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Green Party Presidential Forum: Roseanne Barr, Jill Stein and Kent Mesplay

Saturday, May 12, 2012
7:30 PM - 9:30 PM
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If you are voting for Obama, you are voting for war. It's that simple. Support third party candidates and parties. It's the only message the war parties will be capable of hearing. France spoke out with their votes and supported the candidate who will take them out of war and do the opposite of "austerity", and the very next day, headlines read "austerity is a bad word." The first step is breaking away from your fear of Mitt Romney winning -- he has already won, and his name is Barack Obama.

Green Party Presidential Forum (Sat 5/12):

Roseanne Barr, Jill Stein and Kent Mesplay

Co-Sponsored by the League of Women Voters, KALW-FM’s Rose Aguilar Will Moderate

SAN FRANCISCO–Presidential candidates Roseanne Barr, Kent Mesplay and Jill Stein will face-off the evening of Saturday, May 12, as Greens all across California are getting ready to go to the polls and vote. Joining them on stage at the Victoria Theatre will be Rose Aguilar, Host of “Your Call” on KALW-FM and author of “Red Highways, A Liberal’s Journey Through the Heartland.”

Co-sponsored by the League of Women Voters of San Francisco, the forum is scheduled to coincide with a Green Party of California plenary May 12 and 13, also in San Francisco. California Greens will have the largest delegation heading into the Green Party’s Presidential Nominating Convention in Baltimore, Maryland, July 12-15.

Dr. Jill Stein has been endorsed by Professor Noam Chomsky

Jill Stein has run several strong campaigns in her home state of Massachusetts and has been active in the Occupy movement. Jill is a 1979 graduate of Harvard Medical School, serves on several boards, and has been active with the Massachusetts Coalition for Healthy
Communities. When asked by The New York Times, “Does President Obama deserve credit for health care and other accomplishments?” Jill responded, “Small time, sure. There are minor improvements. But on the other hand, he took single-payer off the table. He absolutely took a public option off the table. As we found on issue after issue — the war, reappointing George Bush’s secretary of defense, sticking to George Bush’s timeline on Iraq, expanding the war, expanding the drone wars all over the place. And how about bringing Wall Street in, the guys who created the problem, among his first appointments. It was pretty clear right then that this was going to be business as usual on steroids. We’re certainly not more secure, more equitable, more healthy or safer internationally, with what Obama has brought.”

Roseanne Barr has been endorsed by NORML, Cynthia McKinney and Cindy Sheehan

Aside from her Emmy award winning role as a working class “domestic goddess,” Roseanne Conner, Roseanne Barr has been a champion for social justice issues for decades, supporting and bringing attention women’s rights, the legalization of marijuana and same-sex marriage, among other issues. She supports the Occupy movement and her platform focuses on the legalization of marijuana, economic reforms on Wall St., and ending war, in particular bringing peace to Israel / Palestine through the right of return for Palestinians, removal of the wall, and stopping US military funding for Israel. In her Green FAQ, Roseanne stated: “The ‘two party’ system is clearly broken. The 1 percent has two political parties—Democratic and Republican— but the 99 percent only has one: The Green Party. . . The Green Party is already well-positioned as an existing party and with the right candidate, the underlying sanity of its platform can not only reach new ears, it can change both the course of conversation in America and the course of this country itself.”

Kent Mesplay focuses on environmental issues and advocates that “sustainability is security”.

Kent Mesplay wants to help California become a national and national leader in areas critical to mitigating the effects of Global Climate Change. He calls for state and national energy independence based upon renewable energy (wind and solar), which will create jobs, help clean up the environment by reducing carbon in the atmosphere and improve our basic physical security by promoting decentralization of power. He notes the fact that when we meet our needs in a sustainable manner at home, we are less likely to concern ourselves with oil markets elsewhere. Kent also advocates solutions such as single payer health insurance, ranked choice voting and publicly funded campaigns as a move away from the current system of legalized bribery in campaigning. “In short,” Kent says, “we need good governance, we need Green values and we need to get the influence of money out of politics. And we certainly need to cut bloated Pentagon spending and waste, and enact an independent, trusted system to audit military spending.”

Details on the Presidential Forum:

Day: Saturday, May 12th
Time: 7:30-9:30 PM
Location: Victoria Theater, 2961 16th St., S.F. (one block from 16th St. BART)
Cost: $10 – 20 sliding scale
No one will be turned away for lack of funds.
Tickets available here

The forum will be livestreamed at

See more about the Green Party’s presidential candidates here:

For information about Rose Aguilar and her KALW-FM program “Your Call,” visit and League of Women Voters of San Francisco

See also:

Added to the calendar on Tue, May 8, 2012 8:30AM
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