1, 8, 8X, 10, 12 buses)

Nasrina Bargzie, National Security Staff Attorney
Summer Hararah, National Security Coordinator
Christina Sinha, National Security Fellow

Post-9/11, the Arab Middle Eastern, Muslim, and South Asian communities have experienced extreme discrimination. The historic Safe SF Civil Rights Ordinance, signed into law in May 2012, is a huge step toward protecting our community from racial and religious profiling and requiring transparency and oversight of local police collaborations with the FBI's Joint Terrorism Task Force.

The law affirms that no community should be treated as suspect without any evidence of criminal wrongdoing. We will discuss Asian Law Caucus' partnership with community organizations to ensure proper implementation of the law and our sustained efforts to challenge discrimination that targets vulnerable communities in the name of national security.

Sponsored by Asian Law Caucus

Download a poster describing all the talks in this series:
Added to the calendar on Sun, Jun 3, 2012 1:23AM
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