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From the Open-Publishing Calendar
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Indybay Feature

99% Takeover Of Wells Fargo At Shareholders Meeting

Tuesday, April 24, 2012
10:00 AM - 12:00 PM
Event Type:
Location Details:
Meet at Justin Herman Plaza
(Foot of Market St, Embarcadero BART)
March to 465 California St., (10 blocks)

99% Takeover Of Wells Fargo
At Shareholders Meeting

Tuesday, April 24th, 10 AM
Meet at Justin Herman Plaza
(Foot of Market St, Embarcadero BART)
March to 465 California St., (10 blocks)

Wells Fargo profits at the cost of our communities:

*America’s Biggest Tax Dodger – Hoarding billions of tax dollars that should be paying for public services and putting America back to work

*Leads in Foreclosure – Continuing to foreclose on families in an economy it helped to ruin

*Predatory Lender – Targeting those who can least afford it with exploitive mortgages and payday lending,especially low-income communities of color

*Corrupting our Democracy – Protecting its profits by quadrupling spending on lobbying since the financial crisis began

*Prison Profiteer – Profiting from increased incarceration by investing heavily in for-profit prison corporations and anti-immigrant legislation

Sponsored by ACCE, Alliance of Californians for Community Empowerment
415-335-7033, 877-633-9251
Added to the calendar on Mon, Apr 9, 2012 11:28AM
Join the night before!
Monday, April 23, 4pm to Midnight:

Occupy Wells Fargo!

California at Montgomery St (Montgomery BART), SF

Teach-Ins, Music, Film Screenings, Food and more.

Please come join the Occupation the day before the 99% Take Over of the Wells Fargo Shareholders’ Meeting. This Occupy SF-organized occupation will avoid risk of arrest and is not organizing to stay overnight; we will spread the word about why thousands of us will be taking nonviolent direct action and protesting at Wells Fargo Shareholder Meeting the next day. Bring banners, food and your friends.


4-5 p.m. Outreach to Financial District workers and other 99%ers

5-8 p.m: 99% SPEAK OUT:
Come hear the stories and struggles of people on the front lines of the
communities and movements of the 99% -- impacted by and fighting Wells
Fargo, big banks and Wall St.:
5-5:30 Foreclosure Fighters
5:30-6 Labor
6-6:30 Immigrant rights/prisons/detention centers
6:30-7 Feminists
7-7:30 Students
7:30-8 Environmental Sustainability

6-9pm: Nonviolent Direct Action Training:
Prepare for the take over of the Shareholder Meeting the next day. Hands-on
skills and info about how to engage in effective direct action and occupation,
tools for de-escalation (and escalation) and dealing with arrest and legal

8-9: Outdoor Film Screenings by Occupy SF Media:
A series of short documentaries on Foreclosure Fighter Victories, Bank
Occupations, and Subervtisements.

9-10:30pm: Wells Fargo Teach-In:
By the Occupy SF Ideological Liberation Work Group
* Mortgage Mess: How Wells Fargo defrauds the public with mortgages every
step of the way: from origination to securitization to foreclosure.
* Predatory Lending: How Wells Fargo uses payday loans, student loans, and
interest rate swaps to keep customers, students, and local governments trapped
in a vicious debt cycle.
* Too Big To Exist: How Wells Fargo abuses its powers as a large bank, from
exorbitant bailouts and abusing the FED discount window to colluding with other
banks to restrict any semblance of a free market.

9-Midnight: Silent Movies & Music 372774052767348/

For April 23 schedule of activities, flyer download and details go to:

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by freeman
We will streaming live Monday starting at 4PM from Wells Fargo HQ and on Tuesday @9AM.
We are 100% volunteer and depend on your participation to sustain our efforts!


$50.00 donated
in the past month

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