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Decolonize Occupy Vancouver Downtown EastSide, Grove of Sacred Trees, Luk'luk'i, Crab Park

by Homeless Dave
Decolonize Occupy Vancouver Downtown EastSide, Grove of Sacred Trees, Luk'luk'i, Crab Park,The Peoples Emergency H.E.A.T. Shelter Decolonize the World
( I am going to open up a HEAT Shelter on Nov 16 ( the Day Sir John A Macdonald and the canadian state hung Louis David Riel) read about it towards the end of the document.)
Decolonize Occupy Vancouver Downtown EastSide, Grove of Sacred Trees, Luk'luk'i, Crab Park,The Peoples Emergency H.E.A.T. Shelter Decolonize the World

(This document is given to Global , Federal, Provincial, State and Local politicians, Banks and Energy stakeholders, Grassroots etc)

(The following original article appears in the Downtown Eastside Carnegie Newsletter 11.1.11)
Defending the DTES by any Legal and Moral means Necessary Part VIII
*The End of Charity, And the beginning of Love: The Evolution of the Revolution begins..
*Decolonizing Our Minds, Heart, and Spirit: Vancouver, North America and the World
"Those who make peaceful protest impossible, make violent protest inevitable" -- John F. Kennedy

( I am going to open up a HEAT Shelter on Nov 16 ( the Day Sir John A Macdonald and the canadian state hung Louis David Riel) read about it towards the end of the document.)

As you read this the world continues to teeter-totter on the brink of economic collapse.

I am going to speak some truth here, to “the Man” who is deaf to the Peoples.

I fire this missive from my tent as the indignant one. Fasten your seat belts because this article is going to be a fast and bumpy ride. The following is my perspective and my perspective alone, although i know that i am not alone. I was at the Occupy Vancouver Movement at the Art gallery on Oct 22. When controversy reigned over it's foundation.

It was over the placing of the acknowledgement that the Vancouver “Occupation” was on unceded Coast Salish territories(Nations are also not named). It was agreed that it was to be placed first at the Oct 8 General Assembly at the Woodwards Atrium. However, they said it was a human error that it was placed in the third paragraph and also read out loud that way for every GA since.

Apology, accepted however, i was there the next night and it was like Groundhog Day.
The exact same “error” occurred. Also, a native elder was greatly disrespected and a few people from our community walked away, myself included. The problem is this “error” which can not be now called an error still occurs and has not even been changed on the “official” Occupy Vancouver website as of Oct 28. This is not a simple matter but a foundational one. One could contrast this with the DTES Neighbourhood Council Constitution for example.

Robert Desjarlait (Red Lake Ojibwe Nation) writes “Then there is the matter of decolonization. The question is: the decolonization of what, of whom? How can decolonization be a part of the process if the occupiers are occupying occupied land?
The dominance of a white majority involved with the OWS movement explains why decolonization isn’t included in the proposed list of demands issued as of '(Oct 28-- 20 demands are given, the words decolonization, first nations, tribes are non-existent- i ask how can those who ask for Justice, Equality and Love do so on the backs of the most abused and oppressed? h.d.)

Now, the way i see it is, the Occupy Movement is the best friend the “System” aKa “the Man” has. They are in fact giving wise dispensation to the 'Man”. You could even say that they are the children, the progeny of “the Man”. Even literally, if you think that the Baby Boomer generation of the Sixties who “fought the Man” now are for the most part the richest, most powerful generation in history with $Trillions in wealth. They have become “the Man” and in their ranks are PM Stephen Harper, Barack Obama, Bill Gates, Bill and Hillary Clinton, George W Bush, etc

But “the Man”, like his father before him Zeus, and his father before him Cronus will eat his children. He will crack skulls. He becomes Vader, and he will fight his children. “The Man”, has become Wendigo(Cannibal), Goliath and Rabid. I, recommend we show “the man” mercy—euthanasia is the best option.

I believe that we can be Allies with the Occupy Movement, in the same way, Tecumseh, was allies with pre-confederate canada in the War of 1812.

Now, central bankers, billionaires, even the Vatican, the Pope have given the Occupy Movement their blessings. This movement is if you will, the death spiral-cry of 'the man” And once they find out “the man” bleeds and can not heal himself. It is game over.

The true benefactor, and defender of the Realm of Caesar, recently bared its beastly head--the Vatican, Pope Benedict xvi came out for the first time in history to propose detailed solutions to the world economic crisis. His proposal is the height of corruption, abuse, tyranny, and evil. A New World Central Bank and a coordinating global world political authority. The Big Daddy, the Mother of all central banks and political Authorities—the ultimate Abomination.

The crisis the human species face is not ultimately a crisis of economics or even morality. It is a crisis of the human heart. The light that is within humanity is nearly extinguished. If we can not collectively reignite this light, which will be a Protean effort, the human species will go extinct.

