From the Open-Publishing Calendar
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Indybay Feature

10th Annual Pagan Festival & Parade

Saturday, May 07, 2011
10:00 AM - 6:00 PM
Event Type:
Arlynne Camire
Location Details:
Berkeley's Civic Center Park, AT MLK JR way and Center St. 1 block from Downtown Berkeley BART.

Pagan Alliance Presents
2010 Pagan Festival: Celebrating 10 Years of Pagan Pride
Saturday, May 7, 2011
10:00 am to 5:30 pm
Keeper of the Light: Keeper of the Light - Rabbit Matthews

Honoring 10 Years of Grand Marshals & Keepers of the Light.

Master of Ceremonies: Shay Black (Celtic Singer and Instrumentalist) & Diana Rowan (Singer and Musician)

Music, Dance, Stage Performances, Speakers, Pagan Pride Parade in the streets of Berkeley, Temple of Change, Altars, Public Ritual, Vendors, Story Telling Pavilion, Disaster Preparedness Pavilion, Authors Circle, Arts & Crafts Pavilion, Info Booths and Program/Resource Guide.

We will again be collecting Donations for the Alameda County Food Bank. This year the Pagan Alliance is partnering with the Upper Midwest Pagan Alliance to do a project to aid our community in collecting personal and magical supplies for Pagan soldiers in the Iraq and Afghanistan war zones.

Visit the vendors to buy your loved ones gifts for Mother's Day and Graduation.

Volunteers Wanted. Please sign-up on our website.

When: Saturday, May 7th, 2011
Time: 10:00 am to 5:30 pm
Where: Civic Center Park, Berkeley, California
Martin Luther King Jr. Way (between Center and Allston)
2151 Martin Luther King Jr. Way , Berkeley CA 94704
Downtown/Southeast Berkeley
Next to Farmers Market
Downtown Berkeley BART
1 block west to Civic Center Park
Carpooling is encouraged.
Public Garage Parking Available

Transportation Info to Downtown Berkeley

Awards and Prizes for Best Float and Best Costume!

Performers include:

Shay Black
Diana Rowan
The Mano Cherga Band
Amelia Hogan
Circle of Dionysos
Kettlefish (of Land of the Blind)
Beltaine's Fire
Pepper Alexandria's Ghawazee
Ariellah-Dark Fusion & Tribal Belly Dance
Paige Lawrence
Sirens in Sanity
Goddess Force
Speakers include:

joi wolfwomyn
Diana Paxson
M. Macha Nightmare
Max Dashu
Morpheus Ravenna
Don Frew

Best Costume prizes for Youth and Adults!
Best Float prize!
Volunteers, Vendors and Info Booths Wanted!

Accessibility assistance available. Contact Arlynne Camire, Exective Director at arlynne [at] or 510-872-1188
Added to the calendar on Thu, Apr 14, 2011 2:05PM
We are 100% volunteer and depend on your participation to sustain our efforts!


$315.00 donated
in the past month

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