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Indybay Feature
SF Workers Memorial Day Event
Thursday, April 28, 2011
7:00 PM
9:00 PM
Event Type:
California Coalition For Workers Memorial Day
Location Details:
801 2nd St./Embarcadero next to AT&T Park
San Francisco
San Francisco
Defend Health & Safety, And Healthcare
For Injured Workers And All Working People
Thursday April 28, 2011 7:00 PM
At: ILWU Local 34
801 2nd St./Embarcadero St. SF
April 28, 2011 is an international commemoration day
for injured workers and workers killed on the job. Join
us in San Francisco, where workers and worker advo-
cates will speak out to remember workers who have
died on the job and workers who are fighting for their
healthcare. This is also the 100th anniversary of the
Triangle Fire in New York city where 146 workers per-
Today in California, 192 Ca-OSHA inspectors continue to be furloughed, and the medical unit for Cali-
fornia’s 17 million workers has been eliminated. There is only 1 part time doctor at 50% time. Addition-
ally, the American College for Occupational and Environmental Medicine (ACOEM) and insurance and
employer industry medical group supported by the US Chamber of Commerce has illegally inserted their
medical guidelines into California workers compensation law.
Workers including TWU 250 A Muni operators, hospital workers and others will speak out on their health
and safety conditions, and the fight for justice on the job. Injured workers are being denied treatment as
a result of the deregulation of workers comp in SB 899, and the permanent disability was cut by 50%
with no vocational training for new jobs. In addition, under insurance/employer/drug industry controlled
ACOEM guidelines, workers are being denied treatment for mold in the workplace and other serious
workplace injuries.
We need to speak out to protect our health and safety and fight for healthcare for all.
Initial List of Speakers:
Dorian Maxwell, TWU 250 A SF Muni operator
Daniel Berman, Author “Death On The Job”
Trent Willis, ILWU Local 10 & ILWU Coast Safety Committee Member
Ken Nishiyama Atha, Regional Director OSHA Regional Administrator Region 9
Charles Rachlis, Asso. Industrial Hygienist Health & Safety Officer, California Department of
Public Health*, CAPS member
Chris Coghlan, TWU 250 A SF Muni Operator
Patrick Wilkes, Injured worker from Old Republic Title Company
Mike Daly, Ironworkers Local 377, Delegate to San Francisco Labor Council
Sponsored by California Coalition For Workers Memorial Day
Endorsed by San Francisco Labor Council AFL-CIO
If you would like to endorse and participate please contact: lvpsf(at)
SF Labor Council Demands The Gov Jerry Brown Ends Furlough Of Ca-OSHA Inspectors & Restore Medical Unit
Resolution to Protect Health & Safety at Ca-OHSA, End the Ca-OSHA
Inspector Furloughs & Hire Medical Professionals for Cal-OSHA
Whereas, the protection of the health and safety of California's workers is critical;
Whereas, the 196 Ca-OSHA inspectors have been furloughed by previous
Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger; and
Whereas, these inspectors salaries are paid for by grants and premiums from
Workers Compensation Insurance; and
Whereas, their salaries have nothing to do with the state budget crisis; and
Whereas, the impact of a 3 day a month furlough has a dangerous impact on the
ability of these inspectors to enforce the rules and regulations of Ca-OSHA and
protect the safety and health of California workers and the public; and
Whereas, the furloughs continue under Governor Jerry Brown's administration;
Whereas, there are more Fish and Game Inspectors than Ca-OSHA inspectors in
California; and
Whereas, Under Governor Schwarzenegger only one half time doctor at Ca-
OSHA remains for California's 17 million workers; and
Whereas, new dangers and diseases in biotech and nano-tech require professional
medical training with MD's for investigation; and
Whereas, the right of California's workforce to have a professional medical staff
in Ca-OSHA is crucial to their health and safety protection; and
Whereas, in commemoration of the 100th anniversary of the Triangle Shirtwaist
Fire which killed 146 mostly Jewish and Italian immigrant garment workers in
New York and the need to commemorate their fight for health and safety then and
Therefore be it Resolved that the San Francisco Labor Council calls for the
immediate cancellation of all furloughs of Ca-OSHA inspectors and the full
staffing of 7 doctors for a professional medical staff unit in Ca-OSHA to protect
the health and safety of California worker and,
Be it Further Resolved that this Council supports the San Francisco Workers Memorial
Day in San Francisco on April 28, 2011 at ILWU Local 34 initiated by the California
Coalition For Workers Memorial Day and
Be it Finally Resolved the SFLC calls on all other affiliated bodies and organizations to
concur in this action and to send letters to their California legislative representatives and
California Governor Jerry Brown for action on these requests.