Now, Queen Christy Clark and Prince Rich “Uranium” Coleman have cruelly refused to
open low-barrier winter HEAT shelters this year and Environment canada predicts the coldest winter in 20 years. I refuse to let even one person die a preventable death this winter. So, on November 16 3:30pm, i will pitch my tent at Crab park known in Squamish as Luk'luk'i, meaning Grove of Sacred Trees (and by the Sacred Waters of Burrard Inlet). The exact site of a historical Squamish village.

And i myself on permanent disability am suppose to be on the highest priority for BC Housing but i havn't got my housing yet—i will not make it through another winter—i'm tired. I know i will not be alone-we have a Rock Memorial to our Murdered and Missing Women there and i know they will stand with me, with us.

I don't have a criminal record. So “the man” will have to criminalize me..

To law enforcement, and penultimately, the military i say—why don't you do to me what you did to them, and to Harriet Nahanee, to Frank Paul...If you jail me, i'll be back, if you beat me, i'll be back, if you put me in an insane asylum, I'll be back, if you kill me-i still will not shatter, I'll be back...

These are my list of demands:

1.That Queen Christy Clark and Housing, Energy and Mines Prince Rich”Uranium” Coleman open immediately emergency HEAT shelters for the People
2.That Gregor Robertson and Vision Vancouver commit to moratorium on new condos in the Downtown Eastside just as Ellen Woodsworth and COPE has promised or is COPE a junior partner?

3.That Gregor Robertson and Vision Vancouver commit to or better what Ellen Woodsworth and COPE has promised the Downtown Eastside for socially affordable housing or is COPE a junior partner?

4.That Queen Christy Clark and Housing, Energy and Mines Prince Rich”Uranium” Coleman or Adrian Dix commit to rejecting the Enbridge Northern Gateway Tarsands Pipeline and the Kinder-Morgan Trans Mountain Tar Sands Pipeline expansion (more super oil tankers) for Burrard Inlet, Vancouver

Now, you can scrap all these demands for one:

Place-- Love, Compassion, Justice and Freedom at the centre of economy, society, and civilization

Remember November 16 11 3:30pm Grove of Sacred Trees Crab Park Luk'luk'i

Love homeless dave and Anonymous Zero 1homelessdave [at]

p.s. Thanks for everything Paul(Editor), i think this will be my last article

Important added notes Nov. 3. 11

Coleman apologizes for delay on uranium ban
Vancouver Sun - ‎Oct 26, 2011‎
Minister of Energy and Mines Rich Coleman apologized Tuesday for a move by his government that forced senior civil servants charged with reviewing a uranium mining application to choose between what...
Uranium caper leaves many questions
Victoria Times Colonist - ‎Oct 26, 2011‎
Energy Minister Rich Coleman spent another awkward day clumsily tap-dancing around a botch that cost $30 million that didn't necessarily need to be paid out. He was quite happy to take responsibility for a ...
Cover-up feared as taxpayers pay $30M to mining company - ‎Oct 26, 2011‎
Taxpayers are paying compensation to the company because the government bungled its ban on uranium mining. The last-minute settlement suggests the government paid a premium so damaging ...
NDP blasts Liberals' 'ham-fisted' handling of uranium mining ban
Globe and Mail - ‎Oct 25, 2011‎

Liberal backbencher Randy Hawes (Abbotsford-Mission) on Monday urged immediate help for families who have been denied services and are suffering.
John van Dongen (Abbotsford South) joined the attack Tuesday, telling CKNW radio that the poor treatment of adults with developmental disabilities represents an "obvious failure" by his(Queen Christy Clark) government.
Clark, however, rejected that assessment Wednesday. "I don't agree with the member for Abbotsford South," she told the legislature. "I don't agree with him on that at all. I think that CLBC is an organization that has done a lot of good work, but it is an organization that isn't doing enough to fix the problems that it has.”

Read more:
Families protest government cuts to CLBC
A group of demonstrators gathered in downtown Vancouver Sunday to protest government funding and programming cuts to Community Living British Columbia.
Families of people with developmental disabilities expressed fears about the future of their loved ones in light of the lack of government support.
Kimberley Yanko, mother of a child with disabilities, said that her family feels left out of Premier(Queen) Christy Clark's ‘Families First' campaign.
"I watch Christy Clark saying 'change is good,' but there's a bad way of doing things and a good way of doing things," she said.

