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Indybay Feature

Recognizing Christians vs Crazed Theocrats

by Brennan Browne
Separation of Church and State was sagely included in the U.S. Constitution's First Amendment [prohibition against Congress establishing a religion] as a necessary safeguard against theocratic fascism. It was never intended to disenfranchise people from God.

It provides protection [or used to] against religious extremists using our government as a bully pulpit to foist their ideologies onto others, at the expense of individual freedoms and our very lives. No better example of the evils of a theocratic state exists than the Spanish Inquisition, where Jews, Muslims and non-Catholics were forced to convert to Catholicism or face torture, murder and being driven from Spain.

In today's atmosphere of extreme intolerance by the 'religious right' and their prodigious entry into mainstream politics, we are facing the very real threat of becoming a full-fledged theocracy. The false rhetoric being employed is that we are a godless nation because we omit religious doctrine from public education and government institutions -- taxpayer supported entities -- which have no business pandering to the interests of any religious group.

Those longing for state-controlled religion might do well to examine countries caught in the harsh, murderous oppression of such dictates. The only winners in these religious chess games are those who rule...and therefore MAKE the rules. Ethnic and by extension, religious genocide, has been dominating man's bloodlust, in the extreme, for eons.

More people have been tortured and murdered under the guise of religion than for any other reason. A situation which continues today as the global "War on Terror" escalates rifts between any number of extreme, rightwing, religiously militarized groups, whether calling themselves the Taliban, or the Christian Coalition compliments of George W and his murderous, hate-mongering, legions of war criminals now dominating American politics and foreign policies.

Unfortunately for those in a world befuddled by the difference between "GOD" and "RELIGION" they tend to lump the incredibly corrupted, self-serving, vicious ravings of these lunatics, with God Himself. One can label themselves "Christians" [followers of Christ's non-violent beliefs] but if their actions disprove that label, then it is a monumental lie. OUR ACTIONS ARE OUR TRUTH. We can claim anything with our mouths, but it is our actions -- not our words -- which are the indisputable testimonials of what we ultimately stand for.

Knowing this, it becomes much easier to separate the liars, frauds and pretenders from those who are truly devoted to elevating humanity through acts of unselfish sharing and compassion. Today's most outspoken, rabidly theocratic political figures have proven that chasing money, power and fame are more important than all else -- their wholesale exploitation and slaughter of babies, women, the elderly, disabled and the destitute, reveal their allegiance to Lucifer -- not Christ.


By Brennan Browne © Copyright. Permission is granted for reprint in print, email, blog, or web media if this credit is attached and the title and content remain unchanged. Brennan is a freelance writer whose commentaries have appeared on web media and in numerous blogs.
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