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Indybay Feature

RACHEL MADDOW “DRIFT: The Unmooring of American Military Power”

King Middle School
1781 Rose St, Berkeley
Friday, April 13, 2012
8:00 PM - 10:00 PM
Event Type:
Ken Preston
Location Details:
King Middle School
1781 Rose St, Berkeley

Hosted by Max Pringle

$15 advance tickets available March 9: t: 800-838-3006
or: Pegasus Books (3 locations), Mrs. Dalloway’s, Moe’s Books, Walden Pond, DIESEL, A Bookstore SF – The Booksmith, Modern Times Bookstore ($18 door)
Information: KPFA benefit

Written with bracing wit and intelligence, Rachel Maddow's Drift argues that we've drifted away from America's original ideals and become a nation weirdly at peace with perpetual war, with all the financial and human costs that entails.

Rachel Maddow is host of the Emmy Award-winning “The Rachel Maddow Show” broadcast weekdays on MSNBC, the most successful show launch in MSNBC history when it debuted in September 2008. She had first gained national prominence as a host on Air America Radio.
Since then Rachel has won numerous awards, including being named “Breakout Star of 2008” by the Washington Post, Best of Television 2008 by the Los Angeles Times, and one of the
Top Ten Political Newcomers of 2008” by In 2010 she was honored by the Interfaith Alliance with the Walter Cronkite Faith and Freedom Award. Her documentary, “The Assassination of Dr. Tiller” received a 2010 Grace Award.

Comments on her first book, “Drift: The Unmooring of American Military Power”

“With her savage wit, dazzling command of facts, and eye for the absurd, Maddow tells the epic story of how American warfare came to be both never-ending and practically invisible. In the process, she revives a radically old-fashioned idea: waging war should be wrenchingly difficult for a nation, for that is what prevents unnecessary battles from being waged. This courageous book deserves to spark a national debate about the purpose of war.” --NAOMI KLEIN, author of The Shock Doctrine

America is in urgent need of a real debate over its addiction to sprawling militarism and endless war. It affects, and degrades, every aspect of national life: political, cultural, and economic. Nobody is better positioned to trigger that debate than Rachel Maddow, and that's exactly what she does in this startlingly insightful and well-written book. By stripping away the propaganda that distorts national security policy and laying bare its reality, Maddow has written one of those rare political books that can transform Americans' understanding of what their government is actually doing.”
--GLENN GREENWALD, columnist for Salon, author of Liberty and Justice for Some

“In Drift, Rachel Maddow brings her passion, wit, cool common sense and intellectual firepower to the epic and darkly farcical story of how America has declined into an overfunded and unchecked national security state – one that inflicts more damage on America’s assets, our military included, than it does on our adversaries. At a crossroads when Americans of all stripes are rethinking their country’s priorities, Maddow’s compelling take on how we drifted into the costly habit of perennial war – and how we might yet reverse it – could not be more timely.” --FRANK RICH, writer-at-large, New York magazine

"Here's this conservative's assessment of Rachel Maddow's Drift: It's scathingly funny, deeply insightful, and informed throughout by a deep and abiding sense of patriotism. Bravo, Rachel!”
-- ANDREW J. BACEVICH, author of Washington Rules: America's Path to Permanent War

"Written with the flair for scintillating satire that has endeared Rachel Maddow to liberals and moderates alike--and infuriated neo-conservatives, evangelicals, and some tea partiers--Drift is funny, rich, and right. But at its end, when you put it down, you will be troubled. We are losing our republic and Ms. Maddow tells you why."
--LAWRENCE WILKERSON, Professor of Government and Public Policy at the College of William and Mary and former chief of staff to Secretary of State Colin Powell

“Rachel Maddow's Drift is a long overdue and provocative examination of the abuses, excesses and just plain foolish elements in our national security systems. These are issues that deserve our attention.
--TOM BROKAW, NBC News Special Correspondent

“In Drift, people who love Rachel Maddow will discover that her gift for finding amazing anecdotes and funny, revealing details totally translates to the page. People who hate her may be surprised by how often in Drift she espouses some of the most conservative values: a suspicion of big government and unbridled federal power, a zeal to cut wasteful spending and a yearning to return to the intentions of the Founding Fathers.”
--IRA GLASS, host of public radio’s “This American Life”
Added to the calendar on Thu, Mar 8, 2012 6:58PM

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Just do a web search for 'Rachel Maddow' and 'Gaza' to see, read and read about her apologetics for Israel's attacks on the people of Gaza and on the flotilla that was bringing supplies to them.

