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KPFA's Saturation Coverage for US Big Lie on Bin Laden

by 9/11 Was An Inside Job
It is horrifying to hear KPFA do a saturation coverage of the lie of the Bin Laden slaughter, without taking the opportunity to highlight the fact that he died in December 2001 of kidney failure and was simply the fall guy for the US military's 9/11/01 bombings of New York and DC. At least Flashpoints called this a publicity stunt for Obama's failed election campaign, but still promoted the lie of "blowback." Everyone at KPFA should be teaching their audience that everything that the US government does and says is a lie until proven otherwise. How many horrors is it going to take to learn that lesson?
It is horrifying to hear KPFA do a saturation coverage of the lie of the Bin Laden slaughter, without taking the opportunity to highlight the fact that he died in December 2001 of kidney failure and was simply the fall guy for the US military's 9/11/01 bombings of New York and DC. At least Flashpoints called this a publicity stunt for Obama's failed election campaign, but still promoted the lie of "blowback." Everyone at KPFA should be teaching their audience that everything that the US government does and says is a lie until proven otherwise. How many horrors is it going to take to learn that lesson?

We are now in our third day of saturation coverage at KPFA, promoting the government's lie of killing their CIA agent and pre-arranged fall guy, Osama bin Laden, who died in December 2001 of kidney failure as he was a kidney dialysis patient, and of the non-existent blowback, as all bombings so far have been set by government agents and should be assumed to always be staged as only the US government has the Motive, Means and Opportunity to do so.


Here is an article by David Griffin from Global Research at:
Some Excerpts:
First, up until mid-December 13, 2001, the CIA had regularly been intercepting messages between bin Laden and his people. At that time, however, the messages suddenly stopped, and the CIA has never again intercepted a message.

Second, on December 26, 2001, a leading Pakistani newspaper published a story reporting that bin Laden had died in mid-December, adding:

“A prominent official in the Afghan Taleban movement . . . stated . . . that he had himself attended the funeral of bin Laden and saw his face prior to burial.”

Third, bin Laden had kidney disease. He had been treated for it in the American Hospital in Dubai in July 2001, at which time he reportedly ordered two dialysis machines to take home. If you have ever wondered what bin Laden was doing the night before the 9/11 attacks, CBS News reported that he was being given kidney dialysis treatment in a hospital in Pakistan. And in January of 2001, Dr. Sanjay Gupta said – based on a video of bin Laden that had been made in either late November or early December of 2001 – that he appeared to be in the last stages of kidney failure.

Fourth, In July of 2002, CNN reported that bin Laden’s bodyguards had been captured in February of that year, adding: “Sources believe that if the bodyguards were captured away from bin Laden, it is likely the most-wanted man in the world is dead.”
WE WANT DEMOCRACY NOW, FLASHPOINTS AND THE KPFA NEWS TO TELL THE TRUTH. As we saw the 9/11 bombings, we saw NO AIR DEFENSE. That can only mean it was an INSIDE JOB. We also saw CONTROLLED DEMOLITION of the Twin Towers and Building 7, which was not hit by a plane. THAT CAN ONLY MEAN IT WAS AN INSIDE JOB. YOU HAVE HAD ALMOST 10 YEARS TO READ THE BOOKS AND WEBSITES AND YOU STILL PROMOTE THE GOVERNMENT'S LIES ON BLOWBACK AND ACCEPTING THE LIE OF BIN LADEN'S DEATH ON MAY DAY 2011 INSTEAD OF DECEMBER 2001. Listening to KPFA's news programs is like listening to the capitalist media as they are pomoting the same lies on this subject.

IF KPFA WOULD TELL THE TRUTH, AND WOULD HAVE DONE SO FOR THE PAST 9 PLUS YEARS, WE WOULD NOT HEAR ABOUT OSAMA BIN LADEN OR THE REST OF THE GOVERNMENT'S ANTI-SCIENCE CONSPIRACY THEORY LIE. We want every announcer on KPFA to call it what it was: an Inside Job. There were no hijackers on board; the planes were on remote control guided by the US Air Force; 9 of the so-called hijackers were alive on 9/12/01; their names were admittedly phony and the government immediately admitted it had no evidence that the phony-named non-existent hijackers did anything. Their names were not on any passenger list. Thermate, a military incendiary susbstance, was found at the World Trade Center, which had been shut down many times before 9/11/01, including the weekend before, supposedly to upgrade wiring. It was a minimally populated office center and the owners had tried to get a permit to demolish it. Janitors and firefighters testified bombs exploded from the many basements before the buildings collapsed, clearly a planned inside job. The Pentagon was NOT hit by a huge, 5-story, heavy jet, after an admittedly inexpt "hijacker" pilot did an extraordinary move over the Pentagon and somehow brought this huge plane down near the road, just clipping a few light poles! A huge jet generates a huge windstorm that blows cars off the road and it makes a big hole. The hole in the Pentagon was made by construction explosives on the side under construction and possibly a military missile or a small military plane, all to put an end to the lives of bookkeepers on that side who were about to reveal massive till-tapping. The hole in the ground in Pennsylvania had no bodies, said the coroner; the plane that supposedly landed there landed in Cleveland.

