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Indybay Feature

Midnight Mission District march after SFPD kills Bayview man

by FTP
Just before 5pm tonight, San Francisco police chased down a man without a Muni ticket and shot him dead. Witnesses at the scene say he had his hands above his head as he was running away from police. Witnesses say the young man was shot 5 or 6 times.
Police say the man fired shots at them as he ran. In a video captured just after the shooting, with the man still lying in a pool of his own blood what appears to be a silver handgun can be seen in the lower right corner of the frame in the opening moments.

Tonight a march was held at midnight through the Mission District streets to protest the killing. No arrests were made.
Copy the code below to embed this movie into a web page:
the "gun" is in the lower right corner at about 14 seconds into the video

what the guy in the striped shirt picked up seems like a cell phone
Copy the code below to embed this movie into a web page:
Kenneth Harding - 19 year old shot and killed by SFPD in Bayview Hunters Point
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by Mark Barnes
I don't see any gun. The police said at the time that they believed he threw the gun on top of a building and called in a fire department ladder to look for it on a rooftop. I haven't checked for the latest reporting on this incident yet, but last I heard they had not found any handgun.
by Idriss Stelley Foundatiob
in one video, an arrow point to a silvery object on the ground, that a youth in a hooded striped sweatshort picks up on the ground, then nonchalently melts into the crowd wothout police interruption. The video is truly sickening. The Youth lays in a pool of blood in plain view, I have been on crimes scenes many times, they usually cover the body with a tarp or a coat, etc. until the coroner arrives. But not on Bayview Plantation, where the dead game of the Manhunt remains on display.
We are holding a press conference tomorrow Monday, noon time, on 3rd and Oakdale.
by in video
Since when are guns square? The object in the video is a cell phone that probably fell out of the pocket of someone standing there. The camera is pointed at it and the kid in the hoodie picked it up after saying, "That your phone?".
by copy and paste
Yesterday, hundreds of enraged people took to the streets of San Francisco in response to the murder of a 19 year old by SFPD in the Bayview neighborhood. He was killed for running from the police after not paying his MUNI fare. Immediately people in Bayview responded - confronting the police, screaming at the murderers and throwing bottles. At Midnight, another group called for a last minute march against the police. About 100 marchers took the street and attacked ATMs, banks and a cop car.


Whether we like it or not, this city is a fucking war-zone. For the second time in as many weeks, police officers have murdered someone in cold blood. Yesterday, they murdered a 19 year old in the Bayview district. For the crime of not paying his $2 bus fare, he was executed by SFPD; shot ten times in front of a crowd. On July 3rd, BART police responding to a report of a man too drunk to stand, arrived at Civic Center Station and shot Charles Hill within a minute of their arrival, killing him as well. His crime: being broke and homeless in a city that fucking despises us.

And so, within a few hours of hearing word of SFPD's latest atrocity, we called for a march against the police in the Mission District. About 100 of us gathered, donned masks, and marched down Valencia St. toward the Mission Police Station. We attacked the first pig car that approached. We attacked ATMs and a Wells Fargo as well. We upturned newspaper boxes and trash bins, throwing them into the streets at the encroaching riot cops. We screamed in the pigs faces and confronted them at their front door. By 1AM we had dispersed without arrest.

This march comes on the heels of Monday's attack on the BART system in response to the murder of Charles Hill. Again, over 100 of us clogged the BART system, blocking trains, vandalizing machines and bringing the rail system to a grinding halt. For over three hours BART suffered system-wide delays and the BART police were forced to close several stations throughout the city. After being forced out of the system, we took the streets in an impromptu march. Causing havoc and avoiding two attempts by the police to kettle us. The march ended in a heated stand-off with SFPD in front of hundreds of tourists at the Powell St. plaza.

In reporting this we hope to make it obvious: we will no longer allow the police (regardless of what badge they wear) to murder us in the streets. When they kill, we will respond with force. These two marches along with the burgeoning revolt in Bayview are only a beginning. We do not care about their attempts at justifying themselves. In each of these killings they claim that their lives were in danger. We say they lie, but honestly don't care either way. As the State has removed any illusion that it exists to serve or protect people, we can see clearly that it exists only to push us into prisons and to shoot us in cold blood. Two single dollars are worth more to them than our lives. The very existence of the police clearly endangers all of us, and we won't be safe until they are destroyed.


Stay tuned,

some anarchists in the Bay Area
by Youtube_Censors
Just FYI, the video link given above has been censored by youtube. The message is that it "violates terms of service". Perhaps it is advisable to post videos to sites that do not censor as actively as youtube/google. Please repost the video to Liveleak or similar; this needs to be seen.
by Justin
Yes the link is broke. use or photobbucket,, or
by Sensible
Upload video to indybay.
by memory hole
the video linked at the top of this post is gone now on youtube, so you can't even see it any more
by Mercy O'Doul
As to the change in SFPD's story about how Kenneth Harding was killed--from stating he was shot by police in self defense to Kenneth killing himself, and the police also suddenly finding a.380 bullet in Mr. Harding pocket after ballistics showed the .45 that a parolee allegedly took from the scene was not the gun that Mr. Harding fired---all of these fabrications are called "muddying the water" in preparation for any type of trial or legal action. Now all of these allegations have to be disproved in court---and, is the public going to buy it??? Probably. Thank you, Mercy O'Doul
by kim
It's more important that we protest the San Francisco Chronicle for lying about the killing.
The scenario they published is impossible and they are protecting the police.
It is the press in Amerika that is holding us down. It's time to shut SFC down.......
and all other media that lies and corrupts our nation with false propoganda.
Is there any information as to why these two photos are so different?
This photo of Kenneth Harding is being used by national press in which he appears much older and his face is drastically different. Not only does the photo on the left make him look much older than 19, it shows the bone structure of his face to be much different than the photo where he is supposedly younger. The photo on the left is also very blurry and the contrast much higher. It is hard to believe that this image was not manipulated by image editing software.

It is in the interests of the police to demonize Kenneth in order to justify slaying him. It is not surprising for them to circulate an inaccurate and altered photo of him. San Francisco Associated Press said that this photo was provided by Seattle police in Washington. The press needs to stop using this poor quality image, that that looks like it was altered!
by s
It's not just me. There are a lot of people who think this photo was altered.
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