Also, judging from her recent (March 29) appearance on The Daily Show, she promotes the idea that U.S. military intervention around the world is well-intentioned; she just wants it to be smarter and more selective.

I doubt that host Max Pringle will challenge her on these issues, or on her general support for Obama and the Democrats. I do hope that the organizers at least allow live questions from the floor, and not just written ones that can be 'selected' so as not to discomfort her and the Obama supporters who are almost certainly a majority among KPFA's paid staff and their allies in the Wellstone Democrats/misnamed SaveKPFA faction.

by _that's_ why
And no: NO ONE from _the KPFA News Department (and certainly not Max Pringle)_ is going to ask Rachel Maddow -- "the progressive Likudnik" -- anything the least bit uncomfortable, let alone challenging.

Another P-E-P (Progressive Except Palestine) -- but Rachel Maddow isn't even _that_, so-called, "liberal".

It will be just another, so-called, "progressive" icon, white liberal racist, LOVE FEST -- and a 1-1/2 hour in-person personal commercial for Rachel Maddow and her cable TV show. I guess _illusory_ heroes and sheroes are better than no _real_ heroes and sheroes -- i.e., or no _real_ heroes and sheroes that get the national corporate TV, broadcast or cable, spotlight -- especially, but not only, on the issue of historic Palestine and Palestinian human rights & liberation.

And yes, KPFA will use tiny little index cards for questions (the tinier, the better) -- to make any questions as noncontextual and, therefore, as unmeaningful as possible and to thus keep the questions as simple and banal as possible and -- to ensure that no one else can ask Maddow any uncomfortable, let alone challenging, questions -- and to sift out the questions KPFA doesn't like. Only questions from 'the political choir' perspective will be permitted. And then Maddow can throw out any B.S. answers she wants.

She'll stick to criticizing the looney Republican candidates to scare all the liberals, progressives and leftists into running as fast as they can right back to 'THE GOOD COP' neoliberal corporatist imperialist mass detentioner-, mass torturer-, war privitizer-, and drone bomber-in-chief (Obama).

So, go prepared with your hidden banners to pull out if you want to say anything challenging, because that's the only way you'll get the chance!
those, so-called, "'left/progressive' _Zionists/pro-Zionists_" play on the _left_.

And that's _THE ROLE_ I would _assign_ to all those, so-called, "'left/progressive' _Zionists/pro-Zionist_" icons (like Rachel Maddox) if I were Director of the Israel Ministry of Propaganda or the Israel Lobby: to have those such icons work _within_ and _on_ THE LEFT!

When Rachel Maddow was on Chris Matthews MSNBC show and they talked for about a half-hour about the Jewish billionaire, Sheldon Adelson, who gave Newt Gingrich a total of at least (that we know about) $10 MILLION DOLLARS, Maddow only said that it was for Adelson to gain political influence to expand his (Adelson's) "casino empire" -- and _nothing_ about Adelson, of course, promoting his/the political interest in/of _ISRAEL_. The mainstream media certainly made no secret about that in Adelson's political interest.

Even Gingrich himself openly and publicly said that it was because of his (Gingrich's) "_very strong_ pro-Israel positions" -- so that fact was the diametric opposite of being any kind of secret or otherwise kept hushed or low-key.

But there was Rachel Maddox engaging in usually the "'left' Zionist" game of _MISDIRECTION_!!: "It's all about Adelson's casino interests", she said.