The people at KPFA, Democracy Now and Flashpoints must have at least seen the DVD, Loose Change. DID YOU LEARN ANYTHING FROM THAT? WE CANNOT AND WILL NOT LISTEN TO SATURATION GOVERATION OF THE GOVERNMENT'S LIE, and this writer is a KPFA subscriber. I have been enjoying classical music for the past 2 and now a third day, on another station, something that should also be added to KPFA as the only classical music we get is Sunday morning, 5 a.m. to 9 a.m., and our local classical music station now has a weak signal at 90.3 FM, KDFC. KPFA WILL GET FAR MORE LISTENERS IF IT CHALLENGES THE GOVERNMENT LIES AS THAT IS WHY KPFA EXISTS. Here is the brief course on your homework:

DVD that is a Must See at
and (The 9/11 Files), heard at 94.1 FM, KPFA, Berkeley, CA Wednesdays at
1 p.m. and on WBAI, New York, 99.5 FM, Fridays at 9 a.m. and online at: (physics tutorial)

by reader
No evidence that Pentagon damage was faked has ever been produced.

The parts below are NOT supported by the people who actually do the research to look at the evidence in the movement, who agree that it was an inside job:

* The Pentagon was NOT hit by a huge, 5-story, heavy jet,
* The hole in the Pentagon was made by construction explosives
* a military missile or a small military plane
* The hole in the ground in Pennsylvania had no bodies, said the coroner
* the plane that supposedly landed there landed in Cleveland

That stuff is ancient and most now openly reject it. We can only hope that KPFA does NOT cover those claims, and if they had, they would have been proven WRONG by the scientists and researchers in the 9/11 movement itself.

Recommended Reading

1) What Hit the Pentagon? Misinformation and its Effect on the Credibility of 9/11 Truth
Dr. Frank Legge, The Journal of 9/11 Studies

It has been argued that the pole damage was faked but the idea that all five poles could have been knocked over, taken away and replaced with poles which were bent and broken, without anyone noticing is hard to believe. CIT has argued that the poles may have been removed and replaced during the previous night but it is still hard to believe that no-one would have noticed. The area was, after all, surrounded by many people, caught in a traffic jam, with their attention sharply focused. No evidence that damage was faked has ever been produced.

2) Flight AA77 on 9/11: New FDR Analysis Supports the Official Flight Path Leading to Impact with the Pentagon
Frank Legge and Warren Stutt, The Journal of 9/11 Studies

The recent complete decoding of the FDR file has enlarged and clarified the information available and has thereby enabled resolution of the contradictions. It is clear that this file supports the official account of the course of flight AA 77 and the consequent impact with the Pentagon. The file thus also supports the majority of eyewitness reports.

3) Dawn Vignola’s Account vs. CIT’s Methods
by Erik Larson

As the plane disappeared from view past the window's North edge, she went over to the window on the North side and watched for the plane, which she had noticed was flying unusually low; she and Tim were accustomed to seeing airplanes flying over the area, including over the Pentagon, as Reagan National Airport is close by. She saw the plane cross in front of the Sheraton Hotel on Columbia Pike, then it disappeared from view behind some nearby buildings. She watched for it to appear in view on the other side of a neighboring apartment building; it did, and she and Tim saw it impact the Pentagon, about 3/4 of a mile away. They did not see the plane fly over- in fact, it hit so low at the base, it looked like it hit the heliport first.

4) Google Earth Exposes Pentagon Flyover Farce
Jim Hoffman, 9-11 Research

The PentaCon and earlier proponents of the 'flyover theory' describe the attack on the Pentagon as a magic trick that, incredibly, succeeded in fooling everyone who witnessed it. The real sleight of hand, however, appears to be on the part of CIT, which has cleverly backgrounded the key presumptions required to buy their theory behind an attention-grabbing drama involving their interviews with a few witnesses -- drama amplified by their accusations of witness complicity in the crime and uncivil responses to their critics. Three such presumptions of CIT's self-referential universe are:

1. The only meaningful eyewitness accounts are those taken by CIT, and the only valid elements of those are the ones that support their theory.
2. A jetliner did not crash at the Pentagon, and all of the apparent impact damage to the surroundings and building, and the plane debris, passenger DNA identification, etc. was faked.
3. The jetliner observed approaching the Pentagon and appearing to crash into it actually overflew the building.

