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KPFA and Pacifica Foundation 6-Month Financial Statements

by Tracy Rosenberg
Here are the preliminary income statements for the Pacifica Foundation and for local unit KPFA at the half-year point of the currrent fiscal year - March 31, 2011. I am very happy to report a surplus of $948,000 ($692,000 more than anticipated in the budget) for the Pacifica Foundation as a whole and a surplus of $79,000 at KPFA ($75,000 more than anticipated in the budget). At this time one year ago, KPFA posted a $293,000 deficit and was halfway to an annual operating deficit of almost $600,000. Brief KPFA narrative below. Income statements are attached as PDF's.
This data is presented in the interest of financial transparency to KPFA's community.

KPFA's position is greatly improved over the first six months of the 2011 fiscal year, although after two years of $500,000 plus losses in 2009 and 2010, it is more fragile than one would like.

Robust performance at the other 4 stations in the Pacifia network (all posted a surplus except WBAI in New York, which reduced its operating deficit 75% from 2010 numbers) provide a stronger base for the network. The extent of the turnaround, if it can be sustained for the rest of the year, is impressive given the dismal economic conditions in the country as a whole.

Notes on KPFA's income statements:

Year over Year Comparison
March 31, 2010 (Operating Deficit/Surplus) - (-293,000)
March 31, 2011 (Operating Deficit/Surplus) - +79,000

Improvement at KPFA over the last 12-month period - +372,000

Revenue: Revenue is pretty much as expected in the budget with a slight bump in the overall totals from the unplanned week of fundraising in December of 2010. Areas of shortfall from what was expected include a bit less from the December crafts fair than was hoped (which probably has a relationship to rain on the weekend of the event), weakness in website income, and $60,000 in anticipated grant funding that has not arrived. Net over budget equals $163,000

Expenses: Net salaries and benefits are now at approximately 50% of total revenue, which seems manageable and better than the 67% of total revenue that KPFA approached in mid-2009. There is a $10,000 a month overrun in wages that is somewhat offset by savings in reduced health benefit payments. Board meeting and election expenses have been economized, coming in at 67% of budget.

Areas of administrative overrun include telephone expenses higher than anticipated, a tax/filing penalty of some kind and additional legal fees stemming from the 13(?) or so employee grievances filed around the layoffs and associated conflict and 2 election lawsuits filed by Save KPFA. That said, given the 15 different matters, expenses are limited and insufficient to return the station to the six-figure operating deficits of the previous two fiscal years.

In development expense, which in the aggregate is in line with what was anticipated, postage expense for both direct mail and premium shipping are way higher than planned, so the station seems to have sent extra direct mail and underestimated premium shipping costs. The only other significant unplanned expense is a building improvement of $31,000 that was unbudgeted.

Without that presumably emergency outlay, the operating surplus would be $112,00 for the six month period.

Please feel free to email me at the above address if there are any questions regarding the enclosed statements and I will be happy to try to answer or find out the answers to your inquiries. All numbers are of course, preliminary, until the 2011 audit and review is completed in early 2012.

Thank you for your support of KPFA and Pacifica.
by Tracy Rosenberg
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by Chris Stehlik
If Pacifica management didn't violate the union contract(or at least seem to), there wouldn't be costs for lawyers.
We were told at a department heads meeting that Pacifica was in debt to Democracy Now for about $500,000 and to Free Speech Radio News for an unknown sum. Where will the surplus be going ? Will it pay those items off?
Can the 2 days of exclusive Pacifica fundraising that is being tacked on to the end of KPFA's upcoming May drive (which was only announced in late March and then postponed) be canceled now ?
by A Bit Ditzy
If Pacifica management didn't take the actions last fall that it did, then KPFA with its former payroll obligations would be in the red by $250,000. Net savings even with the totally unnecessary legal maneuverings is $200,000 in the first six months of the year. I guess they could've gone for the CWA-preferred $500,000 annual loss, but that is harder to pull off when your bank account is at $28,000 then it was when the bank account was at $780,000.

Surpluses go to pay bills. Otherwise it's called embezzling. Pacifica had that problem in New York and in Berkeley with checks being squirreled away in drawers and such, but the employees who did use funds to pay bills have now been removed from foundation employment.

No the two days of extra fundraising won't be canceled. There's a lot of debt piled up from last year when several of the stations, including KPFA, failed to pay their shared expenses contributions because of big operating deficits.
by Chris Stehlik
It would be nice to have an official answer from a management person with a real name. What bills are going to be paid with the apparent windfall.