(This, also like _ANTONIA JUHASZ_, author of "The Tyranny of Oil", and now with Global Exchange in San Francisco, does "explaining" U.S.-Mideast wars, even constantly U.S.-threatened war against Iran!: _"IT'S ALLL ABOUT OIL!"_ ; virtually _NOTHING ABOUT ISRAEL_ -- except for one tiny, single, barely suggested, sentence buried deep in the middle of her book, just so that when someone a lot more politically incisive and intellectually honest criticizes her for that great moral lapse, especially in her live and radio talks, she can claim to have her ass covered [but in her own mealy, squiggly words].)

Also, on her own TV show, Rachel Maddow said nothing about Hana Shalabi (the prominent Palestinian woman hunger striker, almost near death), or any other prominent Palestinian women in the struggle for Palestinian human rights, on International Women's Day. Now, remember, this Maddox is a woman who's _otherwise_ ssso pro-women that she's a proud, open lesbian!!
1) It is not 'KPFA', but those within KPFA who control events programming, who set up these events. And it's basically the faction within KPFA that presently controls the Local Station Board and the union of paid staff, and that's dominated by, or at least closely tied to, the Wellstone Democrats that we're talking about here. While the factional lines are not drawn around the Palestine issue, supporters of that largely pro-Democratic Party faction tend to be defenders, though critical, of Israel, while many in the other faction are explicitly and strongly anti-Zionist.

2) I don't know about Maddow in particular, but many of those in politics and the media who claim to be 'on the left' but spout pro-Zionist propaganda do so not out of conviction but in order to 'get along by going along' with the Zionists who can make life rather difficult for them if they don't. (This also applies to many who don't claim to be on the left.) This is not a defense of such types, but an attempt to understand how Zionist power, and the power of other lobbies, works.
Btw, I forgot to clarify above (_that's_ why, Friday Apr 6th, 2012 2:03 AM) although it was probably understood: PACKED HOUSE = BLOOD MONEY!

--Can't worry about the pesky little political 'blemishes'.

Anyway, Aaron Aarons, thank you for your clarification (Friday Apr 6th, 2012 9:53 AM) in (1).

HOWEVER, as for (2), while it is true: we can't expect anyone -- whatever their politics/"race"/ethnicity/descent/nationality/gender/orientation/religion/atheism/etc. -- who wants to _advance_ in their profession in the American/Euro-Western mainstream media -- whether in the liberal, pseudo-progressive, "progressive", or right-wing political spectrum -- whether on cable or over-the-air TV (or even in commercial mainstream or PBS/NPR institutions) -- to be anything but -- more or less -- whether or _not_ they would like to toss the Palestinians a few superficial, white liberal-conscious-self-salving crumbs -- _ZIONIST_.


Therefore, Aaron, you are SPECULATING about Maddow's supposedly acting "not out of conviction".

You and others have even pointed out how she's a liberal-hawk pro-imperialist -- and that "she's _actually_ little more than _A TALENTED SHILL_ for the Democratic Party."

In fact, the mainstream media promotion process NATURALLY SELECTS AND CULLS for such individuals/politics/tendacies -- just like the selection and promotion process NATURALLY SELECTS for liberals/"progressives" who believe that the U.S. govt only errs in the _management_ of its [imperialist] wars and horrendously massacring _hundreds of thousands_ or even _millions_ of innocent men, women and children (including those indigenous people, _patriots_, defending their own land from imperialism or colonialism), _NOT_ in the U.S. govt's "noble causes" for _going_ to war -- or for individuals who actually _believe_ in "the War on Terror" or "the War on Drugs" -- just like the selection and promotion process NATURALLY SELECTS for liberals/"progressives" who actually believe that we ever had a true "democracy" to "take back!" -- or believe in "the fundamental goodness" of the U.S. govt -- or that there are only "a few bad apples" in the police department or FBI -- and even Gloria Steinam once spoke of "back in the days when the CIA did good work"(!!) -- or that _"THE JEWS NEED A LAND OF THEIR OWN"_ -- these are white people (or their people of color sellouts/compradors!) who have _a psychological investment_ in such beliefs -- and therefore journalistically pursues stories no deeper than that: THE CORPORATE MSM BOSSES DON'T NEED TO SELECT -- _RISK_ -- INDIVIDUALS ACTING / SPEAKING "_NOT_ OUT OF CONVICTION".

