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WILPF Santa Cruz: Statement of Support for Eleven Local Activists

by WILPF Santa Cruz (wilpf [at]
The Santa Cruz Branch of the Women’s International League for Peace and Freedom (WILPF) condemns the action of local law enforcement in attempting to prosecute eleven local activists who are alleged to have occupied the long-deserted bank building at Water and River Streets last fall.

Women's International League for Peace and Freedom

Ligue Internationale de Femmes pour la Paix et la Liberté
Liga Internacional de Mujeres por la Paz y la Libertad
Internationale Frauenliga für Frieden und Freiheit

Santa Cruz Branch

P.O. Box 61 Santa Cruz, CA 95063

Statement of Support
April 20, 2012

The Santa Cruz Branch of the Women’s International League for Peace and Freedom (WILPF) condemns the action of local law enforcement in attempting to prosecute eleven local activists who are alleged to have occupied the long-deserted bank building at Water and River Streets last fall.

Four of the defendants are journalists, who were present to report to the community on the protests.  The First Amendment is clear on the rights of journalists to observe and print their findings; the charges against them should be dropped immediately.

It is also apparent that some of the defendants have been targeted for arrest (out of the hundreds who went in and out of the building over the several days of the occupation) because of previous brushes with law enforcement officials. The Constitution forbids charging people with crimes on the basis of their identity or past actions. 

Santa Cruz Occupy, a grass-roots movement to attempt to change our extremely unfair economy and end the corporatocracy that now has de facto control of our country, has injured no one, and like all citizens, has a right to be treated with fairness and respect.   

Women's International League for Peace and Freedom
P.O. Box 61,
Santa Cruz, CA 95063
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by Becky Johnson
Thanks so much to the wise and wonderful women of WILPF!! Community support for the Santa Cruz Eleven is what is going to make the difference in this case. Principled positions by the local ACLU and WILPF give local judges the confidence that they can go against the DA and not suffer rejection by the greater community. It would be far better if our courts were not used to achieve political ends, but, sadly we're not there yet.

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