Presumption 1 has been exposed, perhaps most thoroughly, by Arabesque in a series of articles including A Critical Review of 'The PentaCon - Smoking Gun Version'.

Presumption 2 is the subject of my earlier essay The Pentagon Attack: What the Physical Evidence Shows. If you have been persuaded against the crash of a 757 by the paucity of plane parts in post-crash photos, as was I, this article is for you.

Presumption 3 is the subject of this essay. In it, I will show that the flyover theory isn't even remotely plausible, primarily because it would have been observed by hundreds of people around the Pentagon.

5) The CIT Deception - The Plane, The Path, The Poles, The Pentagon

A detailed account of Citizen Investigation Team's manipulation of the evidence relating to the Pentagon on 9/11.

The CIT Deception - pt. 1

The CIT Deception - pt. 2

The CIT Deception - pt. 3

The CIT Deception - pt. 4

The CIT Deception - Supplemental Material

6) To Con a Movement: Exposing CIT's PentaCon 'Magic Show'
Victoria Ashley, 9-11 Review

At the heart of it, what CIT has really created from the witness accounts is an elaborate historical fictional drama focused around the narrow theme of witnesses appearing to describe a different flightpath for the plane that day. Without any viable corroborating evidence for the claim that the plane never hit, but instead flew over the building, the filmmakers instead offer up a fascinating premise:

"Everything was faked!"

So what began as an innocent sounding exploration of discrepancies in eye witness testimony, moves on to "proofs" of how the existing damage incurred during the attack could not have happened from the impact of a large Boeing. A summary of the many "it was faked" claims indicates a somewhat daunting if not entirely ridiculous premise for the "flyover":

* Lamp posts downed by plane impact: faked
* Generator damage by engine impact: faked
* Boeing parts on the ground and inside the building: faked
* Impact hole cutout in the Pentagon matching a 757-sized jetliner: faked
* Recovered DNA identifying Flight 77 passengers and crew: faked
* Recovered victim personal effects provided to family members: faked
* All witnesses to the plane impact: plants or confused about what they saw

7) Joint Statement on the Pentagon: David Chandler and Jon Cole
Overwhelming Evidence of Insider Complicity
David Chandler and Jon Cole, 9/11 Speak Out

CIT has even gone so far as to disparage their own witnesses, accusing the driver of the taxi that was hit by a light pole of being a co-conspirator with the perpetrators of the crime. CIT has gone out of its way to make themselves a highly divisive issue in the 9/11 Truth movement. The “Flyover theory” had recent success in getting main stream media coverage on the Jesse Ventura “Conspiracy Theory” show. Whether CIT in fact represents an orchestrated attempt to splinter the 9/11 Truth Movement or not, it is having a splintering effect. “Divide and Conquer” has a long history, going back to Caesar in the Gallic Wars, and Alexander the Great before him. CIT is attempting to become the public face of the 9/11 Truth Movement. If it succeeds, the 9/11 Truth Movement will be seen as vicious, mean spirited, crazy, and ultimately discredited.

8. A Critical Review of "The PentaCon – Smoking Gun Version"
Pentagon Flyover or “Left/Right” Straw-man Argument?
Arabesque 9/11 Truth

I have showed that although the testimony in the film the PentaCon is largely supported by the overall eyewitness testimony, the conclusion that the plane flew over the Pentagon and that the plane flew north of the CITGO gas station is not supported by any other credible testimony or evidence. Physical evidence corroborated by eyewitness testimony overwhelmingly contradicts the flight path suggested by the PentaCon testimony because the pattern of light pole damage, generator damage, and structural damage inside of the Pentagon strongly indicates an object moving in a straight line was responsible for this physical damage.Furthermore, this evidence is supported by overwhelming eyewitness testimony that a plane hit the Pentagon that indirectly contradicts the north of the CITGO gas station claim.

9) “Debating” What Hit the Pentagon by Exaggeration, Namecalling, and Threats
Gregg Roberts, 911blogger
The Complainers’ fallacies, confusion of facts with conclusions, absurdly improper emphasis on a controversial issue, and various forms of emotional manipulation have gone on long enough. We call upon them all, one more time, to retract and stop their personal attacks, stop rehashing the same arguments, and start taking a scientific and legal approach. Until they do that, and much more conclusive evidence regarding the Pentagon is released than has been released so far, the evidence for the controlled demolition of World Trade Center Building 7 and the Twin Towers will remain the centerpieces of a rational call for a real 9/11 investigation.