If Maddow were not acting out of conviction, then SHE WOULDN'T HAVE TO SAY ANYTHING AT ALL ON THIS -- or, _if_ she even has to at all, then just the absolute minimum -- she wouldn't even have to select it as her show topic (just ignore it, like I'm sure she ignores criticism of the Israel lobby, or like she ignores prominent, contemporary Palestinian _women_ in the indigenous Palestinian 75-year anti-colonial struggle against ideological Jewish-supremacy in historic Palestine) -- let alone be so _STRONG_, PERKY, even ENTHUSIASTIC in her convictions about Israel -- and the absolutely BOGUS HISTORY she spun right out of ISRAEL'S MINISTRY OF PROPAGANDA -- and about Palestine, the Palestinians, Hamas ("Israel is _RESPONDING_ to rockets"), etc.

Rachel Maddow was observed and got tested _alll along the way_ -- to see if she was going to, underneath all the "hip" facade, _"BEHAVE"_ -- and even then extremely well-vetted long before she was promoted to _THE CORPORATE CABLE MEDIA BIG TIME_ [just like Obama was in politics] in this post-9-11 America.

I've seen such behavior, before, move media-talented "progressive" voices right from community radio to NPR to big-time cable TV. Such people generally have to look and/or seem more "hip" -- and _who's_ more hip than _metro-lesbian_ "hipsters", just the right degree between "femme" and "butch" (sort of "tomboyish femme") in how they look and what they wear -- and they _have_ to be more verbally "articulate", and look, and act more sophisticated if they're on "the left". This is because we "progressives/leftists" don't accept the buffoonery of a Rush Limbaugh, or the sheer ignorance/"truthiness" of a Sarah Palin (excused as being a white right-wing / Tea Party male's MILF ex-beauty pageant fantasy), or the macho, aggressive boorishness of a Bill O'Reilly.

NOT even the male correspondent that she interviewed was as _absolutely_ all-out unreserved in Israeli propaganda as Maddow was. Maddow gets an "A+" for the day from the Israel lobby. I mean this is to the right of even most, so-called, "'left' Zionists" these days. RACHEL'S GONE _LIKUNIK_!!

So, the only thing we can do is embarrass those supposed "progressives/leftist" icons for their great moral, political and 'intellectual' LAPSES and FAILINGS -- AND EXPOSE THEM FOR THE "PROGRESSSIVE / LEFTIST" _SHILLS_ THAT THEY ARE -- WHETHER FOR THE DEMOCRAT PARTY, IMPERIALISM, OR ISRAEL.
by Janice Rothstein
Yeah, unfortunately Maddow gets liberal cache, as do Ed Schultz, Thom Hartman and others, on the now defunct Air America (which was from the start a DNC vehicle, as I told people many a time). I did a double take yesterday when I saw *Lou Dobbs* on the Progessive Radio Network lineup!

I heard Maddow's fawning reports as an embedded reporter when she did a road show in Iraq, I think it was. Disgusting. Sad that people who should know better swallow the hype that she's a liberal. She may be good at criticizing the Republicans, and maybe even an occasional jab at the Dems. (I can't remember right now, but I doubt she's criticized the Dems anywhere nearly as strongly as she does the Republicans.) Critical thinking is very sparse amongst the population, no less so amongst the supposedly enlightened denizens of the 'peoples' republic of Berkeley'.

Mike Malloy's show has been pushed off all the liberal networks, he's doing an indie webcast now. He [rightfully] vilifies Israeli, US and all militarism and religious hucksterism. I'll be tuning in to Mike Malloy's show rather than even think of wasting money on seeing Maddow.
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