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Election Fraud Mayor Lee files Opposition to Sheriff Mirakarimi's Petition

by Keeping Score
Election Fraud Democrat Mayor Lee’s City Attorney, Democrat Dennis Herrera, has filed an opposition to Sheriff Mirkarimi’s Petition for Writ of Mandate, which may be found on the City Attorney’s website on a special page for this case at and the PDF for the Memorandum of Points and Authorities in Opposition to the Petition, with a hearing set for April 20, 2012, is at
Election Fraud Democrat Mayor Lee’s City Attorney, Democrat Dennis Herrera, has filed an opposition to Sheriff Mirkarimi’s Petition for Writ of Mandate, which may be found on the City Attorney’s website on a special page for this case at and the PDF for the Memorandum of Points and Authorities in Opposition to the Petition, with a hearing set for April 20, 2012, is at

Herrera LIES on page 2 when he says that “Public officials could rob banks, steal cars, or mug old ladies, and no one, not even the voters, could do anything about it.” Criminal charges can be filed and if convicted or after a guilty plea, the person could serve time in jail, courtesy the taxpayers. SHERIFF HONGISTO STOLE NEWSPAPERS AND SERVED TIME IN JAIL. SHERIFF HONGISTO REFUSED TO CARRY OUT THE FIRST EVICTION ORDERS AT THE INTERNATIONAL HOTEL AND SERVED TIME IN JAIL. Yes, we can do something about it, and we pay through the nose for it too. We, the taxpayers, pay for jails and thus we pay for the existence of the prisoners, a stupid way to address problems. Rehabilitation is far more cost effective and in the case of domestic disputes, PRESERVES FAMILIES. Marriage counseling is all most families need when there are such disputes. What we are witnessing now is the destruction of the Mirkarimi-Lopez family, courtesy the taxpayers and the election-frauding, home eviction promoting Democratic Party which does not want Sheriff Mirkarimi stopping election fraud, as was perpetrated by Mayor Lee, and does not want Sheriff Mirkarimi stopping foreclosures and evictions. See on election fraud:

In case you missed the latest fixed election, the mayor's race of 2011 when a supposedly temporary mayor appointed by former mayor Gavin Newsom, who sat in office with election fraud and was protégé of the notorious election frauder Willie Brown, decided to run for election, see:
The audio is the news report by Ann Garrison on KPFA, 94.1 FM, 10/22/11, 6 p.m. news at (has Ann's audio excerpt and pictures from the video below)
And here is the video:

More may be found at:

There were also allegations of money-laundering by the Ed Lee campaign, in collaboration with a notorious eviction strongman, Archway Property Services, which terrorized tenants at apartments owned by CitiApartments. Archway asked its employees to contribute $500 each to Lee's campaign, claiming they would be reimbursed.

The benchmark website on the Democrats' election fraud in San Francisco is:
and in the 1970s:

Updating on the Democratic Party's election fraud, we now have a mayor who LIED when he said he would never run for mayor when he was appointed to complete Nazi Newsom's term, and then turned around and ran for mayor, effectively as an incumbent, thus destroying all other campaigns. He did not stop there with his unethical behavior. See
"Mayor Lee and High Ethical Sandards" by Tim Redmond, 3/21/12, SF Bay Guardian at

See the video of the election fraud perpetrated by Election Fraud Mayor Lee's campaign team at
Please watch the short video as it has much to teach about election fraud in general and the Democratic Party's election fraud in particular.

Then there is Ed Lee-Willie Brown's sleazy bid deal, "How Business Was Done" 2/14/11, SF Bay Guardian at

And his appointment of election frauding Department of Public Works director Mohammed Nuru at
"Lee's Appointment of Nuru Darkens the Ethical Cloud Over Room 200", SF Bay Guardian, 8/16/11

See on the housing issue:

Herrera also refers to no recall after the first six months in office. BUT AFTER THE FIRST 6 MONTHS IN OFFICE, A RECALL IS POSSIBLE.

The other obvious LIE in this Opposition is that Sheriff Mirkarimi is not entitled to be paid while suspended. Herrera does not object to his receiving medical benefits while suspended (see footnote on page 8) but on page 25, has the unmitigated gall to tell us taxpayers that he does not have the right to be paid so he can feed his family. THE TOP PRIORITY OF ANY GOVERNMENT SHOULD BE TO KEEP FAMILIES TOGETHER. The only thing the Mirkarimi-Lopez family needed was marriage counseling, far cheaper than paying Democrat Herrera to lie to us and far cheaper than paying the district attorney to prosecute Sheriff Mirkarimi on obviously false charges, which they were willing to drop in favor of the vague false imprisonment charge just to get a conviction and allow Election Fraud Mayor Lee to carry out his political frameup and removal and install one of his retired flunkeys as sheriff who presently is collecting a retirement pension and sheriff’s salary, both of which are over $100,000, courtesy the taxpayers.


Sheriff Mirkarimi’s attorney has to file a Reply to all this garbage by April 13, 2012 for the hearing of April 20, 2012.

Should the Ethics Commission recommend on April 23 to send this matter to the Board of Supervisors, we are calling all 11 of these worthless Democrats to tell them that if they remove Sheriff Mirkarimi, we should demand that all 11 of them be removed too, and they can take their election frauding mayor and election-frauding party and leave town.

If you have had enough of the rotten Democratic Party, please join parties that need you to stay on the ballot that do not waste tax dollars on political frame-ups, oppose election fraud, oppose foreclosures and evictions, demand that the homeless be housed by the use of eminent domain to take over all the thousands of empty apartments in the City, and much more. These parties are:
1. Peace and Freedom Party
2. Green Party

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by reader
Good points.
by Tami Bryant (tamibryant [at]
Powerful piece! I appreciate your facts, and agree with your conclusions! I am posting the link to my petition to support Sheriff Mirkarimi... I originally composed it prior to Lee suspending Sheriff Mirkarimi, so it was written in that context. I also question how California is the "family unity" state and yet, in the name of "protecting a mother and child," our government officials have all but destroyed this family... I hope you do not mind me posting this petition. I want the BoS to hear the profound support Ross still has in San Francisco! I do not believe that there is any evidence that will legally uphold the suspension, or that the "official misconduct" charge will be substantiated. It is very frustrating that this democratically elected official is not being allowed to perform his vital job functions... Oh, and I am pretty certain that the double-dipping appointee is probably making closer to $400 k a year! The tax dollars that are being wasted are immoral! I believe we need to demand full accountability for every wasted tax dollar!
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