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U.S. Election 2012- Stewart Alexander: Jobs Report a Disaster for Obama

by Lynn Lomibao
President Barack Obama recently kicked off his 2012 re-election campaign; however, the sluggish economy and the president’s failure to create jobs could threaten his hopes for re-election. With all the bad news on the economy, the president still remains the favorite to win in 2012. President Obama is a formidable fundraiser and has the financial backing of Wall Street and could spend as much a $1 billion for re-election; and approaching November 2012, the Republican field of presidential hopefuls appears to be hopeless.
Stewart Alexander for President

The May U.S. Jobs Report released on Friday was more bad news for President Obama; the U.S. unemployment rate was essentially unchanged at 9.1 percent, according to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics. The report also showed that employment levels in major private-sector industries were little changed, and local government employment continued to decline.

The report showed the number of unemployed persons unchanged at 13.9 million. The labor force, at 153.7 million, was little changed over the month. Among the major worker groups, the unemployment rates for adult men (8.9 percent), adult women (8.0 percent), teenagers (24.2 percent), whites (8.0 percent), blacks (16.2 percent), and Hispanics (11.9 percent) showed little or no change in May.

In May, the report showed the number of long-term unemployment (those jobless for 27 weeks and over) increased by 361,000 to 6.2 million. The number of persons employed part time for economic reasons (sometimes referred to as involuntary part-time workers) was essentially unchanged in May at 8.5 million. These individuals were working part time because their hours had been cut back or because they were unable to find a full time job. Local government employment continued to trend down with employment loses.

Presidential Candidate Stewart Alexander says “The Jobs Report is more bad news for President Obama. Today there is a lack of confidence among millions of Americans that President Obama will produce a plan that will ease America’s unemployment crisis; it is the worse unemployment crisis since the Great Depression.”

President Obama recently kicked off his 2012 re-election campaign; however, the sluggish economy and the president’s failure to create jobs could threaten his hopes for re-election. With all the bad news on the economy, the president still remains the favorite to win in 2012. President Obama is a formidable fundraiser and has the financial backing of Wall Street and could spend as much a $1 billion for re-election; and approaching November 2012, the Republican field of presidential hopefuls appears to be hopeless.

With the odds of winning being so immense, Stewart Alexander says the greatest threat to Obama’s re-election bid is his record; “his record on the economy, his failure to end the wars, a spiraling national debt that is approaching $15 trillion, and his broken promises to the American working class.”

Stewart Alexander was the Vice Presidential Nominee for the Socialist Party USA in 2008 and has announced that he will be seeking the 2012 presidential nomination for the Socialist Party USA, the Green Party USA, and the Peace and Freedom Party- California. Alexander says Obama needs a presidential candidate from the left to challenge his record; “I believe I am that candidate.”

For more information search the Web for: Stewart Alexander for President; Stewart Alexander 2012

U.S. Election 2012- Stewart Alexander Says Obama Could Lose in 2012

U.S. Election 2012: Alexander Says Republicans Can’t Win against Obama

Polls Find Lack of Passion for Republican Candidates

Article by Stewart Alexander

Socialist Party of California Facebook

California to Host Socialist Party USA National Convention:

Stewart Alexander for President receives official endorsement from Freedom Press; The Official Online Newspaper of United Left:

Left United’s Editorial Action Wing- Stewart Alexander 2012:
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by Wake up
The Democrats need the black vote, a workingclass vote, to win, and so long as there is high unemployment in the black community, the Democrats loose, and deserve to loose. Most voters are property owners who make over $100,000 a year, about 20% of the population. There is nothing formidable about this latest Hitler in the White House. He is a vicious millionaire fascist war criminal and is rotten to the core. He only got 52% of the vote in 2008, with 60% of adults voting instead of the usual 50% voting. Any Republican can beat him if there is no election fraud. Republicans vote the Republican ticket, no matter who is on it, and they vote in every election. Most of the workingclass that bothers to vote (most of the workingclass is too illiterate to read the voter handbook) will stay home. It is best you do NOT stay home but vote socialist or Green. If you do not elect Red or Green candidates, you will certainly threaten the Democrats and Republicans with a strong Red and Green vote. Hardly a day passes without some horror perpetrated by Obama, the latest being his promotion of an illegal war in Libya, his successful appeal of a good 9th Circuit decision so that now Ashcroft, former attorney general, is immune from prosecution for illegal imprisonment and torture, his enthusiastic signing of the fascist "Patriot" Act, his promotion of nuclear power, his attacks on Medicaid, his promotion of lower wages for auto workers, his support of private, charter schools, his support of British Petroleum and offshore oil drilling, his refusal to parole Leonard Peltier, his continued prosecution of attorney Lynne Stewart, and much more. He makes sure to do the worst, most despicable thing he can. This is a sign of a vicious criminally insane hoodlum, and he was the same in 2008. HE IS UTTERLY DETESTED BY ALL DECENT PEOPLE. Read the websites of the socialist Peace & Freedom Party at
and the Green Party at
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