Queen Christy Clark is also with Alberta a big supporter of PM Stephen Harper's
insane Crime Omnibus Bill, Ontario and Quebec are not supporters.
Earlier, this Spring myself and a few others Occupied Queen Christy Clark's campaign headquarters at Point Grey(the beloved Gordon Campbell's old riding), to get her to listen to us, about extending the funding to the emergency HEAT shelters. She had no time for us but arranged a meeting to see Prince Rich”Uranium” Coleman at the boardroom of BC Housing that afternoon(to get us out of the office)

At the meeting, i told Prince Rich, three times that he was endangering lives. He told me” You told me three times, i'm endangering lives-i don't think so”. There was zero constructive dialogue-he refused to even engage everyone there in a positive manner. He was just there to “blow us off”, give us the “bum's rush”.
Well sir you are endangering lives, everyone from thr City of Vancouver,
including the Mayor Gregor Roberton and his rival for mayoralty Susan Anton says so. So does everyone in Vancouver Downtown Eastside. So do agencies, advocates, religious organizations, the homeless, voters etc
I see that you and your Liberal cronies can spend $6 million for legal fees on liberal Insiders( see BC Rail Scandal) but can't pay legal fees for the most affected groups in the Downtown Eastside for The Murdered and Missing Women's Inquiry.

I see you Prince Rich “Uranium”Coleman are fast and loose with $30million, but can't afford to protect the most vulnerable people in the City of Vancouver. By immediately opening the HEAT Shelters, for pennies less.
I will open the Emergency Shelter for the People.

The Grove of Sacred Trees was long ago cut down for the world's Elite, masts for Sail-boats and Yacht's—the Trees- Red Cedar were some of the oldest, largest trees in the world. They have called me, as well as the Sacred Waters of the Burrard Inlet—they are in my every corpuscle and breath i take. They live in me.
The Grove of Sacred Trees, is a sanctuary for the peoples. It is not a Dog Park. I have witnessed many times, Condo owners letting their dogs piss on the Memorial for our Murdered and Missing Women.
You fine the poor and homeless, including myself for pissing in public when we have nowhere to go—lack of public facilities—by the way the fine is $250. My challenge to the by-law doesn't happen till next spring or summer almost 1.5 years later, by the way. But your dogs piss freely in areas they're not suppose to be with fines listed everywhere up to $2000. Dogs, it seems matter more than some people.

--Now, I'm going to tell a true story that took place in Toronto in the early Nineties. The Mike Harris(Flaherty) government had just slashed the Welfare rates by 23% in order to pay for Tax reductions for the rich and middle-class—the People stormed Queen's Park-i ended up in the front line some how on the steps of Queen's Park. Their was a few thousand people pushing to storm the doors of Legislature. Now there was a young woman beside me who i did not know, maybe 20yrs old at most. There were dozens of Riot Police. The police were wielding there batons, people were pushing from behind-the young woman and i were being pushed from behind. There was a over-zealous young riot cop in front of us. She, did nothing but he struck her with his baton. I was shocked-- he raised his baton and he was going to strike her on her head—i instinctively in a flash, held the baton from striking her and grabbed on to something on his uniform and just pulled quickly—he tumbled down the stairs(no strength was used just quickess and leverage)-Time it seemed slowed down to a standstill-i still remember it today as it was yesterday—he looked into my eyes and i looked into his—what i saw was like a scared animal—i immediately screamed -nobody touch him—somehow everyone listened-i think they were just as in shock—he returned to the riot cop lines but in the back—i disappeared into the crowd. I venture to say i don't think that cop hit anyone else that day.

I told this true story, because i want to say i believe in the Absolute Truth of Non-Violence but i also believe in the Absolute Truth, the inalienable, inherent, and Natural right to Self-Defence.

Now in the last few days media and religious people have been asking the question-- would Jesus the Nazereen be with the Occupy Movement?
Allow me to answer, Jesus the Nazereen was without a doubt a Decolonizer from an Occupied Land just as the Palestinians are.
He fought his puppet government King Herod by saying he was King.
He fought Rome by saying they have no authority over him.
And he fought the money-changers by being violent to them.

He sought to decolonize by religious and political means but not economic. We the people today must further this, the Revolution is never finished until there in Peace, Safety, Love, Compassion, Justice and Freedom for All Life.

We are not here to bare witness to the Earth but we should be Making Love and Compassion to her and Defend her.
We should be Making Love and Compassion to each other and Defend each other.
Why the Buddha Touched the Earth
In one of Buddhism's iconic images, Gautama Buddha sits in meditation with his left palm upright on his lap, while his right hand touches the earth. Demonic forces have tried to unseat him, because their king, Mara, claims that place under the bodhi tree. As they proclaim their leader's powers, Mara demands that Gautama produce a witness to confirm his spiritual awakening. The Buddha simply touches the earth with his right hand, and the Earth itself immediately responds: "I am your witness." Mara and his minions vanish. The morning star appears in the sky. This moment of supreme enlightenment is the central experience from which the whole of the Buddhist tradition unfolds.

Now. I'm not all brimstone and fire so I'll end with a riddle that is a joke.
The barman said "I'm sorry, we don't serve faster-than-light neutrinos
in this bar."

A faster-than-light neutrino walks into a bar.
Love homeless dave and Anonymous Zero
by Homeless Dave
by Homeless Dave
by Homeless Dave
by Homeless Dave
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