The numbers quoted may be of limited use. If this is just a comparison vs the budget, then it excludes Pacifica's huge debt to Democracy Now and can't really be called a surplus.
by Duh
If you want a real answer to your question, go talk to a real management person and don't post a snide inquiry on Indybay.

And use your head. If Pacifica has a surplus of $948,000 over budget, and owes Democracy Now a few hundred thousand dollars, as well as a few other vendors it could not possibly pay when 3 of the 5 stations were not contributing to the shared expenses fund (central services)), then as soon as the station's remit the funds they are scheduled to pay, then the funds will be sent to vendors with past due bills.

What is so confusing about this?
by Stop Thug Hallinan Gang
Many scam artists appeared to have cornered the market on affiliate marketing education. Their sites use aliases, bogus whois info, servers in different states, businesses registered in another state or country and phone number, if they even displayed one. What are they hiding?

One day, after many years researching, a link appeared on Armand Morin’s blog referencing someone posting a link to Al-Qaeda. A number of their faces match the FBI’s MOST WANTED TERRORISTS.

Below are some wanted terrorists, a number for U.S. embassy bombings in Kenya & Indonesia. Do these two places ring any bells?

Search Google Images for;

Mark Joyner Simpleology-Seif Al Adel (Sarah Palin’s book Palinology)

John Ferrero-Ramadan Shallah

Yaro Starak-Umar Patek

Armand Morin-Noordin M Top (said to have been killed in Indonesia and now removed from the FBI’s most wanted list)

Michael Filsaime-Ali Sayyid Muhamed Mustafa al-Bakri (Die Hard 4 “Fire Sale” The cyber attack on our infrastructure)

Dr. Mani Sivasubramanian-Ammar Mansour Bouslim

Carl Galletti-Ahmed Garbaya, Samir Salwwan

Ted Ciuba-Abdul Rahman Yasin

Willie Crawford-Mohammed

Shay Patil-Atiyah Abd al-Rahman

Many get rich quick scams serve as product placement for new cutting edge internet technologies, and logos. The people appearing in testimonials are part of the expansion of this organization and are often pitching other high priced products and services. They all appear to link to one another through their marketing strategies and ability to optimize in search rankings.

Between the aliases the use, and the way in which they speak about things, everything they do has double meaning. Here is a code of look a likes pitching all sorts of stuff who are interconnected.

Selling a program on making millions online is Professor James Bradley who looks like the Pentagon bomber Bill Ayers.

Jay Conrad Levinson is behind a number of “guerilla” marketing and advertising books. He looks like George Soros, who’s last name is a (palin)drome. Soros has been credited for collapsing a number of nation’s currencies.

The Super Affiliate Handbook is sold by someone who looks like Jill Biden, her name is Rosalind Gardner. Some people appear to represent people, more in how they pose, rather then a direct look a like. Stephen Pierce appears to represent radical Van Jones, Brett McFall-Austan Goolsbee, John Childers-Andy Stern, and Jay Abraham as Ayman al-Zawahri.

Problem with your Google Adwords Pay Per Click ads and can’t get a straight answer from Google? You could try Yanik Silver who looks a lot like Sergei Brin, but he probably won’t know. He sells 33 Days to Online Profits (prophets.) Why not try Perry Marshall, who looks like Obama’s priest Reverend Pfleger? He sells The Definitive Guide To Google Adwords, infringing upon Google’s trademark.

Many more can be seen at Lorrie Morgan Ferrero’s website such as; 72 Virgin Records Richard Branson, & White House Party Crashers the Salahi’s with Valerie Jarrett’s daughter Laura.

The Rich Jerk sent out emails promoting Stompernet in Atlanta Georgia. The staff included Brad Fallon, an airline pilot, and Eben Pagan selling a seminar "Get Altitude". 3 days after reporting this code to the FBI, Delta in Atlanta canceled a large number of flights due to safety reasons. In the Youtube videos related to the Rich Jerk, it appears that Mark Cuban is the Rich Jerk. He’s the billionaire who owns the Dallas Maverick’s basketball team. Another guy claiming to be Robert Johnson Rich Jerk is Tony Rezko.

Obama announced his run for office on Oprah Winfrey’s show. Have you ever noticed that Oprah’s shopping friend Gayle King looks a lot like Whitney Houston? Did you ever think that her name could be a code, Whit_ney White-Hous_ton House?

In my strongest opinion this is the last piece of the puzzle, Osama Bin Laden is also a spokesperson, and a look-a-like. Osama represents Obama/Biden (Bi)n La(den.)

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