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Indybay Feature

Occupy Redwood City

Friday, October 28, 2011
5:00 PM - 5:00 PM
Event Type:
Location Details:
Courthouse Square (on Broadway between Hamilton and Middlefield, across from the Fox Theater)

Come help bring the Occupy Wall Street movement to the Peninsula!

Redwood City's government has failed to lead on issues of importance. They keepnig favor with corporations and developers over people and the environment by refusing to take a stand on the proposed developments at the Cargill Salt Pond site. They refused to take a stand for healthcare access for women and poor people and allowed a handful of out-of-town activists to successfully stop the proposed Planned Parenthood clinic on El Camino Real.

Redwood City's government is a local example of a national problem: the people are ignored in favor of outside interests whose money and underhanded tactics give them undue influence. Occupy Redwood City is about putting the people back into politics, come join us! Bring your ideas, your energy, and your creative spirit. It is up to the residents of RWC to shape what Occupy Redwood City will look like!
Added to the calendar on Thu, Oct 27, 2011 2:13PM

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by Global equality
The peninsula is one of the most distinctive areas in the nation, one of the most ethnically diverse county in the Bay Area, one of the most affluent county in the Bay...but in the other side, same as Marin county, the county of San Mateo has many neighborhoods drastically poor, it has the more inequality in the whole Bay, the county is dying with the inflation. San Mateo county is cutting teachers from preschool, classes, projects, rising taxes, gasoline, rental housing,, cutting teachers from elementary, middle, high and college schools, ejecting them from their jobs. We don't want the cuts, we want the employment rate to increase, not decreasing, let's occupy Redwood City-city hall and the main San Mateo county branch offices, 99% vs. 1%, they can't combat over us, paste this comment everywhere!!!.
by carol
Redwood City Courthouse is the seed for the County gov't; not Redwood City which has City Hall at Middlefield and Jefferson. I'm all for speaking up about the issues, but at least know what you're protesting and why and pick an appropriate location. If you want to "occupy San Mateo County" than go for it at RWC Courthouse plaza (also the location of San Mateo County Supervisors' Chambers).
by 1 J

This protest is just fine where it is. Courthouse Square is a far more appropriate meeting space than either City Hall or the County courthouse for so many reasons:

1. On Friday and weekend nights Courthouse Square gets far more foot and slow car traffic from the moviegoing crowds and Fox Theater folk. Any protesters or "occupiers" would be far easier to miss and drive past outside City Hall at Middlefield and Jefferson

2. Courthouse Square has become a gathering space for Redwood City residents, it's where many city events are held. It's important to bring politics to what is so far a mostly apolitical community gathering space.

3. There will be people at the rally who are from other parts of the county, and/or who are concerned not just about Redwood City but about the Peninsula and San Mateo County as a whole. This does not mean that people can't voice concerns about RWC specifically, just because they're not standing in front of City Hall proper.

4. People seem to forget that occupying and protest actions are about symbolism as much as anything. While the new City Hall buildings are pretty and impressive the old county courthouse is a symbol of Redwood City's historic role as a hub for government on the Peninsula. You don't have to stand outside City Hall in order to protest Redwood City government.

5. The whole point of Occupy is that everyone can bring their specific concerns to the table. Just because the event description says "Redwood City" it doesn't mean general corruption and corporate crime in the region can't be on the table.
by JillA
occupy the courthouse square because there's more "foot traffic" and movie goers, etc. will see the protestors better? so, let's now compromise RWC businesses as you have in the other cities you've occupied. the little guy still loses. i can't wait to see the toll this whole mess will take on already strapped city and county budgets.
by 1 J
I'm sure we all appreciate your false concern, Jill, but small business owners are part of the 99% as well and I have seen and talked to many of them firsthand as they too have been out protesting in San Francisco, San Jose, Palo Alto, and beyond. If you think citizens of the Peninsula assembling peacefully at Courthouse Square are suddenly going to harm businesses by the movieplex you clearly have little clue regarding the layout of downtown RWC itself and what sort of activity downtown RWC already sees.
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