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Greg Suhr is San Francisco's Police Chief - a man who will serve all of San Francisco.

by Francisco Da Costa
Gregory Suhr is San Francisco's new Police Chief. Time, we had a good person from San Francisco who comprehends every aspect of Operations, the necessary protocol and has served all San Franciscans - well. The Chief has the support of all segments of the community and also the the members of the rank and file in the SF Police Department. His last assignment - the Bayview Hunters Point Police Station on Williams Street. We wish him well - in this difficult task to serve those that need help most. To uphold Quality of Life issues in San Francisco - a world class City.
It is not easy to be the Chief of Police in our great City. We have a population of 816,000 and a day population that can top one and half million.

Today, we have a man who will take this job seriously and we are proud to have as our own Police Chief - Chief Gregory Suhr.

I have known Chief Greg Suhr for many years - and have openly supported him - he is a good man and will serve all San Franciscans as best he can.

Our great City and County of San Francisco is going through some difficult times. Thousands have been spent to address Community Policing, and all types of models have been put forth - but in all these vague ploys and machinations - we have had no sound "leadership".

Our Captains have been moved and continuity and stability - disrupted. Such dysfunctional happenings must come to an end.

Chief Greg Suhr comprehends logistics and operations - he has the support of the rank and file in our SF Police Department. He has the ear of the community - and all through the many years he has served - he has given his best.

Now, some of the nay sayers may say he made some mistakes - and that is true - but, he has been man enough to admit them and more to move forward with a very positive attitude. Chief Greg Suhr is not a proud man, he is a humble man - and he is a very good leader.

Some years ago - outsiders were introduced into our Law Enforcement System - and the first thing these outside forces did was chide our local SF Law Enforcement Officers. We must now be vigilant - and first nurture our own and then in unity - move forward.

For over 30 years Chief Greg Suhr has served all of San Francisco - and all through these years I have kept in touch with our Chief - who will do us San Franciscans proud. The last five years have not been easy for Chief Greg Suhr - but, he will be the first to admit - that he has learned a lot - he truly understands the plight of those Police Officers who work long hours and serve well. He also understands the areas that need to be fixed without going through red tape. He is also cognizant of the dirty politics and more.

Now, it the time for healing - now, is the time to bring all people together and join Chief Greg Suhr to take us to a better place.

I know that the rank and file is pleased - I have a gut feeling that the Police Officers Association and the leadership will make it easy for the Chief - to help San Franciscans and address Quality of Life issues.

This is the time to address the moral of the San Francisco Law Enforcement.

To srart the dialog with all the City's Department to serve our City as best all these Department's can - in unity, to better address Quality of Life issues.

Law Enforcement is not an easy task - and when it comes to policing that are a million ways to talk about this, that and the other. Bottom line it is about "trust" and "working" in our many neighborhoods. In our neighborhoods, we the people must take care of our neighbors. And when those that break the law, other trouble makers infringe on the rights of others - we the people must step forward to address Quality of Life issues.

Only as a last resort - we must call the police.

We all are free and treasure our freedom. There is freedom and there is license. Abuse of freedom is license. Now, not all of the police officers are as they ought to be - do not get me wrong - but, we must learn - how to fix this with good leadership. With Chief Greg Suhr we are poised to do this - perhaps for the first time in fifteen years.

If we want Quality of Life issues we must take charge for the betterment - in our neighborhoods.

Our so called Representatives the District Supervisors must step up and serve. Live up to the many promises made when they are running for elections - but, when they are elected - think they can do as they please.

Crime is on the increase in San Francisco - not so much the killings and shootings - but the thefts, the assaults, and so on.

We all must keep vigilant and we must work closely with all City Departments and the SF Police Stations Captains and other Police Officers - to put our best foot forward.

Sound Community Policing is the order of the day.

This announcement of Chief Greg Suhr must spur all of us to work hard for the good of our community in San Francisco.

This announcement is a breath of fresh air.

It must be a new era - for too long we have shunned our own Police Officers - and now we must rally around our leadership, permanent leadership and take our City to a better place.

I call upon my supporters to help the Chief of Police our very own Gregory Suhr. God Bless America.

I call upon the youth - to speak up and bring your solutions to Chief Greg Suhr.

Time we have a liaison appointed to inter-act between the youth and the Chief. The same with our Elders. The same with those that are mentally and physically challenged. The same in areas where safety is neglected and the constituenents not - respected.

Bottom line - this is a new era, in very difficult times - but we have a good leader and in unity must move forward.

Francisco Da Costa
Environmental Justice Advocacy
by c
thanks Francisco - I was looking for some coverage of this on indybay, and I looked up some links relating to Suhr's background. He was the Mission police captain in 2005 (after the famous fajitagate coverup of a thuggish attack by a young officer on a random person on the street).
He lead the police special events squad in monitoring the G8 protest that summer, which was a total fiasco, and Suhr made many poor decisions that evening. first, he directed a hyperaggressive response towards the demonstrators by calling the protest illegal because they didn't have a permit, and started arresting people who brought stereos for music etc. Next, he ordered half of the special events police to a different area, and didn't tell nearby beat officers what was going on. Then he ignored radio calls as though he had gone awol for 20 min while he stopped for a sandwich, and he lied to Chief Fong about it. She passive aggressively assigned him to protect the city's water supply from terrorism.

Description of Chief Fong getting irritated with Suhr
by Karthik Rajan
in the FIRST line you wrote GOOF, when youe mean "good".
by Daffy Duck
Congratulations Greg!! Its about time the city picks somebody who knows and understands the rank and file and who also knows San Francisco intimately!! Good job Mr Lee
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