Submitted by David Williams, SEIU 1021, and adopted by the San Francisco Labor
Council on April 11, 2011.
Tim Paulson
Executive Director
For Injured Workers And All Working People
Thursday April 28, 2011 7:00 PM
At: ILWU Local 34
801 2nd St./Embarcadero St. SF
April 28, 2011 is an international commemoration day
for injured workers and workers killed on the job. Join
us in San Francisco, where workers and worker advo-
cates will speak out to remember workers who have
died on the job and workers who are fighting for their
healthcare. This is also the 100th anniversary of the
Triangle Fire in New York city where 146 workers per-
Today in California, 192 Ca-OSHA inspectors continue to be furloughed, and the medical unit for Cali-
fornia’s 17 million workers has been eliminated. There is only 1 part time doctor at 50% time. Addition-
ally, the American College for Occupational and Environmental Medicine (ACOEM) and insurance and
employer industry medical group supported by the US Chamber of Commerce has illegally inserted their
medical guidelines into California workers compensation law.
Workers including TWU 250 A Muni operators, hospital workers and others will speak out on their health
and safety conditions, and the fight for justice on the job. Injured workers are being denied treatment as
a result of the deregulation of workers comp in SB 899, and the permanent disability was cut by 50%
with no vocational training for new jobs. In addition, under insurance/employer/drug industry controlled
ACOEM guidelines, workers are being denied treatment for mold in the workplace and other serious
workplace injuries.
We need to speak out to protect our health and safety and fight for healthcare for all.
Initial List of Speakers:
Dorian Maxwell, TWU 250 A SF Muni operator
Daniel Berman, Author “Death On The Job”
Trent Willis, ILWU Local 10 & ILWU Coast Safety Committee Member
Ken Nishiyama Atha, Regional Director OSHA Regional Administrator Region 9
Charles Rachlis, Asso. Industrial Hygienist Health & Safety Officer, California Department of
Public Health*, CAPS member
Chris Coghlan, TWU 250 A SF Muni Operator
Patrick Wilkes, Injured worker from Old Republic Title Company
Mike Daly, Ironworkers Local 377, Delegate to San Francisco Labor Council
Sponsored by California Coalition For Workers Memorial Day
Endorsed by San Francisco Labor Council AFL-CIO
If you would like to endorse and participate please contact: lvpsf(at)
SF Labor Council Demands The Gov Jerry Brown Ends Furlough Of Ca-OSHA Inspectors & Restore Medical Unit
Resolution to Protect Health & Safety at Ca-OHSA, End the Ca-OSHA
Inspector Furloughs & Hire Medical Professionals for Cal-OSHA
Whereas, the protection of the health and safety of California's workers is critical;
Whereas, the 196 Ca-OSHA inspectors have been furloughed by previous
Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger; and
Whereas, these inspectors salaries are paid for by grants and premiums from
Workers Compensation Insurance; and
Whereas, their salaries have nothing to do with the state budget crisis; and
Whereas, the impact of a 3 day a month furlough has a dangerous impact on the
ability of these inspectors to enforce the rules and regulations of Ca-OSHA and
protect the safety and health of California workers and the public; and
Whereas, the furloughs continue under Governor Jerry Brown's administration;
Whereas, there are more Fish and Game Inspectors than Ca-OSHA inspectors in
California; and
Whereas, Under Governor Schwarzenegger only one half time doctor at Ca-
OSHA remains for California's 17 million workers; and
Whereas, new dangers and diseases in biotech and nano-tech require professional
medical training with MD's for investigation; and
Whereas, the right of California's workforce to have a professional medical staff
in Ca-OSHA is crucial to their health and safety protection; and
Whereas, in commemoration of the 100th anniversary of the Triangle Shirtwaist
Fire which killed 146 mostly Jewish and Italian immigrant garment workers in
New York and the need to commemorate their fight for health and safety then and
Therefore be it Resolved that the San Francisco Labor Council calls for the
immediate cancellation of all furloughs of Ca-OSHA inspectors and the full
staffing of 7 doctors for a professional medical staff unit in Ca-OSHA to protect
the health and safety of California worker and,
Be it Further Resolved that this Council supports the San Francisco Workers Memorial
Day in San Francisco on April 28, 2011 at ILWU Local 34 initiated by the California
Coalition For Workers Memorial Day and
Be it Finally Resolved the SFLC calls on all other affiliated bodies and organizations to
concur in this action and to send letters to their California legislative representatives and
California Governor Jerry Brown for action on these requests.
Submitted by David Williams, SEIU 1021, and adopted by the San Francisco Labor
Council on April 11, 2011.
Tim Paulson
Executive Director
For more information:
Added to the calendar on Sat, Apr 23, 2011 9:32AM
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