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Audio of Press Conference Announcing Protests on the Day Mehserle is Released (23.13)

by Jonathan Nack
23 min., 13 sec. audio of entire press conference
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Audio of Press Conference Announcing Protests on the Day Mehserle is Released (23.13)

This audio is of the entire press conference and is uncut and unedited. Speakers at the press conference are, in order:

Cat Brooks, Co-chair Onyx Organizing Committee;
Rachel Jackson, New Years Movement;
Mario Hankton, Coalition for Justice for Oscar Grant;
Cephus Johnson;
Jack Bryson;
Kim Rohrbach
Minister Keith Muhammad, Nation of Islam
Cat Brooks

23 min., 13 sec.
Audio recorded by: Jonathan Nack

Companion article and photos:

For more info., call the Coalition for Justice for Oscar Grant: (510) 575-9005

*Publication and use of this audio by not for profit publications is authorized; use of this audio by commercial for profit publications without the express written consent of Jonathan Nack is prohibited.
§Leaflet calling for protest on day Mehserle is realeased
by Jonathan Nack
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