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9/1 SF Picket To Support Locked Out Mexican Electrical Workers Fighting Privatization

Thursday, September 01, 2011
11:00 AM - 1:00 PM
Event Type:
Location Details:
A picket will be held in San Francisco on Thursday at 11:00 AM at the Mexican Consulate to protest the attack on SME Electrical Workers in Mexico. The government with the support of the Army is trying to smash the union and privatize the electrical company.

9/1 SF Picket To Support Locked Out Mexican Electrical Workers Fighting Privatization
SFLC/SME Solidarity Committee Mark Your Calendars! Solidarity Protest/Picket Line Thursday, September 1, 2011 11 A.M. Mexican Consulate, 532 Folsom St. b/w 1st/2nd

Muy estimado solidarios,

We are sending a Mark Your Calender leaflet for our picket line/protest scheduled for this Thursday. We hope you are able to attend, help get the word out and help bring others.

Espanol; Les enviamos un volante para apuntar la fecha para nuestr@ picket line/protesta programado este jueves el 1 de septiembre a partir de las 11 de la manana.

We are also sending a copy of the declaracion of support published this last Wednesday in la jornada. We thank the following labor councils, locals, community organizations who were able to respond in time. Sorry for short time frame.

Tambien enviamos una copia de la declaracion de apoyo publicado en la jornada el miercoles pasado. Agradecemos los sigiuentes consejos, locales y organizaciones comunitarios quien pudieron responder en tiempo. Nos desculpamos por el corto tiempo de responder;

San Francisco Labor Council, Tim Paulson, Frank Martín del Campo, Marcus Holder, ILWU 10, Joshua Sperry, ESC Local 20
South Bay AFL-CIO Labor Council, Fred Hirst
Camaradas Comunitarios; Karl Kramer, SF Living Wage, Renee Saucedo, La Raza Centro Legal

Also, ESC local 20 helped get endorsement of the International Federation of Professional and Technical Engineers, AFL-CIO & CLC which arrived too late to publish.

Lastly, Talk is Cheap and Plentiful. We wish to be brief. Please open this link:

The sides are drawn, the lines are clear.

On one side are heavily armed military police provocateurs and aggressors with swastika razor haircuts menacing strikers.

On the other are unarmed workers prepared to risk everything for their (our) just demands. The struggle has now moved to the Zocalo.

Stand with Us! Stand Tall! See you this Thursday.
SFLC/SME Solidarity Committee
Karl Kramer (415) 863-1225
Roger Scott (415) 863-2847
F.X. Martín del Campo
Union Guy,Gobierno Legítimo
Cell (415) 407-7117
email: poderpopular(at)
Added to the calendar on Wed, Aug 31, 2011 1:25PM
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