10) A dozen questions about Flight 77 and the Pentagon that might lead to justice, and one that won’t
Kevin Ryan, 911 Visibility

The question of what hit the Pentagon leads directly to the question of what happened to the passengers, as Miles Kara was trying to insinuate. That fact was also emphasized by the leading promoter of the “fly-over” theory when he gave a presentation in Europe recently. His presentation ended with the questions he really wanted us to think about.

“Demand answers to the question of what happened to the people on the plane.”

“How did they really die?”

“Where they killed them, how they killed them, I can’t know.”

“I can only know what the witnesses tell me.”[12]

Is this a good way to encourage people to question 9/11, and to bring justice? Obviously not.

Finally, note that “endorsements” are a good way to pit people against each other, and that’s exactly what has been done. There has never been another issue in the truth movement that has required the pursuit of endorsements but, for some reason, this least important question about the Pentagon is promoted as an important issue requiring us to divide into camps. Divide and conquer is the strategy of the intentional disruptor.

In other words, what hit the Pentagon does not bring us closer to justice but actually brings us farther from that goal because it exacerbates the divisions within the truth movement while we waste time. That’s probably why the intentional disruptors and government supporters always drive the conversations to that one question.


The CIT Cult

"Take note of the fact that CIT demands that you agree with everything they say. It's like a cult. If you disagree with anything they say they attack you and accuse you of not being honest. Just like a cult. Also like a cult, the initial claims seem more reasonable than the insanity you will be exposed to later. The initial claim of "North of Citgo" is very reasonable, but once they get you on board with that they expect you to accept the insanity they spew in regards to Lloyde England. They even encourage people to take actions against Lloyde England. It's just like a cult. Members are expected to prove their loyalty with irrational beliefs and actions and when they don't, they get attacked. STAY AWAY FROM CIT. THEY ARE DANGEROUS." - former CIT supporter

by 9/11 Was An Inside Job
The comment above is clearly government propaganda. The government has refused to release the photos from the cameras in the area of the Pentagon, which they snatched from all cameras immediately after their attack on the Pentagon, which has its own self-defense system, as well as the benefit of the excellent air defense we have over this country, paid for with millions of our tax dollars. One photo that was released does not show a huge jet landing in the Pentagon on the ground floor. It was not possible for any pilot to make the fancy maneuver that the government claims the CIA-double mythical hijacker made.

As to planes, not even the government claims a plane hit Building 7. No plane hit Building 7. The government claims Building 7 and the Twin Towers somehow collapsed due to fires, an impossibility for huge, heavily reinforced steel frame buildings. The government has continually changed its story, just as it is now continually changing its story on the second killing of Bin Laden, now claiming there was no firefight, and refuses to release photos of this second killing. Of course, we can only die once. Bin Laden died in December 2001. This scene of illegal mass murder was to bolster the failed campaign of Obama. The Democrats need the Black workingclass vote to win, and they lost that long time ago as the economy gets worse daily. They can only win by election fraud. This is an act of desperation and it is outrageous that we did not hear that on KPFA, nor the story of Bin Laden's first death and the fact that he was just the pre-arranged fall guy for an obvious military operation. There is no people's liberation struggle anywhere that could or would carry out such an operation. ONLY THE US GOVERNMENT, mouthpiece of the US capitalist class, had the MOTIVE, MEANS AND OPPORTUNITY TO PERPETRATE THE 9/11 INSIDE JOB. And for those of you who missed basic government in school: Criminals are supposed to be charged with crimes, people are innocent until proven guilty, evidence is supposed to be presented in open court, the defendants have a right to cross-examine witnesses, and a jury of the defendant's peers is supposed to observe the entire trial and come to a decision as to whether the defendant is guilty of the crimes charged. Obama is just another Hitler. If you want change, you have to vote Peace & Freedom or Green. Cynthia McKinney, the Green Party candidate for President in 2008, is a staunch supporter of the 9/11 Truth Movement. For more on these 2 parties, see:
by Konsider
Are you people's posts long enough? Do you really think someone is actually going to sit down in front of their computer for an hour listening to you rant about the various stuff they should read. It's not that you're wrong, it's just that I don't see the point in waiting to convert the "masses". Maybe if we repeat that Bin Laden died of kidney failure enough times, people will all of sudden say "hey, maybe there's something to this, I'll read a book by David Ray Griffin"!

It's not that there are not some top notch articles out there about this subject, particularly the stuff on, it's just that I don't see the point in writing a comment that's actually longer than the article itself. I was overwhelmed when I saw that comment above, I was like "holy shit, is this person crazy, or obsessed or something?"

Unfortunately I find alot of 911 truthers coming off like this, it's as though the truth about 911, and Osama Bin Laden is a theology or something.
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