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Indybay Feature
With great sorrow I must report that Richard Snow local activist died over the weekend.
According to Senior programs at Louden Nelson Community Center he died at a meditation retreat.
Still waiting on more details and if and where there may be a memorial.
He was an outspoken community activist and daily used the Louden Nelson Senior computer lab as well. I remember having many deep political discussions with Richard in the hallway of LNCC he was also a regular listener of Free Radio Santa Cruz we often talked about programs like Unwelcome Guests and Democracy Now!
You can call Louden Nelson for more info hopefully in coming days.
(831) 420-6177
This guy was an inspiration for myself and many other activists in the community. I always loved seeing him in his safari hat on his bike at tons of different events.... He put people my age to shame regularly as he would ride his awesome unique bike up the hill to events at UCSC on the regular. Truly one of a kind. He will be missed and will always be appreciated. He always had a kind word for us younger activists and I hope to have even a fraction of his commitment and energy as I age.
I too always have admired and appreciated Richard. Wanted to note that we served together on the original board of directors for the Community Housing Land Trust of Santa Cruz County. I got to know and work with a number of very special folks doing that, but Richard's values relating to both housing and land were very close to mine.
Richard Snow, always kindness and warmth and vigilence.
Richard Helliwell Snow died unexpectedly of a heart attack,
July 5, at a Potter Valley meditation retreat. Richard was a long time practitioner of Sant Mat, or Surat Shabd Yoga and had had the blessing
of departing from this world while his mind was focused on The Higher Power.
Richard was a community activist who devoted his time to many causes and organizations including the Community Housing Land Trust of Santa Cruz County, Inc. where he was a board member and treasurer.
He was a member of The Buddhist Peace Fellowship and a student of Non-violent Communication
A frequent visitor and volunteer at the Louden Nelson Senior Center in
Santa Cruz , Richard used the Computers there to research his many interests
Born October 13, 1940, Richard grew up in Melrose, Mass., attended Colby College. He was a Veteran, and while in the Army studied Russian at the Defense
Language Institute in Monterey. Here in Santa Cruz he was an active member of the United Veterans Council of Santa Cruz and was allied with the groups who are active in getting the Vets Hall re-opened and accessible for the local Veterans.
Professionally, after training, Richard had been a local Waldorf teacher and occasionally
substituted at the school.
Richard is survived by many friends, his brother Edward Snow of Bellingham Washington; sister Leslie Snow of Davis, California and five nieces and
Truly a Kind and Gentle Soul.
A memorial service will be held July 24th, 2011, 3 pm at
Ocean View Park, Santa Cruz.
PDF Attached
Thanks for posting this Bob. And thank you for your heartfelt comments. I will miss Richard too. He was a regular customer at my booth at the farmer's market. He came every week to get his half a pound of sunflower sprouts (he was such a healthy fellow) and we always talked -- usually about a radio show that he had just heard on FRSC or KPFA. He also liked to discuss local events and politics. He was very intelligent and active, and I always thoroughly enjoyed conversing with him. About a month ago my sister and I ran into him when we were walking on the river levee and we stopped to talk for quite awhile. It was nice to see him out walking, at the farmer's market, or riding his bike about town. I loved catching a glimpse of him tooling around on his cool bike with that safari hat -- it always put a smile on my face. What a wonderful member of our community Richard was. He will be sorely missed, and remembered with great fondness by many...
Dear soul, unique individual, communty activist, critical thinker, lover of justice~ Richard Snow!
I love your engagement with community, your dedication to the bicycle (he was a pioneering Bicycle Messenger in Boston for 15+ years). You've pedaled on ahead, into the next adventure... and will be sorely missed, here.
Richard joined 10 activists from Santa Cruz on a profound trip to Mexico, to join & support the Zapatista "leadership" when they disarmed and made their way from Chiapas to Mexico City, to speak before Congress (the first time, ever, an indigenous woman spoke before congress) advocating for equal rights for native peoples in Mexico.
Richard was a deep rocker... of the soul.
Que viva,
We love you!
Re: The Future is Ours! Anarchist Youth Convergence
06 Feb 2004
by Richard Snow
The future is ours to the extent that we live up to our highest dream; that is to say treat others how we want to be treated and performing actions that leave our future karmically free.
Re: Catastrophic Anarchy
11 May 2004
by Richard Snow
So that explains why the memory of the 1989 Loma Prieta Earthquake in Santa Cruz remains a positive experience for me.
Re: Ayn Rand Turns Over Another Digit
06 Feb 2005
by Richard Snow
I agree that the will is the most important factor in human development. I guess this makes me a philosophical idealist as opposed to a materialist. This was an important distinction to Marx. However when it comes to society, the social contract and agreements, I find Ayn Rand, Objectivism( as I understand it) and by extension Libertarianism lacking.....lacking compassion and an understanding that everybody isn't ready to pull themselves up by the bootstraps and that society as a whole is affected, indeed pulled down by the presence of a large underclass. I have yet to hear an effective solution to the homelessness and systemic poverty we face in this country today from this camp, this school of thought.
RS at the SCPL.
It is with regret that I did not get to know Richard better as I sat by him in our senior computer lab for well over a year. Yes, Cubby B will forever be where Richard was and still is as his memory will live on with me and the many others who knew him here at Louden Nelson Community Center and who attended the many causes that he advocated and fought for. See all of you who are coming to the memorial service at Ocean View Park this Sunday. Thanks, Kim for informing all of us of Richard`s passing.
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